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    UAPs, Bigelow, and the "Invisible College"

    All modern ufology roads lead back to Bigelow and/or Puthoff! This is something that has been discussed a great deal on the AboveTopSecret forums with a lot of very detailed research going into how all of these personal connections were formed and how they've evolved over time. I don't think...
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    Triangle UFO over Shanghai, June 2021

    Solved! Looks like the illusion is created by lights along the side of a building. Towards the end of this video an employee in the building explains the phenomenon. Really nice job by the YouTuber finding the spot and investigating. Source:
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    Triangle UFO over Shanghai, June 2021

    Some rare sanity for UFO Reddit lol Source:
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    Nimitz Tic-Tac Fravor/Dietrich Encounter - Missile Hypothesis

    Loitering munitions typically have rather large wings. They're basically a drone with a warhead attached. Check out the maneuver at around 1 minute into this video, pretty cool stuff! Source:
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    Comprehensive UAP Hypothesis

    There's actually a great deal we still don't know about the moon. We definitely haven't studied the surface in enough detail to confidently assert there is zero evidence of alien landings. One of the moon's many mysteries and, no, I don't think TLP are aliens or anything like that. It's...
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    Triangle UFO over Shanghai, June 2021

    Footage seems to be from this restaurant: Adding this YouTube link with all the clips combined. Looks pretty neat at 2:05 Source:
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    Triangle UFO over Shanghai, June 2021

    A couple of new videos out of Shanghai making the rounds this morning. Interestingly it looks like two different videos of the same phenomenon taken from roughly the same place. Maybe some kind of reflection or shadow being projected on to the clouds? The audio seems genuine enough so I don't...
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    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    Yeah I think the Kurth hypothesis is totally valid if that's your final conclusion. There isn't enough data available to us to rule it out but, unfortunately, there isn't enough data to prove it without a doubt either. Despite Kurth's assertion that he was above Fravor & Dietrich there is...
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    Pentagon June 2021 Report on 120+ UAP Incidents

    That's a hard question to quantify. UFO "stuff" has been popular in America since the 1950's and the popularity seems to peak every 30-40 years. It was extremely popular in the 50's as well as the 1990's. Consequently, there has been a ton of media coverage simply because those stories...
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    Why Doesn't The Military Shoot Down UFOs/UAPs in Military Airspace?

    Could it be a bit of both? Maybe regular incursions by foreign drones are a real thing. Maybe the circle of "UFO fans" within the government and military have coopted that phenomenon to lend credence to their fanciful ideas about spooky alien visitors. As far as we're aware the entire UFO...
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    Nimitz Tic-Tac Fravor/Dietrich Encounter - Missile Hypothesis

    This is a great video but it's curious none of the eyewitness accounts mentioned a smoke/exhaust trail which would have surely put this nonsense to bed years ago.
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    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    The obvious retort is that maybe Dietrich is wrong and Fravor is right! :) Totally agreed with you on the accounts from the WSOs and Kurth. I fear we'll never get a resolution to this case which is pretty disappointing.
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    Nimitz Tic-Tac Fravor/Dietrich Encounter - Missile Hypothesis

    I understand where you're coming from but if we're going to start selectively believing some parts of the testimony, but not all, and some parts of the summary, but not all, I'm not sure we're making any real progress towards identifying the object. At that point we're just selectively...
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    Nimitz Tic-Tac Fravor/Dietrich Encounter - Missile Hypothesis

    The missile theory doesn't hold water if you accept Fravor and Dietrich's testimony about it "bouncing around" over the whitewater and Fravor's assertion that the object changed direction to mirror his turn maneuver. While missiles can certainly change direction it would be a pretty big...
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    Pentagon June 2021 Report on 120+ UAP Incidents

    Strangely enough Elizondo is not really a proponent of the ET hypothesis. Over the last year he's started leaning pretty heavily into fringe hypotheses, even into what I'd call "supernatural" territory. Of course he'll never come right out and say what he thinks but he's gone out his way many...
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    Pentagon June 2021 Report on 120+ UAP Incidents

    It's pretty clear Elizondo wants his fans to believe he is involved with the task force which is strange given his comments about how he doesn't expect the report to show anything compelling. He really wants it both ways doesn't he? His desire to remain relevant to the narrative while also...
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    Where did UFO reports go between 1969 and 2007?

    I don't have any specific answers for you but this is a topic I'm highly interested in. With the current ongoing UFO flap the government seems to be attempting to retcon the whole subject. Basically, the narrative being pushed is that the sightings started around 2004 and have continued to...
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    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    How could an adult with access to the internet assert they've never even heard of bokeh. Lehto's opinion on all of this stuff is completely irrelevant IMO. He's shown himself to be largely ignorant of the concepts discussed in the debunking videos and his work history has zero relevance to...
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    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    I'm well aware of what Fravor says. It's a discrepancy regardless of whether or not you think it matters. The summary doesn't line up with the pilot's testimony and I don't think we should take either account as the final source of truth.
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    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    One of the most glaring errors I've noticed is the summary insisting the pilots saw an "object" beneath the frothing water whereas Fravor has asserted, very specifically, many many times he saw no object beneath the water.