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  1. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    Max is off again dabbling in Flight Radar 24 and getting it wrong, yet again! Unfortunately Max you got the wrong aircraft. The aircraft you filmed was not the Raytheon 390 Premier well to the east of you but the Cessna Citation Mustang...
  2. TEEJ

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    Nice catch on this activity. They were 3 RAF Eurofighter Typhoons operating from RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire. Call sign was Razor flight. Monitored by aircraft enthusiasts in the UK on radio scanners and Plane Plotter. They were returning from a training sortie with an air-to-air refuelling...
  3. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    The SA-3 reference is likely down to initial automatic analysis from the E-3. The system assigns the signal a classification of SA-3. A more dedicated ELINT aircraft platform such as RC-135 would process the signal further with input from on board analysts. SA-3 and SA-11 are claimed to have...
  4. TEEJ

    Clouds formed when they should not?

    Is 'H2meloen' Len Duggan? Len is still going on about the Camborne trails on 7th August 2014.
  5. TEEJ

    Contrail Chemical storage containers

    Suzanne, See following video for explanation of water tanks during testing. Step inside for a tour of ZA001, the first 787 Dreamliner. Flight Test director Scott Peterson explains the black water tanks and other equipment onboard and the metal cone that flies from the back of the plane.
  6. TEEJ

    Former top NATO Italian General Fabio Mini

    It appears he has slipped deeply down the rabbit hole! He did ask his Air Force colleagues. From the following video with sub titles on. Just a snippet. Do you want to know when I first got suspicious? Do you reckon I'm such a fool? ..... Chemtrails, Colonel .... Giulicacci. He was the...
  7. TEEJ

    Look-Up "No more lies" campaign

    Ian Simpson has posted the following in regards to the Tu-204 video. :rolleyes:
  8. TEEJ

    Debunked: Stonehenge fake?? [Patched with concrete in the 1950s]

    Jason, That road has been closed and grassed over. Work to permanently close a main road running alongside Stonehenge has started. Traffic has been stopped from using a section of the A344 next to the stones, in Wiltshire. It will now be dug up and grassed over. The road has been closed in...
  9. TEEJ

    Was this ejected rock in a controlled demolition propelled by gravity or explosives?

    Hi Jason, I make it approximately 190 metres. From Google Earth using the ruler in tools. 49 28 28.73N 17 08 31.33E is the coords for the filming area in the OP video.
  10. TEEJ

    Was this ejected rock in a controlled demolition propelled by gravity or explosives?

    The video in the OP has the factory name in the description. I just searched on the name and Czech Republic. The coords of the actual building are slightly out. The factory that was demolished is slightly to the north of those coords. The location where the people were standing...
  11. TEEJ

    Was this ejected rock in a controlled demolition propelled by gravity or explosives? Demolition of once famous cloting factory OP Prostejov in Czech Repubic. Location coordinates 49.4696708N, 17.1369992E
  12. TEEJ

    Debunked: Stonehenge fake?? [Patched with concrete in the 1950s]

    The "compelling photographs" were ripped off from the English Heritage website. They were ripped off and appeared on a Russian website claiming to have been found in the "KGB archives".
  13. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    Glaring cock up on Russia Today during their 12 GMT bulletin. It indicates the mindset though as they obviously got carried away with the word "target". They claimed the following on the 12 GMT bulletin "13:22:05 - Ukrainian ATC : "It seems that its target started falling apart" Of course if...
  14. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    I watched the BBC Panorama programme tonight on BBC1. John Sweeney is filmed interviewing some of the eyewitnesses (Hidden identity and disguised voice) One eyewitness saw the missile-launcher roll off a low-loader at Snezhnoye, around ten miles from the crash site, at around 13:30 local time...
  15. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    Hi Jason, No problem. I found the article doing the rounds on other forums discussing MH17. This is the first time that I have heard of Iggy Ostanin. He has other articles on bellingcat.
  16. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    Interesting Buk analysis from Russian freelance journalist Iggy Ostanin. Iggy Ostanin is a freelance Russian journalist who does investigative research on the Ukrainian conflict...
  17. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    There is another possibility in that he is just going through the motions. Perhaps his donate guideline and appeals are paying off quite nicely and he has to keep the wheels in motion? Sadly this type of conspiracy can suck in those with mental illness all too...
  18. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    Ian Simpson is going to be a very busy. He was claiming the other day that he wants to take Facebook to court. Now it is every British Airline!:rolleyes:
  19. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    :rolleyes: Come on Ian! Did you even watch the Airbus videos?
  20. TEEJ

    [Solved] MH-17 was 9M-MRD, so Why are there photos of 9M-MRC? ['D' partially obscured]

    Come on Pierre! Did you even check? Where is the record for a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 operating from Schiphol on that date? The daily Boeing 777-200 operations by Malaysia Airlines at Schiphol started on 16th February 2012...