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  1. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Source: what is happening, in your opinion at 9:20 ? The pod is 6 deg down constant. I think gimbal was 4 deg down constant. As he slews the pod, a constant rotation is visible throughout. This is consistent through all the targeting pod DCS footage and is...
  2. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    You are correct. So image something crossing the horizontal axis. Remaining perfectly level. In this instance. The pod would not rotate on its green axis but would simply pan across. Now convert this into a dynamic 3D air to air environment. This would almost never be the case. The combination...
  3. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Agreed. The camera bumps are beyond my ability to speculate. The pod, I believe, is in constant rotation. So coming up with a solution which incorporates these two points is beyond me ! I’m sure that nations spend billions on secret systems whose sole purpose is to change/hide//generally mess up...
  4. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Understood. I agree that using a sim as ref Is a stretch but I’m using it more as a side note in line with the mechanical issues I was pointing out. I’m also presuming that the rotation you see above in the sims is somewhat reflective of what a pilot actually sees. I’m sure it’s not mimicking...
  5. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Well said LilWabbit. I’m a big believer in conversing online in the same manner that you would if face to face. Its easy to let these standards slip a bit and then it can start to be perceived as being offensive when in actual fact we are all spending our precious time trying to work out the...
  6. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Fair enough Mick. Respect your hypothesis. It is very persuasive. I’m just highlighting some legitimate arguments against.
  7. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Just for context. I think the rotational glare is a very convincing explanation but has some holes in my view, as described above. Neither am I a tin foil hat uap believer either. Though tin foil is a nice Segway into this photo. A ww2 British factory worker producing tin foil or ‘ chaff ‘...
  8. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    I didn’t think I’ve misquoted or misrepresented you Mick. I thought it was quite clear but I’ve took the time to find the quote. Apologies for not doing this earlier. Source: Podcast with Chris Lehto - Around 1:34:00 Chris Lehto reiterates and essentially...
  9. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    I would question your gimbal lock being more frequent in dogfights. The only jet fighter pilot testimony I’ve heard regarding this is from Fravor and Lehto. 2 out of 2 pilots ( hardly a conclusive sample size ) have stated they never encountered gimbal lock and that the only issue they ever had...
  10. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Just going over the argument that the pod becomes locked when looking straight ahead of nose at 0 deg. And that it then must rotate. I think Mick postulated that the on screen warning was in relation to this. Apologies Mick if I’m misrepresenting. I’m merely arguing that it doesn’t lock when...
  11. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    thanks LilWabbit. It’s ok we are all friends here. I take it on the chin !
  12. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Also we have seen video, which Mick has described in recent podcasts where the on board system flashes a gimbal lock warning up on screen. It’s seen as possibly significant in the context of gimballed pods not being able to track and sudden rotation required to rectify. I don’t believe this is...
  13. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    I kind of agree with all your points from a) to d) there Mendel. Though I think I disagree with what that means in reality. I imagine ( again, no expert ) that the outer main gimbal would be in constant motion for all exercises except something which remained locked in one position. It must...
  14. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    True. I’m not looking for an argument as to what atflirs best use is. I was merely noting that there is a lot of equipment on board specifically for A/A rather than such a use was an afterthought and added on later. Also most engagements are miles away so it’s proximity to the underwing though...
  15. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    It was my opinion that the atflir could best be described as a collection of sensors onboard for A/A and A/G rather than designed specifically for A/G. I didn’t feel it necessary to provide evidence but thank you for doing it for me.
  16. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Thanks Mendel. I am aware of this. The two axis I speak of are the rotate and pivot. I’m speaking of the combination of available mechanical movements the pod uses rather than the actual number of distinct manoeuvrable sections within the pod. To track a target 54 deg left, swinging around the...
  17. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Was atflir specifically designed for air to ground ? I feel it’s more a collection of sensors and technology to assist both forms. The manoeuvrability requirements to track an evasive air target pulling G far outstrip that required for a ground target. I would presume ( always a bad idea ) that...
  18. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    I believe the pod is never at rest whilst in use. The ‘limitations’ of the 2 axis of movement require constant rotation when in use. If you observe any ‘ live ‘ tracking pod footage which shows the onboard screen, you can see the corners of the screen in constant rotation. All other evidence of...
  19. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Catastrophic was used in jest….partly….These multi million systems are designed to track, lock and follow any aircraft pulling G and all manner of evasive manoeuvres. I would think that a gentle motion from left to right should not have the pod rotating in such a stuttered mechanical manner. It...
  20. Daniel F

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    That’s my point. I took this to be turbulence affecting the pod therefore, with regards the bumps later on, I had also attributed them to turbulence. Though they do line up with the mechanical rotations of the object. If it is the pod that is creating rotating glare and bouncing around whilst...