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  1. DavidB66

    Nick Pope

    While searching Google News for something else, I noticed a recent (15 September) article on Nick Pope by Francisco Garcia in the Financial Times. It includes interview material with Pope himself, as well as comments by various critics. One choice example, which I hope is short enough to...
  2. DavidB66

    Claim by Paul Landis: he found JFK assassination bullet in limo and placed it on stretcher

    Well, yes, but the 'emotional crisis of the moment' might generously be taken as lasting a day or so. Failure to report his actions after that seems to go beyond incompetence to dishonesty. I suppose he may have been afraid he would get into trouble if he did report it, and the longer he...
  3. DavidB66

    Claim by Paul Landis: he found JFK assassination bullet in limo and placed it on stretcher

    I would like to assume that Secret Service agents are experienced, competent and well-trained people, so what in the name of sanity induced Landis to put a spent bullet - very obviously an important piece of evidence in a major crime - on the stretcher and not tell anyone (like his senior...
  4. DavidB66

    The Department of Defense Launches the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office Website

    I recall that the first report on UAP's mentioned that one UAP had been identified as a large deflating balloon. Has anyone found this description for any of the cases on the new website? Edit: apologies, I didn't realise that at the moment the site only covers a handful of cases from...
  5. DavidB66

    Episode 57: Alex Dietrich: Clouds, Critical Thinking, and UFOs

    Dietrich's account of the tic-tac event is mainly between 18:00 and 30:00 in the video. Perhaps more interesting for what it doesn't mention than what it does. For example, no mention of the object ping-ponging around. On the question of timing she implies that she lost sight of the object...
  6. DavidB66

    Episode 57: Alex Dietrich: Clouds, Critical Thinking, and UFOs

    Thanks. Yes, I knew the bomber was before Star Trek. It was a joke.
  7. DavidB66

    Episode 57: Alex Dietrich: Clouds, Critical Thinking, and UFOs

    Neither am I an expert, but surely the whole point of reducing the radar signature, a.k.a. radar cross section, is to reduce the likelihood that the plane is detected by an enemy. This does not necessarily mean making it completely invisible to radar. A plane is a big lump of metal, and there...
  8. DavidB66

    Episode 57: Alex Dietrich: Clouds, Critical Thinking, and UFOs

    An afterthought about what would or would not be 'detectable': we tend to assume (well, I do) that a fighter like the F-18 (in any variant) would be easily detectable on radar by another fighter, at least if it is within visible range. But is this correct? The F-18 is not usually described as...
  9. DavidB66

    Episode 57: Alex Dietrich: Clouds, Critical Thinking, and UFOs

    You would think so. Yet Kurth and Fravor were in almost the same place (above the 'water disturbance') at almost the same time, but neither of them saw the other, unless Kurth's plane was indeed the tic-tac, as some have suggested. And both central command (on the Princeton) and Kurth's...
  10. DavidB66

    The Shape and Size of Glare Around Bright Lights or IR Heat Sources

    I noticed the following video referred to on Twitter in the context of Dave Falch's arguments against Mick's 'rotating glare' hypothesis. It shows planes passing overhead filmed simultaneously in standard light and infrared modes, using two lenses in the same camera. It is striking that the...
  11. DavidB66

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    I don't know which BBC video is referred to, but some footage online is allegedly spliced together from genuine eye-witness footage of the Prigozhin plane and footage of other plane crashes. This clip from Russian state TV in particular appears to show at least two different planes: Source...
  12. DavidB66

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    I've seen several reports that the plane was shot down, but I haven't seen any unambiguous video footage to confirm this. People with no prior knowledge of the event would be unlikely to start filming the plane until it was already visibly in trouble. Some footage does show smoke in the air...
  13. DavidB66

    UAPs seen by pilots - shared by Ryan Graves

    That's what he says, but the cynic in me (which is the biggest part!) says that's just his cover story. Its's like motherhood and apple pie: surely no-one can object to improving flight safety! But as already pointed out above, if his main concern was really flight safety there would be...
  14. DavidB66

    UAPs seen by pilots - shared by Ryan Graves

    People are very bad at estimating angles (I've seen a good discussion of this recently, but I'm very bad at remembering where I've seen things!) He probably meant something more like 60 degrees, or even less. Must have forgotten that 90 degrees would literally be straight up.
  15. DavidB66

    Hypothesis: Fravor's Tic Tac was Kurth's FA18

    According to the so-called Executive Summary (admittedly a dubious source) a pilot (identified as Kurth) On the face of it, these two radar contacts cannot have been Fravor and Dietrich. Fravor probably didn't go lower than 10,000 feet, and Dietrich is very definite that she stayed at 'high...
  16. DavidB66

    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    Fravor's prepared statement to the Committee says they came in at 20,000 feet. So his most authoritative (?) account implies a descent from 20,000 to 15,000 feet.
  17. DavidB66

    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    I wasn't assuming a full circle for the purpose of my crude calculation, but Fravor's figures (90 plus 270 degrees) do add up to a circle! However, his statement implies that the object did not stay at the center of the circle. Incidentally, his statement also implies a descent (by him) of...
  18. DavidB66

    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    In his prepared statement Fravor says: It's interesting that he describes a clockwise turn. Somewhere in his interview Brian Burke says it would be standard procedure to make a left-hand turn, which I took to mean counter-clockwise. Have I misunderstood this? In his statement Fravor doesn't...
  19. DavidB66

    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    That (your last point) depends in part on how close Fravor got to it. In his prepared statement to the Congressional Committee he implied that he got to about half-a-mile from it. I don't know if he has ever claimed anything closer than that. At that distance an object of 40 feet long would...
  20. DavidB66

    Mick West interview with Naval Aviator and F/A-18 pilot Brian Burke

    It is understood that Fravor had a WSO. His name has not been publicly released. (I say 'he' because documents use that word.) It has been said by various people that he is still a serving officer, and for that reason does not wish to go on the public record. In the so-called 'Executive...