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  1. TEEJ

    Debunking Humor...

    No doubt it will be going around the chemtrail community complete with the "Airbus 737-8C" tag. Published on 10 Dec 2015 Activating the chemtrail system on the Airbus 737-8C (C stands for chemtrail, it is fitted with additional tanks for a total capacity of 5,000 gallons).
  2. TEEJ

    Former top NATO Italian General Fabio Mini

    Russia Today aired it on 9th September 2011. Uploaded on 9 Sep 2011 On Russia Today (RT News), it was live on their station on, Friday 09th September 2011.
  3. TEEJ

    Debunking Humor...

  4. TEEJ

    George Monbiot in the Guardian on "Chemtrails" &

    I stumbled upon some more. Apparently they were in the process of painting it out.
  5. TEEJ

    Aerodynamic Contrail/Shadow Peoria, Arizona, 25 November 2015

    This is her aim and what she believes.
  6. TEEJ

    Aerodynamic Contrail/Shadow Peoria, Arizona, 25 November 2015

    I agree. It also makes more sense in regards to her Peoria filming location.
  7. TEEJ

    Aerodynamic Contrail/Shadow Peoria, Arizona, 25 November 2015

    According to the Facebook page filmed at 2:22PM. (That would be 1422 Mountain Standard Time/2122 UTC) I reckon the following Bombardier Challenger...
  8. TEEJ

    fuel dumping or Aerodynamic contrail

    Watch a close-up and see where the aerodynamic contrails form.
  9. TEEJ

    Debunked: Chemwebs / Mysterious Fibers fall from sky (ballooning spiders)

    November 2015 Millions Of Spiders Infest Mid-South Neighborhood A VAST spider web, stretching nearly half-a-mile, blanketed grass on Friday near several residential houses in Memphis, Tennessee, NBC reported. Local residents said the area looked like a scene from a horror movie, filled with...
  10. TEEJ

    Red and Blue Side-by-Side Contrails, Midlands, UK

    Possibly they were Eurofighter Typhoons? Typhoons regularly transit the UK by getting above the airliner traffic. I'm surprised that no one from the chemtrail community has filmed Typhoons doing this while leaving a contrail? I've seen it over Wales and is quite spectacular to watch with the...
  11. TEEJ

    Red and Blue Side-by-Side Contrails, Midlands, UK

    I asked him months ago for the filming date of that video. All I got back was abuse and the usual claims of being a troll. I've asked him again but more than likely I have been blocked? I've sent a private message to his YT Channel mail asking for a date, time and filming direction. It is...
  12. TEEJ

    Red and Blue Side-by-Side Contrails, Midlands, UK

    I agree. I led myself astray last night and was looking south of Birmingham Airport. Those two aircraft continued over that area west of Coventry. I wasted a few hours looking in the wrong place! The following Sibec video from 28th June 2015. The timings are slightly out but a Boeing 747 can be...
  13. TEEJ

    Red and Blue Side-by-Side Contrails, Midlands, UK

    You are correct. I was never very good with colours! I can see the Dash 8 now. Thanks!
  14. TEEJ

    Red and Blue Side-by-Side Contrails, Midlands, UK

    Snap! I've just been working through that video. Those aircraft are next on my list! I think that I have tracked down the general area in the Midlands. I think that there is enough clues in Sibec's videos to track down the filming location? I make that aircraft to be a Diamond DA-42 with an...
  15. TEEJ

    Red and Blue Side-by-Side Contrails, Midlands, UK

    Thanks, Mick. Certainly plenty of info to work on!
  16. TEEJ

    Red and Blue Side-by-Side Contrails, Midlands, UK

    Further to my last. Sibec claims that he filmed this De Havilland Canada Dash 8, registration G-JECE on the 19th October. It is filmed from the garden at the rear of his house. The route on the 19th October took G-JECE through the Midlands flying from Edinburgh, Scotland to Southampton...
  17. TEEJ

    Red and Blue Side-by-Side Contrails, Midlands, UK

    Even that can be a game for them. Regarding the persons that filmed the footage in the OP (You Tube Channel name Sibec.) This is a husband and wife team (Simon and Becky/Becca). I've challenged them before about this and I all I got back was abuse and excuses that they don't have the time. They...
  18. TEEJ

    Debunked: C-130 dropping 'raindrop shaped fibers', lab tests for metals [Spider Silk, Dirt]

    She is implying that the fibres/filaments were making her wheez.
  19. TEEJ

    Debunked: C-130 dropping 'raindrop shaped fibers', lab tests for metals [Spider Silk, Dirt]

    Marie Snow is now claiming the following in regards to three KC-130. Posted in the comments section of the following video. The following is her recent video upload 4 November 2015 Published on 31 Oct 2015 On 10-30-15 @ 11:26 am three KC130s flew by close to my home. Soon after, web-like...