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    Poll : Which DOD Navy video do you consider debunked ?

    None of them have been truly debunked because the objects displayed haven't been positively identified. People have "best guesses" about what the videos show but none of them have been debunked in the same way as the Chile video (airliner), Mexican video (oil rig), Shanghai triangle (shadow)...
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    Pentagon June 2021 Report on 120+ UAP Incidents

    It seems the Believer's goalposts have moved a bit. Now they're claiming the 17 pages refers to an executive summary and not the actual report with annex. John's report does not back up those claims and seems to indicate the whole thing was 17 pages. Black Vault article...
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    UAPs, Bigelow, and the "Invisible College"

    Outside of pure speculation I don't think anyone can really answer that. We know Elizondo has a great admiration for Puthoff and Eric Davis but he's never elaborated on how closely they worked together as far as I'm aware. Eric Davis has claimed to have worked as a contractor for AATIP. He...
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    UAPs, Bigelow, and the "Invisible College"

    But therein lies the problem with the critique of the Las Vegas UFO mob. It doesn't really matter what they truly believe if their pursuits led to the discovery of an actual problem that needs to be rectified. The UAP report was pretty clear in the assertion that the Navy is failing in terms...
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    Lockheed Martin High Altitude Blimps. HAAs, HALE-D, ISIS

    Not really a UFO in the traditional sense, but interesting nonetheless. Anyone know what this thing is? It looks vaguely similar to the "blimp" photo Knapp released earlier this year. Source: Source...
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    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    I think people were so quick to jump onboard with Dietrich's 10 second estimate just because it goes a long way towards invalidating Fravor's story. If someone else involved popped up and said "No, it was closer to 5 minutes" I don't think you'd see so much enthusiasm accepting that narrative.
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    Nimitz Tic-Tac Fravor/Dietrich Encounter - Missile Hypothesis

    Fravor has always maintained he didn't see an object. Just the 'disturbance' that you'd normally associate with an object submerging or waves breaking against a reef.
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    USS Omaha UFO / UAP Radar Video

    They can. Spooky anomalous UFOs only exist in low information zones. When the recording is sufficient enough to reveal detail it always offers a prosaic explanation for whatever is being observed. There's a good reason the "good stuff" is still nothing more than a rumor after 80 years.
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    A-10 "Chased" by Object [Looks like a Bird]

    Just seems like something flying in the foreground far from the plane, I don't see any reason to spend too much time on this one.
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    Elizondo Claims DoD Have A 50-Feet-Away Photo & 23 Minute Video

    Fair point about the Navy videos. Although, I would find it rather curious for Elizondo to specifically describe classified material when he's been so hesitant to even acknowledge anything that may threaten his much lauded supposed "security clearance" in the past though. Since his arrival...
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    Elizondo Claims DoD Have A 50-Feet-Away Photo & 23 Minute Video

    I find it amusing we have Lue's email (via FOIA) asking for the Navy videos to be released. You'd think if this 23 minute video or closeup photo existed he would have asked for those to be released as well. Let's not forget he has recently stated he's working as a "contractor" for the...
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    Explained: UFO Filmed from a Helicopter in Kamchatka, Russia. May 31, 2021 [Fake]

    Ugh sorry to post and then find the solution so quickly. I'll leave it up for now just in case someone else notices the Reddit thread. Someone in a linked thread found the source of the video as this guy: TikTok Source:
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    Explained: UFO Filmed from a Helicopter in Kamchatka, Russia. May 31, 2021 [Fake]

    Hadn't seen this one posted elsewhere, this is the first time I've seen it. I'm guessing the UFO was added digitally over a real video but they did a decent job of it for a close-up perspective. Source:
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    Debunked: Diving Triangle UFO Photos from Reddit [Fake]

    I agree with you and our inability to prove this assertion is pretty interesting. We have a general idea of what "ball lightning" is, how it forms, and how it behaves but no one has really figured out how to rigorously study it scientifically. I suppose the same could be said of animals like...
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    UAPs, Bigelow, and the "Invisible College"

    The rift between Greer and the Vegas UFO conglomerate has been well known for awhile but he doesn't pull any punches in his latest documentary. Greer is easy to write off nowadays with his cult leader like persona and pool of weirdly passionate supporters (seriously, join his Discord sometime...
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    Triangle UFO over Shanghai, June 2021

    Check out the YouTube video. The building employee showed some old pictures and also showed the lights that create the phenomenon.
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    UAPs, Bigelow, and the "Invisible College"

    That seems largely irrelevant to me. If I come up to you and say 'I think there's a dangerous werewolf in my garage! Can you check it out?' and then you go have a look and discover, not a werewolf, but a knife wielding murderer my concern was still very much warranted. It doesn't matter that...
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    UAPs, Bigelow, and the "Invisible College"

    I was indeed including everything together. Obviously these guys started looking into this stuff, originally, because they thought it would lead to the discovery or acknowledgement of some sort of unknown phenomenon... namely aliens or extra-dimensional entities. My point is, regardless of...
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    Debunked: Diving Triangle UFO Photos from Reddit [Fake]

    OT or not it's an interesting discussion. I think the natural phenomenon hypothesis to explain various sightings is one of the most interesting yet it is routinely dismissed, or not even considered, by skeptics and true believers alike. When I hear wild claims about acceleration without...