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  1. Z.W. Wolf

    SpaceX Falcon 9 Captures Video of its own Contrail from Space

    Well... It's mislabeled 2014. This is the same launch and the video was published in June, 2015
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    SpaceX Falcon 9 Captures Video of its own Contrail from Space

    But don't feel bad. This is a very nice find. A rocket trail photo from space is rare or maybe unique. I've never seen one, anyway.
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    SpaceX Falcon 9 Captures Video of its own Contrail from Space

    The camera is in the payload fairing. But the fairing doesn't ride with the spacecraft until payload separation as you might expect. It gets jettisoned about 4 minutes after launch. Edit: 199 seconds - per the graphic you included in your post. I've found an article which explains this very...
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    SpaceX Falcon 9 Captures Video of its own Contrail from Space

    It's the contrail from the rocket launch... Nice find though.
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    Measuring Horizon Drop And Earth's Equatorial Bulge From Rocket Launches

    To summarize and head off objections. The horizon dipping below the initial line can't be explained away by tilt, because the rocket rotates around its major axis. If the rocket were tilted and rotating we would get this kind of view. What that ride looks like. It's tilted and rotating...
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    Just a few posts above yours is a recognizable photo of the moon. Just scroll up. Do you really need to have someone explain silhouette to you? Okay here goes. The sun is behind them and... Jiminy, I can't go on.
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    The same old confusion. The umbra is not the shadow. And it's not a different shadow. It's just the darkest part of the shadow. And it's smaller than the shadow as a whole.
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    Yes, Regulus. I'm still working on the dimmer two to the right. Edit: The binary star system, Nu Leonis. Mars, Venus and Mercury are too many degrees away from the sun to be seen in this photo.
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    Explained: Coast Guard Geographic Range Table promoted by flat earthers

    ... of the arguments being presented by FE believers. You've given us a second hand account. Can you give us a first hand example? I just want to be sure what it is they are actually arguing. Is this just one isolated thing you've run across, or are there more?
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    Explained: Coast Guard Geographic Range Table promoted by flat earthers

    Bobbing the light. One of our members describes practical experience at sea: An explanation of the technique from: You can use...
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    Explained: Coast Guard Geographic Range Table promoted by flat earthers

    Could you give us a few first hand examples? These tables have been used for hundreds of years, btw. Brief history of the American Practical Navigator [or Bowditch] from Wiki: The most popular navigational text of the late 18th century was The New Practical Navigator by John Hamilton Moore...
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    The model I cited above also gives us a visual solution to another seeming paradox: If the moon's shadow moves from west to east because it's outpacing the counterclockwise rotation of the earth, why doesn't the moon move from west to east in the sky during the day? The key: It's a straight...
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    I found this very good YT video. The author has built a scale model. The movement of the earth and moon models can be measured in degrees to a good precision. He takes us through 12 hours. The moon moves through 6 degrees of its orbital path. You notice these two little marks on here...
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    In the original post I covered one variation of a basic claim. The basic claim should read: The solar eclipse disproves the sphere earth. There are many variations, but there is one thing they share: They get into trouble when they do not use a proper visual model of the situation in true...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    Why some people fall down the rabbit hole

    I don't know anything about public banking, but I do agree that wealth inequality is a major fire under the cauldron at this time. It's traditional to compare the US to the Roman Empire. Decadence, bread and circuses, and all that. But I think a more apt and thoughtful comparison can be made...
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    The earth rotates around its own axis eastward. Or put another way, as viewed from the north star Polaris, the earth turns counterclockwise. Because of this we see the moon travel across our sky from east to west during the day. But during the upcoming solar eclipse the moon's shadow...
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    All The Ships At Sea: A Pragmatic Test Of Earth's Shape

    This is a real time interactive map. There are also detailed maps of the world's shipping routes.
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain

    I insist that the simplest proof is that the shape and size of the earth has been tested millions of times by people traveling across it.
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    Debunked: Telescope Distances of Billions of Light Years are impossible

    Yes, I'm generalizing to get to the more meta level... This is a good example of a common problem. The conversation starts too far into the subject, with the two parties beginning with different basic assumptions. I've seen numerous arguments between FE believers and globeheads that are...
  20. Z.W. Wolf

    Debunked: Telescope Distances of Billions of Light Years are impossible

    Right! This thread is an example of people talking past each other. The OP is confused about what the inverse square law is saying and the members responding to him never realized it. The OP thinks that light is pooping out rather than spreading out. Rather than fewer photons, he thinks the...