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    USS Omaha UFO / UAP Radar Video

    Glare is one hypothesis still on the table but there is no clear consensus on what the video shows. Quite a few things could explain what we see in the video but there just isn't enough data to make a solid case for any explanation IMO. I agree with you that if this was an exercise of some...
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    USS Omaha UFO / UAP Radar Video

    Yes and if IIRC Corbell has never clarified the origin of the cuts in the two Omaha videos. I'd also want to ask him if he has manipulated these videos in any way, even in terms of file type conversion, or if he is disseminating them exactly as transmitted to him. It's unclear if a single...
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    USS Omaha UFO / UAP Radar Video

    I don't disagree with what you've said here, namely that we don't have any sort of evidence of these extraordinary flight characteristics in the public sphere. That said, it isn't just Fravor, Day, etc. saying this stuff. Over and over we've heard officials, servicemen, etc. make the claim...
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    USS Omaha UFO / UAP Radar Video

    Corbell noted in the Mysterywire interview a civilian vessel is also on the radar so it's likely the Swan Ace. Is it possible the Swan Ace was used to launch drones? I've read a few articles that have mentioned China has used vessels registered as civilian for surveillance activities. I don't...
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    USS Omaha UFO / UAP Radar Video

    I haven't had much luck cleaning up the video to see if anything else could be gleaned from the display. I was curious if the blurriness around the edges was put in artificially or part of the original video. When blowing out the contrast & brightness I don't see any obvious signs of...
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    USS Omaha UFO / UAP Radar Video

    Definitely sounds like "138 knots" to me through headphones. What does "perfectly zero zero zero relative" mean?
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    USS Omaha UFO / UAP Radar Video YouTube Video here. :01 “OOD if you can write a general lat/long of where we’re at.” :03 [faint voice] “We do have some X-band RADAR tracks…” :05 “Yes sir.” :06 “And then… the...
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    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    The balloon theory seems to have gained prominence after TheDrive published a piece on the subject (linked below) in 2019. There is very little information online about the types of balloons that a sub might launch or even if it is something that happens in modern operations. We know sub...
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    Skinny bob videos?

    "Ivan" made the claim that he was given the source material and instructed to cut it into the segments he uploaded to YouTube. It's been speculated by the believers that these instructions included adding the overlay and possibly mucking with the framerate or speed, though there could be many...
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    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    In the Reddit thread the OP answered questions about the ping ponging thusly: This doesn't explain the movement, it just changes the perceived degree to which it was moving. I've never seen anyone really come up with a good explanation for the erratic bouncing movement the two pilots and WSO...
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    Skinny bob videos?

    We haven't discovered the source of the underlying video although the film grain/scratch overlay has been identified as well as the font used for the text overlay. Both of those things are modern creations and obviously added digitally. The video is interesting though. It's quite complex with...
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    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    And Dietrich has already answered your question. Pointy end oriented towards Fravor. Anything else is pure speculation, they'd have no way of ascertaining if the supposed craft was in some sort of posturing maneuver as you've speculated.
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    USS Omaha "Transmedium" Sphere Descending To the Sea

    So that theory gives us three possibilities: The 'sphere' was returned by radar accurately at 200+ miles away. Why ask for a helicopter intercept at that distance? Helicopter intercepts typically imply fairly close distances. The 'sphere' was returned by radar but the radar and/or operator...
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    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    Dietrich has given the same account although her analogy for how the tic-tac moved over the surface of the water differed slightly. Pointy end forward once it supposedly mirrored Fravor's movements. Regardless, if we have no interest in what the pilots have to say and you're going to dismiss...
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    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    I understand what you're getting at but I don't think it's all that important to the conversation. The pilots clearly considered the tic-tac in the context of a conventional aircraft even if it was behaving in a way they couldn't explain. In the past, Fravor has mentioned that it somewhat...
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    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    In the San Diego radio interview it sounded like her patience was growing thin with the whole thing which is understandable. It's unfortunate she injected herself into #ufotwitter because it can be pretty overwhelming and people are hounding her nonstop for the box of reports/videos she teased...
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    USS Omaha "Transmedium" Sphere Descending To the Sea

    I'm not sure why they'd be so amped up to send out a helicopter if they were getting radar returns on the object and knew it was 200+ miles away. Anything is possible I suppose but I'm not really buying the jetliner hypothesis. Not to mention we have similar sightings where it really did turn...
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    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    I'd agree that biological explanations should be considered but all of the pilots have always maintained the "disturbance" in the water was roughly cross shaped, Fravor has often compared it to the size and shape of a large passenger airliner.
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    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    Curious that MISR-1 AND MISR-2 extend to exactly 80,000 feet. That's the exact altitude Kevin Day has claimed the radar returns were at before rapidly descending to sea level.
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    Explained: The Navy UFO Videos

    Would it be fair to assume if one radar system in the carrier group picked up the object the radar systems on other vessels could also have picked up the return and corroborate the movement? The AN/SPY gets talked about quite a bit but the pilots have maintained they could also occasionally...