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  1. DavidB66

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    I previously noted a run of daily Covid death figures in Russia, in reverse date order from August 4, as 790, 788, 785, 789, 792, 794, 799, and 798. There are now another 6 daily figures, from 5 to 10 August inclusive: 794, 792, 793, 787, 769, and 792. The mean for these 6 figures is 787.8, a...
  2. DavidB66

    "GO FAST" Footage from Tom DeLonge's To The Stars Academy. Bird? Balloon?

    Good points, but we should not be too quick to rule out birds as an explanation of freak events. I've been reading the book 'The UFO Files', by David Clarke (2nd edition, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2012), based on researches in the UK National Archives. He notes that This is part of a general...
  3. DavidB66

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Another data point today: 790. Continuing the pattern.
  4. DavidB66

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Looking at the Worldometers table for international Covid data I noticed that recently the reported daily death rate for Russia has been remarkably stable. The last 7 days' figures, in reverse date order, are 788, 785, 789, 792, 794, 799, 798. That gives an average (mean) of 792.1. It will be...
  5. DavidB66

    Jet pack man? Balloon?

    Only if the planes and the mystery object are at the same distance, and the camera is equally zoomed. The footage showing the object looks to be more zoomed in, but just about everyone here knows more about cameras than I do. Based on the footage around 0:30, my guess would be that the object...
  6. DavidB66

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    I listened to the whole interview again and read the transcript on page 18 above (which is pretty accurate, but doesn't record the pauses and hesitations which might in some cases affect interpretation), and he doesn't say much of that. At around 9 minutes he simply says that 'we get a vector...
  7. DavidB66

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    Thanks to MclachlanM and Mick West for the sources about 'vectoring'. Interesting to see from Mick's #748 that it is not a specifically military term, as it is also used by civilian air traffic control. Going back to Underwood's use of the term, claiming that he 'vectored' the plane, it...
  8. DavidB66

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    I keep coming across the term 'vectored' in this and other threads, but on looking at a dozen or so Metabunk search results for the term I couldn't find any which explained what the term literally means. It is beginning to remind me of this classic Mitchell & Webb sketch: Source...
  9. DavidB66

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    I was going by post #714 above, which definitely states that Underwood's plane had a female pilot, whose name is known but has not been made public. I don't know what the etiquette of US Navy aircrew is, but I think if I were the pilot, I would be peeved if the guy in the seat behind me, who...
  10. DavidB66

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    That raises the question again, who was flying the fighter? I thought it was established that Underwood was the WSO in the rear seat behind the pilot. Would the controls even allow him to do what he said? Does he perhaps mean that he asked the pilot to maneuver? He does not actually say ' I...
  11. DavidB66

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    That's a useful list. If I understand correctly, the word 'claims' does not necessarily relate to both crew members (where there were two of them). For example in the case of Jet 4 only Underwood has commented publicly and the female pilot is said not to have noticed anything remarkable. In...
  12. DavidB66

    Shape-Changing Light From Plane with Nikon P900 - Polarizing filter + Venus?

    The description under the YouTube video explicitly describes the object as a star (Stern): 'Wir haben einen Stern aus dem Flugzeug heraus gefilmt ... Kamera : Nikon P900 Irgendwelche Ideen dazu ? ' Google Translate renders this as 'We filmed a star out of the plane ...Camera: Nikon P900 Any...
  13. DavidB66

    USS Omaha UFO / UAP Radar Video

    American readers may be familiar with this, but I've only just come across the strange story of the 'Battle of Los Angeles' (quite accidentally, while searching for images of searchlights reflected from clouds). In February 1942 the US army fired over 1000 anti-aircraft shells into the sky...
  14. DavidB66

    Strange line up of lights in the sky of Verano, Italy. [Internal reflections]

    Thanks. I'm glad no-one suggested 'from the clouds', because I couldn't see how that would work! Also, some of the reflections (especially in the lower photo at #1) are in the gaps between clouds. Searchlights or laser beams can be seen reflected from clouds (I've seen it myself), because a...
  15. DavidB66

    Strange line up of lights in the sky of Verano, Italy. [Internal reflections]

    What is the surface the lights are being reflected from?
  16. DavidB66

    Need help debunking FE video

    I tried using Water Bislin's simulator with the stated values and then adjusting for refraction. While playing around with it I did get a positive result for 'severe' refraction, but then lost it and couldn't find it again! Someone more familiar with the simulator might be able to work out just...
  17. DavidB66

    Need help debunking FE video

    If the stated locations are accurate, it does seem to require unusual refraction. On a quick look at Google Earth, I see that there is higher ground - up to at least 190 meters - quite close to the stated observation point and in almost the same line of sight to the mine. From that height...
  18. DavidB66

    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    I haven't followed this story closely, but I noticed someone on Twitter yesterday referring to Slaight's 'statement' as something new. I hadn't seen it before, and on first reading the main question that occurred to me was 'how could Slaight possibly observe all this detail?' If I understand...
  19. DavidB66

    Explained: UFOs viewed from the ISS - Squid Boats

    Thanks for the comments so far. The observation to be explained is that there are a large number (probably over a hundred) of spots of light in various colours: mainly white, red and blue. They are static within the field of view. They appear to twinkle - that is, they become brighter or...
  20. DavidB66

    Explained: UFOs viewed from the ISS - Squid Boats

    Several media sources in the last few days have publicised video footage stated to be filmed from the ISS, showing a 'fleet' of bright lights moving steadily across the field of view. The publicity seems to have started with a Reddit post here, which includes an embedded video: Source...