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  1. DavidB66

    Are sun shadows only possible on a flat earth?

    Thanks. I was thinking of this video by Jos Leys, or something very similar: Source: For those who haven't seen Jos Leys's channel, do check it out: he does some outstanding work, mainly with computerised animations.
  2. DavidB66

    Are sun shadows only possible on a flat earth?

    Someone (sorry, I forget who) has pointed out on YouTube that if the sun moves in a circle parallel to the ground (the usual flat earth model), the tip of the shadow of a stick (gnomon) can only trace an arc of a circle on the ground. Which it never does in reality: it is either a straight...
  3. DavidB66

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    {Mendel) Thanks. I live in the UK, where the latest reported mortality rate is about 4%. But tests are mainly carried out on people who are already showing serious symptoms, or with other major health problems, so this probably overstates the mortality relative to the true number infected...
  4. DavidB66

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    Thanks. I hope you are right. But when otherwise similar countries like Germany and France show a 10x difference in the death rate, common sense also suggests a need for closer investigation. If Germany really has succeeded in keeping the death rate among infected cases to well under 1%, the...
  5. DavidB66

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    There is quite a puzzle about the different death rates (ratio of deaths to infections) in different countries. Notably, the death rate in Germany seems much lower than in other European countries such as France and the UK, not to mention Italy (except I just did). There is a discussion in...
  6. DavidB66

    Measuring the Curvature of the Horizon with a Level

    Flat Earth debunker Bobby Shafto, who does some great work, has successfully replicated Rory's 'horizonomatic' method from a height of nearly 500 meters and obtained a nice clear result. See his short YouTube video here: Source:
  7. DavidB66

    Illusions of Curvature - RC Boat Hidden on Small Pond

    Me no physicist, but I would say a given volume of air with 'water dissolved into it' will be more dense than the same volume of air with no water, other things being equal. But by taking up water vapour it seems that the air will also increase in pressure, since by Avogadro's Law the pressure...
  8. DavidB66

    Gravity observed with Cavendish setup

    Wow, that's a lot of work! I'm afraid I don't understand the math. What do the letters 'e' stand for? 'e' usually stands for Euler's number, but I don't see how that comes into it. Cavendish himself estimated the gravitational attraction of his weights, at the appropriate distances, as not...
  9. DavidB66

    Gravity observed with Cavendish setup

    This looks a lot better designed than most non-academic attempts at Cavendish experiments. (I won't mention some of the worst!) I like the way the equipment is shielded from air currents. Still, a few doubts occurred to me: a) there doesn't seem to be much rotation of the test weights around...
  10. DavidB66

    Explained: Why a Spirit Level on a Plane Does Not Show Curvature "Corrections"

    Over the few years I've been following the flat earth 'debate', the question of how aircraft manage to follow the curvature of the earth has come up a lot. I recall seeing three broad classes of explanation: 1. The pilot (or autopilot) will need to adjust the controls from time to time to...
  11. DavidB66

    YouTube's Changes Reduce Watch Time of Borderline Content and Harmful Misinformation by 70%

    If Eric Dubay makes a claim, that is prima facie evidence that the claim is false. I just checked out his YouTube channel. (I feel dirty, but someone has to do it.) The channel has hundreds of videos, mainly but not exclusively on flat earth, going back over a year, most of them with hundreds...
  12. DavidB66

    TFTRH #24: Nick Pope – Area 51, UFOs and UFOlogy

    I suspect it is an adaptation of the quote attributed to various terrorist organizations that 'The security authorities have to be lucky every time. We just have to be lucky once.' In the UFO context it makes a reasonable point: even if just one of the many UFO sightings turned out to be a...
  13. DavidB66

    The Origin of the "Polaris is visible from south of the equator" Myth

    Splendid research! Just a point of terminology: in old-fashioned English, the term 'inst.' was used as an abbreviation for 'in the present month'. So in the Times article dated 13 May 1862, the references to the 6th inst. and the 10th inst. should be interpreted as dates in May. Putting...
  14. DavidB66

    Debunked: media headline "Judea declares war on Germany" [boycott]

    The whole front page has been substantially revised. Note that even the weather forecasts are different: one is 'fair, mild', the other is 'fine, cooler'. I think the one with 'fine, cooler' is a later edition. Note that in the 'fair, mild' one there is a brief report under 'Late News'...
  15. DavidB66

    Debunked: media headline "Judea declares war on Germany" [boycott]

    In World War II 'enemy aliens' (mainly Germans) in the UK were interned soon after the outbreak of war. The Isle of Man, being an island out of swimming distance from the mainland, was one of the main internment centres. From memory I think the internment applied only to non-UK citizens, not...
  16. DavidB66

    The German WWII "Knickebein" Navigation System and the Curvature of the Earth

    Correction to my previous comment: the Wikipedia reference to Stollberg is not to the town of Stollberg, but to a Stollberg Hill, which really does exist in the stated place. My apologies.
  17. DavidB66

    The German WWII "Knickebein" Navigation System and the Curvature of the Earth

    As promised earlier, I have borrowed a copy of R. V. Jones's Most Secret War (1978), known in the US as Wizard War. While at the Library I also noticed and borrowed Alfred Price, Instruments of Darkness (1967), which is a general study of the night-time air war in WWII. Price acknowledges...
  18. DavidB66

    The German WWII "Knickebein" Navigation System and the Curvature of the Earth

    This is just to note that the book described by Hepper as Wizard War, by R. V. Jones, is known in the UK as Most Secret War. I remember reading this some years ago, but I don't recall any details on Knickebein. I will try to read the relevant chapters again when I next go to my usual Library...
  19. DavidB66

    The German WWII "Knickebein" Navigation System and the Curvature of the Earth

    I don't have any expertise on this, but according to the various sources Knickebein transmitted in a frequency between 30 and 33Mhz. This is at the lower end of what is classified as 'VHF' (Very High Frequency), from 30 to 300 Mhz. The frequency range below this, 'HF' (High Frequency'), from...