Search results

  1. DavidB66

    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    She also 'liked' a tweet of mine, addressed to her. Then, while I was still basking in contentment, she also liked a tweet by someone else which violently disagreed with mine. I guess she has her account automated with a default setting to 'like' all tweets addressed to her. I'm not sure how...
  2. DavidB66

    White Flying Object Over US Navy base in Japan (July 2021)

    Could Sophons elaborate on the point about wind direction? I'm not familiar with this weather tool, but if the arrow in the 6th column shows wind direction, then at 20:30, the nearest time to 8 pm, the arrow seems to show the wind blowing from south-east to north-west. By 21:00 (9 pm) the wind...
  3. DavidB66

    3 Videos, From Separate Angles, Of An Orb UAP In Moscow (2015)

    OK, I'll try linking it. Description is as in my #9 above. Let's see if this works... Source:
  4. DavidB66

    3 Videos, From Separate Angles, Of An Orb UAP In Moscow (2015)

    Twitter user @5x5_NEWS (Mike Turber) recently (July 12) posted a short video which reminded me of this Moscow 'UAP'. I'm not going to attempt a link in view of recent issues over Twitter links, but anyone who is interested should be able to find it easily enough. The video shows an object in a...
  5. DavidB66

    A-10 "Chased" by Object [Looks like a Bird]

    I think I've seen extracts from this video before. My first reaction was 'obvious bird'. My second reaction is 'obvious bird'. If the object is actually following the Warthog, it doesn't seem to be doing a great job of it. The object and the plane are only briefly in shot together, and...
  6. DavidB66

    Explained: Odd Looking Bidens/Carters Photo - Not Fake, Just Perspective

    This recent photo, deriving from Hillary Clinton's Instagram account, shows ex-President Clinton with ex-President Carter and their respective wives. If anything it shows even more extreme perspective effects than the Biden-Carter one. The linear size of Clinton's head appears at least twice...
  7. DavidB66

    Explained: Student in Teignmouth, Devon sees UFO [Moon Obscured by Clouds]

    We thought it was amazingly good luck that someone else took photos of the moon at almost exactly the same time and place as the original UFO claimant. Surely nothing could be better, except maybe a video showing the whole transition from weird-looking lights to obvious moon. Well...
  8. DavidB66

    Explained: Student in Teignmouth, Devon sees UFO [Moon Obscured by Clouds]

    Just a small point about timing: the angular diameter of the moon is about half a degree, so that can be used as a 'yardstick' to measure the angular distance of the moon above the horizon. On that basis, at the critical moment the Moon was not more than 2 degrees above the horizon. As the...
  9. DavidB66

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Individual differences. I've had two doses of Pfizer, with no side effects either time other than a sore arm for a few days, which you would probably get if someone stuck a needle in your arm anyway. Then my doctor rang up and said 'would you like a shingles vaccine? someone just pulled out...
  10. DavidB66

    Explained: Student in Teignmouth, Devon sees UFO [Moon Obscured by Clouds]

    I'm struggling a bit with that. The Matthew Blythe photos were taken on 24 June (not 25 June as I stated earlier), shortly after moonrise, which was at 21:45 on that day at Teignmouth The sun would have set at 21:30, which seems consistent with the amount of residual daylight in the photos (by...
  11. DavidB66

    Explained: Student in Teignmouth, Devon sees UFO [Moon Obscured by Clouds]

    Wow, great work from everyone! The reflection theory is tempting, but I don't see how an external light below the window could be reflected into the room at the necessary angle (by the usual incidence/reflection rule). Maybe if the window is double-glazed there could be some odd combination of...
  12. DavidB66

    Explained: Student in Teignmouth, Devon sees UFO [Moon Obscured by Clouds]

    Update: Solved - a low quality photo of the Moon behind some clouds. Source: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original First Post follows...
  13. DavidB66

    Comprehensive UAP Hypothesis

    I'll put this here because I don't see a better place for it. In today's Times (UK) there is a letter from Steuart Campbell [NB spelling], who describes himself as a science writer. On searching Metabunk I did not find any previous reference to him. His letter mentions recent reports on UFOs...
  14. DavidB66

    Pentagon June 2021 Report on 120+ UAP Incidents

    Is this supposed to be an American speaking? So far as I know, 'gobsmacked' is a uniquely British expression.
  15. DavidB66

    UFOs over London, UK, 2011

    I saw a huge triangular UFO today over London, near Victoria Station, when I looked out of a train window. Then I looked again with my glasses on (which I need for distant vision, not for reading), and saw at once that it was an advertising blimp. What makes this slightly less boring is that...
  16. DavidB66

    Finnish politician on possible Covid Vaccine Genocide

    According to the Worldometers table, which is based on official statistics from the various countries, Finland has so far had just under 1000 Covid-related deaths. Deaths per million population are relatively low at only 175. The politician seems to be claiming that for some reason the death...
  17. DavidB66

    Pentagon June 2021 Report on 120+ UAP Incidents

    If we are going to get forensic about the linguistics of the report, the phrase 'supports the construct' strikes me as odd. What does the noun 'construct' mean in this context? Is it just another word for 'hypothesis'? If so, why not use that word, which is more familiar and less ambiguous...
  18. DavidB66

    Study recommends rethink of vaccination policy [paper retracted]

    The probability of dying from Covid = A x B, where A is the probability of becoming infected, and B is the probability of dying from Covid if infected. Both A and B are difficult to estimate, and are known to vary with age and other circumstances. But from statistics in countries where testing...
  19. DavidB66

    Pentagon June 2021 Report on 120+ UAP Incidents

    It (the published unclassified version of the report) is very thin on details. Maybe the full report to Congress has more detail on specific incidents, in which case we should expect some of it to leak out. The one specific revelation is that one UAP has been identified as a 'large deflating...
  20. DavidB66

    Inverse Square Law and the Sun

    The claim could be based on one or both of two ideas: a) there is a minimum angular size at which objects are normally visible to the naked eye. This is usually put at 1 arc minute, i.e. 1/60 of a degree. For comparison, the sun or moon as viewed from earth subtends about 30 arc minutes...