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  1. TEEJ

    "An Unconventional Shade of Grey" - Michael J. Murphy new Film

    Wolfe Air need to cover their backs here. I've suggested to them that as part of any deal they retain a sample. Michael would then pay for that testing at a lab of Wolfe Airs choice. Somehow I don't trust Michael and his team with those samples!
  2. TEEJ

    Debunked: Chemtrail Plane and Other Unlabeled Photos from Facebook etc.

    Possibly they deleted their comments after seeing the video? Perhaps they contacted Amanda and informed them that an "NSA shill" had made contact with them and was spreading "propaganda"? The mind boggles as to what goes on in the fantasy world that is Amanda and her followers!
  3. TEEJ

    Debunked: Chemtrail Plane and Other Unlabeled Photos from Facebook etc.

    Yesterday I sent that person a link to the video. I also sent it to a few others asking questions in the comments. I haven't received replies from any of them.
  4. TEEJ

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    Townhead, Glasgow, Scotland - 1980 From
  5. TEEJ

    Chemtrail response from Swiss Federal Office of the Environment

    The Cyprus story had now made the Daily Mail in the UK. Quite a few chemtrail believer posts in the comments sections.
  6. TEEJ

    Peekay's Latest

    He's continuing with the re-cycled chemtrails videos. This old one from the MadisonStarMoon show. The comments section is rapidly filling up with some swipes at Metabunk. Published on 14 Feb 2016 I confront a moronic imbecile Qantas Troll calling himself Mike Glynn and expose him for the...
  7. TEEJ

    Peekay's Latest

    Peekay is back on the chemtrails merry go round. He is recycling old videos along with the click to donate links. Published on 14 Feb 2016 My first video on exposing Chemtrails over Melbourne (October 2011). I expose major airlines, including Australia's Major Airline "Qantas", spraying over...
  8. TEEJ

    Trail that forms curving shapes

    Russian Sukhoi fighters over Syria flying racetrack patterns during combat air patrols. Believed to be the recently deployed Su-35S.
  9. TEEJ

    "An Unconventional Shade of Grey" - Michael J. Murphy new Film

    Also a favourite of mine. Amazingly the Indians were still rolling them off the production line up until a few years ago. They are upgrading and plan to re-engine them to extend their service. The Sepecat Jaguar also made an appearance in Highlander (1986) courtesy of RAF Lossiemouth, Scotland.
  10. TEEJ

    Discussion: False memories and "No persistent trails in the past"

    I remember persistent contrails from the early 1970s. I was aeroplane mad and used to watch with binoculars anything in the skies over Glasgow, Scotland. I particularly remember Boeing 747s laying down horizon to horizon very thick trails. I also remember watching USAF C-5 Galaxies laying down...
  11. TEEJ

    3 military helicopters

    Could you have been witnessing rotor-tip vortices? The Osprey for example can produced quite large vortices.
  12. TEEJ

    Debunked: Military Chemtrails On/Off [SU-30 Smoke Skywriting]

    I agree he is fixated on water injection. Here is his latest "research". He can't understand why the Superfortress mother ship (US Navy P2B) is producing contrails and the chase F-86F Sabre isn't.
  13. TEEJ

    Debunked: Military Chemtrails On/Off [SU-30 Smoke Skywriting]

    The latest from Max on his Facebook. Max still deluding himself over WW2 contrails.
  14. TEEJ

    Black exhaust, contrail, or chemtrail?

    Harold Saive has uploaded a "Smokers Black Carbon Chemtrails" video. No wonder he disables comments on his videos. The claims are just mind numbing. This window camera captures a dangerously close pass by a rogue aircraft releasing persistent chemical trails that appear to be released out of...
  15. TEEJ

    The NERC funded MST Radar facility in Wales is not a HAARP installation

    Good grief! As if those poor families didn't have enough to contend with!
  16. TEEJ

    The NERC funded MST Radar facility in Wales is not a HAARP installation

    Harry Rhodes and Terry Lawton in a recent radio show. Just dip into any part and the "great facts" will appear! Good grief now Harry has found BMEWS at RAF Fylingdales, UK! Apparently thanks to Jim Lee! The mind boggles...
  17. TEEJ

    "Fireball" filmed in Stockholm [Sunlit Contrail]

    Thanks, Trailspotter. Sunlit contrails seem to be doing the rounds! One from Australia. I have asked the uploader for a time. Published on 18 Dec 2015 Sangstar1 News Update. UFO craft seen over Greenvale Victoria Australia Space 19/12/15.
  18. TEEJ

    "Fireball" filmed in Stockholm [Sunlit Contrail]

    Another sunlit contrail video doing the rounds. 09/19/15 Video taken in Snowflake, AZ between 6 - 7 a.m. this morning
  19. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    Tanker Enemy (Rosario Marcianò) is now hosting the video on his You Tube Channel.