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  1. DavidB66

    New strange drone footage - small white objects moving fast

    I have watched this several times at 1/4 speed on YouTube, and I find it very difficult to identify just where the 'UFOs' appear from. As far as I can judge, they are not coming up from the ground; they just materialise out of thin air. Also, I don't see it stated anywhere how high and how...
  2. DavidB66

    Measuring the Curvature of the Horizon with a Level

    I expressed the hope that someone would overlay the horizon in the video onto the predictions of Walter Bislin's curvature simulator for the same height, as I didn't have the ability to do that myself. My hope has been more than satisfied, because Walter Bislin himself has done it! In his page...
  3. DavidB66

    Measuring the Curvature of the Horizon with a Level

    I suggested that it would be interesting to overlay a shot of the horizon in JTolan's video with the expected curvature from Walter Bislin's simulator. I don't have the tech ability to do this, but out of interest I did the following. First I took a screencap from the video. Using the basic...
  4. DavidB66

    I'm displaying ads for ETRH on Metabunk

    I'm glad it wasn't a slip. I hadn't heard of Kelly David. Back here in the UK Dr David Kelly (Iraq weapons expert found dead with his wrists cut) is rather better known, and the subject of numerous conspiracy theories.
  5. DavidB66

    I'm displaying ads for ETRH on Metabunk

    This may not be the best time to mention it, but shouldn't 'David, Kelly' be 'Kelly, David'?
  6. DavidB66

    Measuring the Curvature of the Horizon with a Level

    As has been mentioned in this thread and elsewhere, it is often said that from the normal cruising height of a commercial airliner - between 30,000 and 36,000 feet - the horizon is usually too obscure for its curvature to be definitely visible. I was therefore interested to see a 'flat earth'...
  7. DavidB66

    View across Utah Lake

    The FE claim is that no plausible amount of refraction can possibly account for a given amount of 'looming' at a given distance. I think the best answer to this would be with time-lapse video footage showing the allegedly implausible amount of refraction actually happening. For example this...
  8. DavidB66

    How to calculate the visible fraction of the Earth [e.g. 1972 Blue Marble, Apollo 17]

    Could you say which images you are referring to? I checked the Google Earth image in post #21 above using my highly scientific measuring equipment (a ruler), and could not find any difference. (I mean the first image, in which the whole disk is illuminated, not the others, in which one side...
  9. DavidB66

    Debunked: Isle of Man from Blackpool at water level proves flat earth [refraction]

    'Miles Davis' has a video up on YouTube today which pretty conclusively identifies the wind turbines seen in the flat earth video. They line up well with the direction of Scaefell as it would be seen from Blackpool beach (as it occasionally is). Miles also uses one of Walter Bislin's...
  10. DavidB66

    Debunked: Isle of Man from Blackpool at water level proves flat earth [refraction]

    That's a good article in Deidre's link. Scrolling to the end of the article, it gives quite a clear explanation of why refraction sometimes shows more of the IoM than 'should' be visible from Cleveleys. The Isle of Man Mirage If you are lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time...
  11. DavidB66

    Nathan Oakley's Flat Earth "Debates".

    Very useful analysis of Rowbotham in Z. W. Wolf's comments above. I agree Rowbotham is probably the source, direct or indirect, of flat-earthers' confusions about perspective. It may be worth mentioning that the passages quoted are from the 3rd and final edition of Rowbotham's book. In the...
  12. DavidB66

    The Southern Cross, Celestial Poles, and The Shape of The Earth

    I agree that a telescope or binoculars make a big difference, but the model of the sky as a kind of hemispherical dome, with the stars scattered on its surface, and therefore at equal distances from an observer at the centre, predates the telescope by a few thousand years. Indeed, the dome...
  13. DavidB66

    Nathan Oakley's Flat Earth "Debates".

    I'll second that. The one I can never find is the calculator for 'side-to-side' curvature. I have to search through my old bookmarks for that one. It still exists, but I don't know any way to find it from the Home page.
  14. DavidB66

    The Southern Cross, Celestial Poles, and The Shape of The Earth

    It doesn't look as though all the stars are different distances I don't know about that. The main visual clues to the distance of the stars are their size and brightness. They differ conspicuously in brightness. We were discussing their apparent size on another thread. While they are...
  15. DavidB66

    How are Stars Visible if they are so far away?

    I recently came across a flat earth argument about stars that was new to me, so it may be worth recording here. I will try to present the argument as convincingly as I can. According to standard scientific doctrine, the following points are true: 1. The sun is a star, and a fairly ordinary...
  16. DavidB66

    Debunked: Eric Dubay "Flat Earth Proof" #13

    Well, I see from Wikipedia that Arago was a freemason:çois_Arago That explains everything! But seriously, Arago was a titan of science, one of the greatest figures in an age that included the likes of Ampere, Fresnel and Faraday. Anyone reading about the...
  17. DavidB66

    Explained: Why a Spirit Level on a Plane Does Not Show Curvature "Corrections"

    As there has been some mention here of balance scales, it may be worth saying a bit about how they maintain their balance. (There is a Wikipedia article on 'Weighing Scale', but it rather neglects the important issue of stability.) There are many discussions of this in old science texts...
  18. DavidB66

    Recreating the Bedford Level Experiment

    It all looks very promising. On the methods, I note that Wallace used both a telescope and a surveyor's level, the latter at the insistence of the flat-earthers. Theodolites etc. can be hired, see I'd be happy to chip in if it is decided to use one. Of course they...
  19. DavidB66

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    Rowbotham's 'logic' is unusual. Unlike many flat-earthers, he seems to accept that if an object is projected upwards from a moving base (e.g. a ship in motion) it will continue to move in the direction of the moving base during the upward part of its journey, but as soon as it starts moving...
  20. DavidB66

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    As I mentioned somewhere else, some of Rowbotham's reported experiments strain one's credulity, quite apart from any consideration of the shape of the earth. For example see his account here of an experiment with cannon balls fired upwards (text under fig. 49)...