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  1. TEEJ

    Debunked: MH370: Daily Mail claims new sonar images indicate aircraft debris

    The "engines" image has already been assessed and discounted months ago.
  2. TEEJ

    The NERC funded MST Radar facility in Wales is not a HAARP installation

    Harry is very much a poor man's Dutchsinse!
  3. TEEJ

    The NERC funded MST Radar facility in Wales is not a HAARP installation

    Harry and his take on the thunderstorms currently impacting on the UK.
  4. TEEJ

    Possible MH370 Debris found on Reunion Island

    Phoenix on PPRuNe suggests that they might be engines?
  5. TEEJ

    The NERC funded MST Radar facility in Wales is not a HAARP installation

    Even Harry is considering jumping on the Gofundme merry-go-round. Harry needs to see the "wavelengths" Harry is really ramping up his "analysis"...
  6. TEEJ

    Spherian7 video - Silver Spring, Maryland, US, 25th May 2014 - Contrails - Different Colours

    Another video highlighting different colours in contrails. The video covers two dates during 2014. 24th May covered from 0:00 to 2:52. 25th May 2014 from 2:54 till end Video description Published on 4 Jul 2014 Sorry for gap in uploading, but Weather Control Command has their thing...
  7. TEEJ

    Belfast Observer Skywatch - FedEx MD-11F with different coloured contrails 29th July 2015.

    Thanks, Mick. I remember that different engines thread. I'm colour deficient (red/green) so thanks for pointing out the natural cloud colours.
  8. TEEJ

    Belfast Observer Skywatch - FedEx MD-11F with different coloured contrails 29th July 2015.

    Sunset on 29th July 2015 - Belfast UK was 9:31PM Nothing unusual in seeing different coloured contrails. Unlikely to be different engine variants, but simply down to the lighting or the camera not accurately recording colours...
  9. TEEJ

    Possible MH370 Debris found on Reunion Island

    It turned out to be part of a domestic ladder/step stool
  10. TEEJ

    Possible MH370 Debris found on Reunion Island

    Sky News UK ran a piece to camera from the island on the flaperon being spotted earlier. The claim was that others have come forward to say that they had seen the same aircraft part a month ago in the surf. The claim was that it was spotted at a different location further up the beach. Possibly...
  11. TEEJ

    Conrad Michael's $10,000 reward to prove him wrong about contrails.

    Ah, I see. I thought it was strange that my comments hadn't been removed.
  12. TEEJ

    Conrad Michael's $10,000 reward to prove him wrong about contrails.

    I've noticed this before. Has it got something to do with the posts being from Google Plus? I notice that my two Google Plus posts are also still in the video comments section.
  13. TEEJ

    Debunked: High Bypass Turbofans do not make Contrails [actually they make more]

    He, or someone with access to the account, is removing comments. I had mine removed.
  14. TEEJ

    Debunked: High Bypass Turbofans do not make Contrails [actually they make more]

    Canadian Jack Baran was the guy that produced the original video. Some background.
  15. TEEJ

    Conrad Michael's $10,000 reward to prove him wrong about contrails.

    Len Duggan is off on one of his rants over the replies to the video!
  16. TEEJ

    Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers
  17. TEEJ

    Conrad Michael's $10,000 reward to prove him wrong about contrails.

    He isn't very good with perspective either!
  18. TEEJ

    Conrad Michael's $10,000 reward to prove him wrong about contrails.

    He has been busy removing comments from the video.
  19. TEEJ

    Website set up by Sandy Hook father now redirects to

    I agree. Seems like Len Pozner made too many enemies within the Sandy Hoax community. Seems very convenient that the Sandy Hoax believers just stumbled upon the redirect?
  20. TEEJ

    The NERC funded MST Radar facility in Wales is not a HAARP installation

    You have to feel sorry for that poor child. Harry Rhodes filming his son on a flight.