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    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    This is getting a little off topic with the police/rioter discussion. @jackfrostvc What is the significance of Elizondo's title in the email? Is that something he hasn't made reference to before?
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    CLAIM: Sen. Martin Heinrich on UFOs (Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Member)

    I'm not sure I'd describe this as an interview but he's certainly echoing the same narrative we've heard from a wide array of politicians and government officials at this point. Over and over these people have made reference to objects operating in ways that are unexplainable in the context of...
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    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    Perhaps not. I've always had an interest in the "whitewater" portion of the tale as it was visually witnessed by five different people in three different jets, four of those people having made public statements affirming what they saw. I consider whether or not they actually saw an object...
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    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    I haven't exhaustively cross referenced the report but it doesn't completely line up with Fravor's story. The report states: However in this interview, along with many others, Fravor contends that he did not see an object in the water. He has always maintained he only saw whitewater and in...
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    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    Not sure about the pilots but Elizondo has an agent who helps coordinate his appearances. Not sure if they handle everything for him but he has mentioned it in a couple of interviews.
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    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    Dietrich is not wasting any time in establishing herself as a new character in the saga quickly becoming full blown 2021 UFO Hysteria. She's now implying she has unreleased "reports" and what looks like two VHS tapes connected with all of this. Even for the most skeptical of us this situation...
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    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    I thought Dietrich's reason for coming forward was rather interesting. She stated she wants to reduce the stigma around reporting anomalous sightings among aircrews and, presumably, service members in general. This seems to be a common theme through this whole narrative... the destigmatization...
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    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    Dietrich was interviewed by CNN last night. Mostly the same story other than her saying she was interviewed by AATIP... I don't recall her making that statement before. Sounds like she's going to be a new character in this saga, she even mentions 'UFOTwitter' lol.
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    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    I agree that Obama's comments are interesting in that he affirms the reports of objects or phenomenon behaving in a way that can't easily be explained in the context of conventional aeronautics. This is something that has been echoed by a pretty wide array of people at this point and not just...
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    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    A tethered balloon would be moving about randomly, at a high rate of speed with no visible acceleration, in an area spanning hundreds of feet in weather that was reported as calm? The longer your hypothetical tether the more force would need to be applied to produce changes of direction on the...
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    Explained: The Navy UFO Videos

    In regards to the rapid descent of radar targets, IIRC the target was never observed actually descending. There was a return at 80k feet, which was lost, and then a few seconds later another return either at sea level or fairly low altitude (we've heard both from different people).
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    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    How minor do you presume the movements to be? I find it hard to believe the pilots would even mention it if it were a balloon flopping around 5-10 feet back and forth. Would movements that minor even be noticeable when looking at an object from 20k feet? I've never heard Fravor really clarify...
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    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    I wouldn't put too much thought into why politicians like Rubio have attached themselves to this subject. Look at how many interviews and how much tv time Rubio has managed to get by talking about this stuff. And to his credit he has never said anything all that surprising or risky to his...
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    USS Omaha "Transmedium" Sphere Descending To the Sea

    Earlier in the thread Mick checked flight logs for the area during the time and nothing really fits with that hypothesis.
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    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    I really don't think anyone is saying the supposed disturbance in the water could not have been the submarine. Of course that would be the first conclusion the pilots would come to, what else would make sense in the context of their environment? The USS Louisville is obviously the most likely...
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    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    Agreed, the Chilean event has no real relevance to this and is really only brought up in an attempt to discredit. I think if we are to accept the testimony from the pilots that they visually saw the object then it changes the conversation substantively. I'd agree that if we're only accepting...
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    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    So, given we know the sub was in the vicinity during the time we could ask the following: Would releasing some type of balloon be considered "live fire"? What type of balloon would subs have been deploying at the time? (I'm looking into this one) Would an unpowered balloon explain the flight...
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    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    I've been trying to think of what could explain their physical/visual sighting as well. The balloon theory doesn't really line up with what they've said IMO. A tethered balloon wouldn't be moving in the erratic manner they've mentioned and any sort of detonation of the balloon would be noticed...
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    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    One aspect of the Nimitz encounter I've always found interesting is their description of the target bouncing around or moving randomly before it started moving in a more conventional manner. I generally don't put too much value in eyewitness descriptions but now we have another pilot in another...
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    USS Omaha "Transmedium" Sphere Descending To the Sea

    What makes you say that? Anyone working in the CIC would be trained well enough to remain calm and continue to follow protocol no matter what is happening. They obviously weren't in any danger so their demeanor and actions seem entirely logical given what they were seeing. Really the only...