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  1. DavidB66

    The Ariel School, Zimbabwe UFO sighting - has it ever been debunked?

    Well, that's the claim. But as jackfrostvc (#47) and I (#46) have pointed out, one would expect young children to be supervised. If not by adults, then by older students (prefects, monitors, etc). In English Common Law jurisdictions (which I presume included Zimbabwe at the time) the school...
  2. DavidB66

    The Ariel School, Zimbabwe UFO sighting - has it ever been debunked?

    Is there any explanation of why no adults saw anything? If alien spaceships landed near a school anywhere I would have expected some of the kids to run to tell a teacher. Even if the teachers didn't believe in aliens, they would at least (I hope) show some curiosity and concern. In 1994...
  3. DavidB66

    The Ariel School, Zimbabwe UFO sighting - has it ever been debunked?

    (from #38 above) According to one account, quoting Cynthia Hind, the child initially thought it was 'Mrs Stevens's gardener'. I don't know who Mrs Stevens was - perhaps one of the school staff, or someone else living nearby. White people living in Zimbabwe at the time would probably have...
  4. DavidB66

    USS Omaha "Transmedium" Sphere Descending To the Sea

    As another point of comparison for the USS Omaha 'transmedium' sphere, the following may be of interest. It is taken from an official Russian military film, and is claimed to show a Russian missile strike on a Ukrainian shipyard. For the present purpose the relevant part is in the first few...
  5. DavidB66

    Body bags leaving the White House?

    Obviously, the bodies are two dead aliens, one of the tall skinny type and one of the short! ;)
  6. DavidB66

    Recreating the Gimbal's "Fleet" on the SA Page with Sitrec

    That's an important point which I don't think most people are aware of. I wasn't, and I suspect neither was Dimebag2 in his comments at #44 above: If in fact the mysterious objects on the SA screen were not from radar at all, but some system we know little about, then arguments about the...
  7. DavidB66

    Recreating the Gimbal's "Fleet" on the SA Page with Sitrec

    The fact that the radar reportedly showed a 'whole fleet' of objects behaving bizarrely that were not observed in any other way is itself evidence of malfunction. Not conclusive, obviously, but still evidence. If the speed equipment at Wimbledon showed a tennis serve at 250 mph, you wouldn't...
  8. DavidB66

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Isn't this just the difference between the ONS estimate, based on a random sample of the population, and the data from government health departments, based on all people testing positive? They both show an increase of about one-third over the previous week, but the actual totals are different...
  9. DavidB66

    Claim: Kremenchuk mall attack was a false flag

    I haven't studied the details, but as The Times (London) is paywalled, I will give an extract from the online edition today: Assuming that this is an accurate translation from a genuine Russian Army statement, it amounts to an admission that the damage to the shopping mall is the result of a...
  10. DavidB66

    Reverse Engineering the ATFLIR to find Range and Temp to/of the Gimbal UAP

    That's not quite what I had in mind, but I can see that my statement was badly worded! What I had in mind was something like this: Suppose we are observing a disk-shaped radiation source with an angular diameter, as measured by the observer, of 5 arc minutes. Within that observed size...
  11. DavidB66

    Reverse Engineering the ATFLIR to find Range and Temp to/of the Gimbal UAP

    I think Mendel is right, but it's a tricky point. The exclusion of point sources is important. Stars, for example, are treated as effectively point sources, and their perceived brightness is assumed to be inverse-squarely related to distance. Without this assumption, most of the estimates of...
  12. DavidB66

    Reverse Engineering the ATFLIR to find Range and Temp to/of the Gimbal UAP

    Travis Taylor seems to be ignoring, or perhaps is unaware of, the Chilean Navy case, where a commercial airliner produced a large glare at over 40 nm, according to flight path data. Was that airliner also at the melting point of steel? If challenged with this counter-example, I suspect he...
  13. DavidB66

    The 27 Club & a BMJ study

    I didn't say it was! (and I gave reasons for thinking it probably wasn't.) We tend to forget how dangerous cars once were. No seat belts, let alone air bags, little protection against crushing, and a prevalently casual attitude towards drink driving. I just found this source, which shows how...
  14. DavidB66

    The 27 Club & a BMJ study

    From random general knowledge, it strikes me that a fair number of major rock/pop artists have died in road or air crashes: at least Buddy Holly, Eddie Cochran, Otis Redding, Marc Bolan, Jim Reeves, Stevie Ray Vaughan, most of Lynyrd Skynyrd (a name I never expected to write) and a very popular...
  15. DavidB66

    "Pyramid" UFOs in Night Vision Footage are Bokeh

    The term Chief Scientist (or variants such as Chief Scientific Officer or Chief Scientific Adviser) is used quite often in the British government system. For example Sir Patrick Vallance, the government's Chief Scientific Adviser, was very prominent in the news during the Covid crisis. There...
  16. DavidB66

    Claim: Ukraine are using human shields

    What would be the point of using 'human shields' against the Russians? When has the danger of hitting civilians stopped them, such as in Chechnya, Syria, or in Ukraine itself?
  17. DavidB66

    New UAP footage: Miami Air and Sea show

    But if the object appears from 'just out of frame', as you say (which is correct as far as I can see), we do not actually see the 'point of origin'. It could well be closer to the camera than the other objects in view, such as people's heads. It appears smaller than the closest people's heads...
  18. DavidB66

    Recreating the Gimbal's "Fleet" on the SA Page with Sitrec

    I may have missed something, but I don't recall anyone claiming that the 'fleet' was visible on the FLIR system. Ryan Graves refers specifically to radar tracks on the SA page, not to IR. There may have been some spooky Heisenberg business going on: if you can see something on radar, you...
  19. DavidB66

    1971 Lake Cote / Lago de Cote UFO Aerial Photo

    The terminology is getting really confusing, to me anyway. I take it that in standard usage a negative image of a scene is one in which brightness values are reversed: light areas in the scene appear dark in the image, while dark areas in the scene appear light in the image. Whereas in a...