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  1. TEEJ

    Debunked: C-130 dropping 'raindrop shaped fibers', lab tests for metals [Spider Silk, Dirt]

    The chemweb theory is still being spun! The Haarp Report guy on You Tube is spinning this on the back of the Marie Snow November, 2014 C-130 claim. Published on 25 Oct 2015 This shows chemtrail "cob webs" hanging on tree limbs, in late October. There are NO spiders, this time of year, but...
  2. TEEJ

    Almaz-Antey's Live BUK explosion tests

    Not a problem, William. Thanks for the reply.
  3. TEEJ

    Possible MH370 Debris found on Reunion Island

    Doing the rounds on some of the MH370 websites. Not an offical release. The purpose of the report is to promote technical discussions related to failure analysis of MH370’s right side Flaperon. This is a feasibility grade study. Preliminary MH370 Flaperon Failure Analysis T.Kenyon...
  4. TEEJ

    Almaz-Antey's Live BUK explosion tests

    Of course they were interested in Ukrainian reconnaissance aircraft. They were wanting to reach all Ukrainian military aircraft that flew over their territory regardless of type. The Ukrainian Air Force Antonov AN-30s were a particularly high value target due to the quality of the imagery that...
  5. TEEJ

    Almaz-Antey's Live BUK explosion tests

    Why are you bringing SA-10 into the discussion? The SA-10 is a far superior system to the SA-11 and the separatists certainly didn't have operational SA-10s in their inventory. Were you referring to the Strela-10 (SA-13 Gopher) short-range system...
  6. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    You are assuming that I took the screenshot directly from my Twitter account. I took the screen shot from one of the websites that were reporting on it at the time. Perhaps Eliot Higgins on Bellingcat can assist? Perhaps he has the time of the original upload to You Tube of the video by the...
  7. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    Freelance journalist Billy Six films at the Luhansk location for the Buk on a truck video. He also claims to have met the person that filmed the original video. On 30th of January 2015 I met the person who told me they had made this video. I don´t want to mention the exact flat in order not to...
  8. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    Yes that would be the time for my post on the 23rd July 2014. According to the info on the screen grab the Twitter post was made at 16:06PM on 17th July 2014. The person that posted it is claiming that the footage was shot at 11:40AM on the 17th July 2014.
  9. TEEJ

    Drones shot down in Turkey and Ukraine, Russian or not?

    The following video shows the inside of the company that manufactures the Orlan family of drones. I've had a look but can't see anything in the footage or background that can identify this unnamed Russian variant. There are some good close ups of the Orlan 10 fuselage and payload bays. Perhaps...
  10. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    I made the screen shot on 23rd July 2014 at 16:33PM. That would be 16:33PM British Summer Time. Offset: UTC/GMT + 1 hour.
  11. TEEJ

    Almaz-Antey's Live BUK explosion tests

    What were you expecting? At those velocities and with the proximity of the missile most of the warhead fragments would have passed clean through the Boeing 777. It leads to the question why are the Russians really puzzled about the bow-tie fragments being found? The Russians do like to dangle...
  12. TEEJ

    Almaz-Antey's Live BUK explosion tests

    It is the specific warhead on the Buk that is in dispute. The Dutch Safety Board has the warhead down as the 9N314M. (Cubic, Irregular and Bow-Tie fragments) The Russians are suggesting that the warhead must have been the 9N314. (Cubic and Irregular fragments) The Russians can't work out why...
  13. TEEJ

    Almaz-Antey's Live BUK explosion tests

    The DSB report highlights that ricochet marks were found in the forward fuselage. Could these richochets account for some or all of the damage caused to the port engine intake and the left wing tip? Part of the buk was found in the left wing tip. Some parties are stating that there should be no...
  14. TEEJ

    Does Damage to MH17 indicate or exclude a Particular Buk Launch Location?

    Almaz-Antey back in June 2015 claimed during their detailed presentation that it was a 9M38M1. They also suggested at the time that the M1 was no longer used by Russian Forces which was a bit of a white lie. Now they have changed their tune and claim that it was a 9M38 with the caveat of they...
  15. TEEJ

    Contrails during Russian Navy Cruise Missile Strike in Syria, 2015

    Some of the cruise missiles were filmed in Northern Iraq. It look quite light! Yes, the export version of the Russian Smerch 300mm Multiple Launch Rocket System has been used in Syria. Looks...
  16. TEEJ

    Contrails during Russian Navy Cruise Missile Strike in Syria, 2015

    I've not seen this footage being used by the chemtrail community. The following footage taken in Syria and showing some of the trails left by the Russian Navy cruise missiles fired from the Caspian Sea. It appears that part of the flight profile of the 3M14TE Kalibr-NKs was conducted at...
  17. TEEJ

    "An Unconventional Shade of Grey" - Michael J. Murphy new Film

    Murphy has started his project.
  18. TEEJ

    Airliner Emissions EPA Hearing

    Max not happy with the EPA. No surprise there! :rolleyes:
  19. TEEJ

    "Airline Pilot" at Climate Engineering Awareness Day - Carlow, Eire, 22nd August 2015

    Terry Lawton at the Climate Engineering Awareness Day - Carlow, Eire, 22nd August 2015 Either Terry has been duped or he has set this up himself? 12:13. Terry Lawton "Right, there is a lad here that doesn't want to go on camera...." 14:17...
  20. TEEJ

    Clouds formed when they should not?

    Len Duggan off again on a rant! I never saw a long trail from any plane that came over my way (London) when I was a kid...