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  1. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    It appears that this truck was unique within the fleet of the Donetsk company. The man told the publication that his base is in Donestsk where the vehicle was stationed. "Yes, this is my car," the man said. The people who took the vehicle told the truck owner that they "needed" the truck...
  2. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    Possible further evidence of the separatists use of the Donetsk construction company equipment? Looks like a PT-76 light tank on the trailer? According to Paris-Match, the proprietor of this establishment claimed “rebels” had stolen a number of his vehicles earlier in the month...
  3. TEEJ

    MH17: Evidence a Missile was Used. Shrapnel, etc.

    Noted in the comments section of the link that Pete Tar posted is a link to a clear image. The person claiming to be "Carlos".
  4. TEEJ

    Jimi baker's contrails

    Have a look through the following Metabunk thread. Woody had the same problem as you have of not understanding the upper air routes in his region. Be aware though even when informed of how to match up Flight Radar 24...
  5. TEEJ

    [Solved] MH-17 was 9M-MRD, so Why are there photos of 9M-MRC? ['D' partially obscured]

    In addition to WeedWhacker's post there is also the flight history of 9M-MRC. The following highlights where 9M-MRC was in the period before and after the loss of 9M-MRD. How on earth did 9M-MRC get to Europe? The die-hard conspiracy theorists will just hand wave the flight history away, but...
  6. TEEJ

    MH17: Evidence a Missile was Used. Shrapnel, etc.

    I noticed this on PPRuNE forum. Possible missile O-ring or part of MH17? For Buk, the missile diameter would be 0.4m...
  7. TEEJ

    Debunked: MH17: Supposed satellite video of missile launch [Fake]

    It appears that Gordon Duff on VeteransToday still hasn't grasped it. He still thinks that "you can't fake a sat video". I posted this thread link on his YT video.
  8. TEEJ

    MH17: Evidence a Missile was Used. Shrapnel, etc.

    Michael Bociurkiw has used this description before. Article from July 24th. Michael Bociurkiw of the OSCE group of monitors at his daily briefing described part of the plane's fuselage dotted with "shrapnel-like, almost machine gun-like holes." He said the damage was inspected by Malaysian...
  9. TEEJ

    MH17: Evidence a Missile was Used. Shrapnel, etc.

    "Machine Gun" snippet is now on You Tube.
  10. TEEJ

    MH17: Evidence a Missile was Used. Shrapnel, etc.

    Conspiracy theorists seem to be picking up on an interview given by Michael Bociurkiw of the OSCE. See from 06:05 in the video and reference to "machine-gun holes"...
  11. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    Someone has photographed the billboard in Lugansk. The telephone number on the board 0642 31 10 16 is for the Lugansk autocentre. Image from the following video at 3:46. The video provides a compilation of events.
  12. TEEJ

    [Solved] MH-17 was 9M-MRD, so Why are there photos of 9M-MRC? ['D' partially obscured]

    Brian, Have you read the thread and especially the following post link? There is not a very clear RC on the nose wheel door. Take a good look at the thread and explain why if it is a C then why does the 'C' not exhibit the characteristics with the proper curves? This 'C' has sharp corners and is...
  13. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    The location is claimed to be in Donetsk. Needs clarification. Any thoughts?,37.87265,3a,75y,63.38h,82.21t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sRGnHwZ5YZnuGO-n_VvruWg!2e0
  14. TEEJ

    MH17: Evidence a Missile was Used. Shrapnel, etc.

    From PPRuNe forum. Possible missile fragments?
  15. TEEJ

    [Solved] MH-17 was 9M-MRD, so Why are there photos of 9M-MRC? ['D' partially obscured]

    2014 video from Frankfurt of 9M-MRC on push back with the "One World" logo just behind the front door. From video description. Airline: Malaysia Airlines Airplane: Boeing 777-2H6/ER Registration: 9M-MRC Flight Number: MAS5 Route: Frankfurt (FRA) - Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Date: 01/03/2014 Link to...
  16. TEEJ

    [Solved] MH-17 was 9M-MRD, so Why are there photos of 9M-MRC? ['D' partially obscured]

    Another conspiracy doing the rounds. This time references to windows on Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777s. It is easily debunked though but these things tend to get widely re-posted. Metabunk is quoted in the comments.
  17. TEEJ

    MH17: Evidence a Missile was Used. Shrapnel, etc.

    Others told of a pilot still strapped into his cockpit seat, who was found in a local village.
  18. TEEJ

    MH17: Evidence a Missile was Used. Shrapnel, etc.

    Apologies for the late reply, Jason. The wreckage was recovered by the people of Petropavlovka from a villager’s back yard last Thursday and moved to the roadside because it was believed to be important.
  19. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    Mick found the Facebook page and posted a translation earlier in the thread. The following is a translation snapshot of that page. Original at following link. The following from the transcript of the brief. This appears to be what is...