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  1. TEEJ

    [Solved] MH-17 was 9M-MRD, so Why are there photos of 9M-MRC? ['D' partially obscured]

    There is another image of the Gate 3 departure on the 17th July. See post and photo by Freek. The photo was taken on July 17th - He believes that he sees...
  2. TEEJ

    Debunked: MH17: Supposed satellite video of missile launch [Fake]

    The Russians are themselves spinning the "video game" fabrications on recent imagery released by NATO. The fact that the imagery is from Digital Globe seems to be lost on them. Of course the claims are ludicrous but is shows you the mindset at work when they go into denial mode. The Russian...
  3. TEEJ

    [Solved] MH-17 was 9M-MRD, so Why are there photos of 9M-MRC? ['D' partially obscured]

    Why don't you try posting your theory on PPRuNe that 9M-MRC was at Schipol on the 17th July? Rumours & News Reporting Points that may affect our jobs or lives as professional pilots. Also, items that may be of interest to...
  4. TEEJ

    [Solved] MH-17 was 9M-MRD, so Why are there photos of 9M-MRC? ['D' partially obscured]

    I served 22 years in military intelligence. How do you explain 9M-MRC getting to Europe unnoticed? Think of all the people involved with 9M-MRD in both an amateur and a professional capacity? Explain how 9M-MRC can operate at Schiphol in broad daylight and nobody noticed...
  5. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    Ian, Watch the following videos taken at Broughton, UK where Marc works. It shows the A320 wings being manufactured and transported for final assembly. Note that there are no engine pylons on the wings. Yes you've guessed it the pylons are made elsewhere (France)! That is why Marc never sees the...
  6. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    Ian, You should have checked this forum before you posted on Facebook. You do realize that Marc works at Broughton in the UK where the wings are made. The pylons are manufactured in St. Eloi, Toulouse, France. They only come together on final assembly. Why is this so hard to understand...
  7. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    What will your excuse be now, Ian? Still taking them to court?
  8. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    Ian Simpson will likely be punching the air with excitement after the following post. It appears to be from a worker at the Broughton Airbus line in the UK. Of course this is the wing production line with other components being...
  9. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    Ian is still at it with the claim "Airbus told us recently that pylon drains do not exist" Will all this evidence be in the forthcoming article, Ian?
  10. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    Ian Simpson appears to have removed the "court" post on Facebook. From the "Climate Engineering Conference 2014." comments section.:rolleyes...
  11. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    Now he is off to the courts! :rolleyes::D
  12. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    It just goes from bad to worse! Ian, you seriously need to read what you post on your website. No need to release an article but simply read what is on your website. It was Anna at Easy Jet Press Office who obviously passed...
  13. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    Ian Simpson still at it! Come on Ian "computer generated images from Easy Jet" Why not post these images that you claim were sent from Easy Jet? You have also had the reply from Easy Jet Engineering so why not use the updated reply rather than the initial "gas release pipes" reply from Anna...
  14. TEEJ

    Debunked: Pilots for 9/11 truth WTC speeds

    The RNZAF Pilot, Tony Davies, has given an account of the display. I was the captain of that particular shot, filmed during a Squadron open-day a couple of years ago. It's part of a routine that has been performed over thirty times at various airshows and practices around the world including...
  15. TEEJ

    MH17: Evidence a Missile was Used. Shrapnel, etc.

    Not sure why you posted that clip? Hector Sanchez (The first A-4 Pilot in that clip) was not hit by aircraft cannon from a Sea Harrier. He took damage from small arms ground fire that jammed his cannon and he later jettisoned his external tanks/bombs before finding a C-130H tanker to get him...
  16. TEEJ

    MH17: Evidence a Missile was Used. Shrapnel, etc.

    See following for "Carlos the Spanish ATCO"
  17. TEEJ

    [Solved] MH-17 was 9M-MRD, so Why are there photos of 9M-MRC? ['D' partially obscured]

    So please explain why none of the aviation enthusiasts noticed 9M-MRC at Schiphol? Why did they only note 9M-MRD? How did 9M-MRC get into Europe without anybody noticing? Think about it this was in broad daylight at a busy airport with its own dedicated enthusiast fan base? Now look again at the...
  18. TEEJ

    MH17: Evidence a Missile was Used. Shrapnel, etc.

    Thanks for the replies to my previous question. While looking at Buk images something caught my eye. Could this be part of the Buk photographed at the MH17 wreck site? Previously picked up on PPRuNe with an O-ring theory. See yellow arrow pointing to inside ring. Does the missile body...
  19. TEEJ

    MH17: Evidence a Missile was Used. Shrapnel, etc.

    There is a theory that after missile break-up the remains impacted the top of the wing causing the green skid marks? This could possibly be another source of info and a possible tie up to identification of a Buk system? If it is possible I don't think that the Russians will assist with such an...
  20. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    Thanks, Mike.