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  1. TEEJ

    Germanwings Airbus Crash Conspiracy Theories

    Notice that Ian Simpson has stumbled upon the video that I posted in post #13. He has labelled stills from the video with "Lufthansa Germanwings A320" and is claiming that it is an identical aircraft. It is an Airbus A319 in the video. D-AI...
  2. TEEJ

    Germanwings Airbus Crash Conspiracy Theories

    From Ian Simpson See full article at following link
  3. TEEJ

    Germanwings Airbus Crash Conspiracy Theories

    It didn't take the chemtrail believers long to post about Germanwings and Lufthansa. Germanwings is one of the budget carriers on their hit list. I expect that the following will be doing the rounds on the chemtrail websites in...
  4. TEEJ

    Debunked: Ian Simpson's Presentation at the 2015 Cambridge SRM Conference
  5. TEEJ

    Debunked:'s"Smokers" video
  6. TEEJ

    New "black chemtrail" video

    From an article in 1962. Taken from The Sixth Seat. Riding on a Victor Training Sortie by Humphrey Wynn Most of our flying was at about 40,000ft (allowing for the difference in quadrantal heights) and at that altitude the sky was quite busy: once a Boeing 707 passed above us, at right-angles to...
  7. TEEJ

    Black exhaust, contrail, or chemtrail?

    From an article in 1962. Taken from The Sixth Seat. Riding on a Victor Training Sortie by Humphrey Wynn Most of our flying was at about 40,000ft (allowing for the difference in quadrantal heights) and at that altitude the sky was quite busy: once a Boeing 707 passed above us, at right-angles to...
  8. TEEJ

    Debunked: Ian Simpson's Presentation at the 2015 Cambridge SRM Conference

    He claimed that he was going to update the video. He made the claim that none of the 'smokers' appeared on Flight Radar 24. He participated in the following thread so there is no excuse for him to make those claims and to mis-identify the aircraft types...
  9. TEEJ

    Debunked: Ian Simpson's Presentation at the 2015 Cambridge SRM Conference

    This was in reference to his 'Smokers' video. Unfortunately he didn't do any research using for example Flight Radar 24. Every aircraft featured in his video was identified. He is fixated by Airbus A320s. None of the aircraft featured in the video were A320s...
  10. TEEJ

    Odd Structures in Google Maps in Nevada

    I stumbled upon the following during web searches for the Fallon Ranges. Quite remarkable how some conspiracy theorists interpret the facility.
  11. TEEJ

    Odd Structures in Google Maps in Nevada

    Every single target and building can be found in the following Fallon range users manual. Fallon Range Training Complex (FRTC) Users Manual See Annex B B-13, B-14, B-15, B-16 B-20-18 North Military...
  12. TEEJ

    How far away is that contrail? Streamwood, IL 2nd March 2015

    Thanks. Yes, I agree. I've told him to download the Flight Radar 24 app for his phone/tablet, but it looks like it has fallen on deaf ears. He needs to be more precise and film Planefinder more accurately and with better quality. At least have a clock on the screen!
  13. TEEJ

    How far away is that contrail? Streamwood, IL 2nd March 2015

    March 8th the change took place. I didn't realize it myself until you brought up the time stamp on the video.
  14. TEEJ

    How far away is that contrail? Streamwood, IL 2nd March 2015

    Sunset on Mon, Mar 9 was 6:52 PM Update. Have I missed something with the clock change on March 8? Why is it that the pesky clock change always gets in the way? It's a conspiracy! :)
  15. TEEJ

    How far away is that contrail? Streamwood, IL 2nd March 2015

    Another two from the same guy. In the first video he is claiming that they are directly overhead.
  16. TEEJ

    Malaysian Transport Ministry's first-year report (released March 8th 2015)

    A TOWELETTE that washed up on a Western Australia beach is being examined to determine whether it could have come from missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. The towelette — a small pre-moistened paper towel — has been shipped to Canberra for further testing after being discovered in July by a...
  17. TEEJ

    How far away is that contrail? Streamwood, IL 2nd March 2015

    Thanks for the analysis, guys! It shows clearly where he went wrong when looking at the Plane Finder map. He was convinced that the aircraft was overhead and didn't extend the map far enough. The area at the bottom is just south of Wayne. If he hadn't been fooled by distance then he would have...
  18. TEEJ

    How far away is that contrail? Streamwood, IL 2nd March 2015

    Classic case of an individual not being able to determine just how far away the aircraft and contrail is. He claims that the aircraft is "directly overhead" and attempts to find it on Plane Finder. He notices on Plane Finder an aircraft heading for his location and steps out to film it. He...
  19. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    Pylon drains on NASA DC-8 fitted with CFM-56.
  20. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    Terry is off again down the same path. He has just made the following video. Published on 2 Mar 2015 This pipe has been retro fitted. It is not an original feature on the CFM56-7 boeing 737 engine schematics. On the Boeing 737 technical website it is referred to as the 'Aft Fairing Drain...