Search results

  1. DavidB66

    Is Sean Kirkpatrick Leaving AARO? [Yes]

    Not so sure about that. Are they touchy-feely tree-hugging aliens or Dalek-type aliens? The prudential principle suggests we should assume the latter. Why would any alien civilisation put much effort into exploring and/or colonising the universe? Disinterested curiosity is not much of a...
  2. DavidB66

    Is Sean Kirkpatrick Leaving AARO? [Yes]

    Maybe now he'll be able to say what he really thinks about the whackadoodles. Or will he be bound by some sort of NDA not to disclose anything arising from his work for AARO? Not that that seems to have worried the likes of Elizondo.
  3. DavidB66

    Is Sean Kirkpatrick Leaving AARO? [Yes]

    Twitter/X today is awash with gleeful posts from UFO enthusiasts claiming that Sean Kirkpatrick will be fired (or 'persuaded' to resign) as head of AARO by the end of this year. It is said that four possible replacements for Kirkpatrick have already been interviewed by the Pentagon. These...
  4. DavidB66

    Was the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza hit by an Israeli airstrike or PIJ rocket?

    I have seen it suggested somewhere (BBC?) that refugees crowded into the area round the hospital because they thought it would be relatively safe from Israeli attack, being a hospital (and Christian-run). Of course that would not give it protection against stray or malfunctioning missiles from...
  5. DavidB66

    AARO UAP Report 2023

    It is IR in the original document released by the DoD.
  6. DavidB66

    AARO UAP Report 2023

    In the last para of the transcript 'RI' is a typo for 'IR' in the original. So what is 'IR flare'? There are apparently such things as infrared decoy flares, but in the context of 'sensor artifacts' I think the term must refer to what Mick West calls 'glare'. So far as I recall this is the...
  7. DavidB66

    Bugs and Suggestions for

    By all means have posts pinned on relevant threads or fora. But some of the tools are potentially relevant to a wide range of topics. Sitrec in particular could have many applications. And even the curve calculator and refraction simulator, which were primarily aimed at 'flat earth' topics...
  8. DavidB66

    Bugs and Suggestions for

    I may have said this before, but I think it still applies: Metabunk contains a lot of useful tools (mainly created by Mick), but they are not well signposted on the site. For example, if you know that the 'Zipby' tool exists, you can find it with a search of the site, but if you don't know...
  9. DavidB66

    Google Bard says the Earth is flat (LLM bunk)

    The reference to an AI robot called 'The Prayer' (see #10 above) vaguely reminded me of something. Then I remembered one of David Bowie's less well-known songs, 'Saviour Machine', which includes the lyrics I'll stop there for fear of copyright strikes, but the full lyrics are available here...
  10. DavidB66

    The Collapse of World Trade Center: The Complete Physics

    I am not a 9/11 expert, and I have only given the video one casual watch. My impression was that it was quite good at explaining the rapid collapse of the 'floors', but not so much in explaining what happened to the central core. An equally casual viewer (i.e. most of the likely audience) may...
  11. DavidB66

    When Ball Lightning Isn't Ball Lightning

    Correction: the name was Roger, not Robert, Jennison.
  12. DavidB66

    When Ball Lightning Isn't Ball Lightning

    The Chinese case referred to in #3 and #4 above involved a lightning strike hitting the ground and vaporising soil materials. This is not typical of most reported cases of ball lightning, and may not be relevant to other cases. As I mentioned in another thread, one of the best known previous...
  13. DavidB66

    Coriolis effect in artillery debunks Flat Earth?

    The angular velocity (rotation around the earth's axis) may be greatest at the poles, but is that what matters for the Coriolis effect? The actual velocity of (say) an artillery shell in a W-E direction is least at the poles and greatest at the equator. Doesn't that mean the deflection is also...
  14. DavidB66

    U.S. Customs and Border Protection Releases UAP Documents and Videos

    Ye shall know them by their fruits. If it's the same 'team' who couldn't recognise a microlight, I wouldn't expect too much.
  15. DavidB66

    What is this thing to the lower left in this NASA solar photo?

    That might account for the straight line, but in close-up there appears to be a structure of some kind attached to the end of it. If it is actually in the vicinity of the sun, the structure would be huge. Would have to be the biggest UFO ever spotted. Makes objects the size of a football...
  16. DavidB66

    What is this thing to the lower left in this NASA solar photo?

    Just curious: how and where did you find this? The date 2016 seems to suggest it is a very old photo. Has it only just been released? Or has someone been looking through a lot of old photos with a magnifying glass? Is there any commentary from Nasa? Do any other photos from before and...
  17. DavidB66

    NASA panel analyzes GO FAST

    Thanks. That does explain it. But wouldn't a 'highly trained Top Gun pilot' take corrective action to maintain the desired heading?
  18. DavidB66

    NASA panel analyzes GO FAST

    You might find the audience here more sympathetic if you gave a bit more explanation of your alternative theories. For example, at #11 above you show what you claim to be the effect of wind on the course of an aircraft. But without more explanation this just looks entirely arbitrary. At the...
  19. DavidB66

    NASA panel analyzes GO FAST

    I agree, at least for any reasonable wind speed, though I haven't 'done the math'. But Marik and his pals would still argue that any speed for the object other than that of the ambient wind would rule out the balloon hypothesis, and any speed higher than, say, 100 knots would rule out the bird...
  20. DavidB66

    NASA panel analyzes GO FAST

    Much of the comment from the UFO crowd, notably Marik (@MvonRen on Twitter) and his acolytes, implies that NASA have ignored or simply overlooked the possible effect of wind on the aircraft. The sentence in NASA's report shows that this is an unfair criticism (surprise!) NASA were evidently...