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  1. Z.W. Wolf

    Full-Disk HD Images of the Earth from Satellites

    Picture two cars on the freeway next to each other, both going the same speed. They're both moving but they stay next to each other. You could talk to the guy in the other car. That's a beginning, but unlike a car, the earth is spinning. A better analogy: picture yourself with your child on...
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    Flat Earth Theory Debunked by Short Flights (QF27 & QF28) From Australia to South America

    I understand. But I'm granting them something, at least. In this video, the author is trying to prove something that's not relevant to our conversation, but he's also assuming something that is. This is the midnight sun from somewhere within the arctic circle. What the FE believers think...
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    Flat Earth Theory Debunked by Short Flights (QF27 & QF28) From Australia to South America

    There are commercial flights that land at the actual South Pole. More than one, I believe. They're just south of 50,000 USD per person. But since this is such a monumentally important subject to FE believers and there...
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    Flat Earth Theory Debunked by Short Flights (QF27 & QF28) From Australia to South America

    Is there a flight that follows that route?
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    Mistakes I made on my Joe Rogan Experience Flat Earth Episode

    FE believers say that a circumnavigation of the flat earth would simply mean going in a circle around the north pole by keeping a constant east or west heading. The compass would continue to point north throughout the circular path. You would follow a (flat earth) line of latitude. They also...
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    A DIY Theodolite for Measuring the Dip of the Horizon

    The brightness and contrast of the inverted image is much better! So good that I can see very little difference from the normal image.
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Full-Disk HD Images of the Earth from Satellites

    Paraphrased reactions I've already gotten or seen in YT comments: -Cracks me up. You actually think this is real? -Where are the stars? -Clouds don't move. -You see the hot spot (which means the specular reflection of the sun) on the ocean, but you never see it on the land. So, they just...
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    The P900 Rippling Orb Effect & Taking Photos of Venus

    Oops, you're right. I wasn't paying attention. Ironic since, my story about Jupiter included checking the positions of the moons at the time.
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    Flight Tracking Over Oceans and Emergency Landings

    Here's something I made with Google Earth two years ago. But since FE believers prefer real objects this YT video author uses a string on a globe. The string should be stretched a little bit tighter but this physically demonstrates that a great circle is the shortest route between two...
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    The P900 Rippling Orb Effect & Taking Photos of Venus

    It looks as if the Great Red Spot is there too. With that kind of resolution you must be seeing the Galilean moons. Sixteen years ago, in the early days of the Internet I ran across a UFOlogist who was capturing a mysterious object over several nights with a camcorder. He ironically remarked...
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    San Mateo Bridge to Bay Bridge 17 mile curvature test

    Here's a good inferior mirage photo taken from another thread right here in this MB. What is it? It's this. Not at the same moment and not the same angle, but you can see the same table. Explanation: This was taken through a powerful telephoto lens from a boat on Lake Balaton in...
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    San Mateo Bridge to Bay Bridge 17 mile curvature test

    But he's not taking it into account in his calculations. His calculations assume the camera is at ZERO FEET above the water.
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    San Mateo Bridge to Bay Bridge 17 mile curvature test

    You should be clear what an inferior mirage is. Everyone has seen inferior mirages on the road. What is the light "reflecting" off of? The answer: it's not reflecting. The light is refracting. The road surface is hot. There's a layer of hot air just above the road. Hot air is less dense...
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    Earth curvature refraction experiments - debunking flat/concave Earth

    Let's talk about how light really travels. In Sphere Earth theory it travels in a straight line - with only very slight deviations due to atmospheric refraction. FE theory demands that light bend like a bow. I'll show you why. Be honest now, have you ever really seen a plane go under the...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: Flu vaccine from multi-dose vials Use Too Much Mercury

    That was in 1999 and appears to be hyper caution from a government agency because there were no established guidelines at the time. The FDA is a bureaucratic organization and bureaucrats work within guidelines. They had no guideline so they used another one that was most similar. I'll have to...
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: Flu vaccine from multi-dose vials Use Too Much Mercury A single Thimerosal-preserved flu vaccine contains 25 micrograms of ethylmercury. If the EPA RfD for ingested methylmercury is applied to this injected ethylmercury figure, an individual would...
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    Earth curvature refraction experiments - debunking flat/concave Earth

    Yes. Absolutely. First step: Become familiar with the night sky. Learn the constellations and the stars. You'll get to the point where the night sky is as familiar to you as your neighborhood. I can pick out some individual stars through windows in cloud layers without even seeing the...
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    Earth curvature refraction experiments - debunking flat/concave Earth

    "Standard refraction" is an idealized concept. If the atmosphere were "perfect" this is the amount of refraction we would expect. Since actual refraction can be more or less it's a rule of thumb. If there are different thermal layers with different refractive indexes causing some atmospheric...
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    Earth curvature refraction experiments - debunking flat/concave Earth

    About "atmospheric lensing." There's no such thing. FE believers invented this term, apparently mixing up two things: gravitational lensing and atmospheric refraction. About "humidity in the air" causing atmospheric lensing or atmospheric refraction. This is another casual folk belief that FE...
  20. Z.W. Wolf

    Earth curvature refraction experiments - debunking flat/concave Earth

    What's wrong here: Skiba puts the camera below the level of the table. As the camera pulls back the edge of the table obscures the bottom of the photo. The lens is not a factor. This "trick" isn't unique to Skiba. It's been debunked innumerable times, but keeps popping up. It was used...