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  1. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    Nice work. Which leads me to the claimed address on the banner. Is it really there? From the Russian Brief they have it circled but never present any graphics where you can read what they are highlighting. If it does say 'Днепропетровская, 34' then this would be further proof that the video is...
  2. TEEJ

    MH17: Russia Claims Ukranian military plane flying nearby before incident

    The Russian Military Brief video has been posted in the above post. Obviously things can be lost in translation. The following is from the Russian Embassy in the UK. 22.07.2014 Special Briefing by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation on the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777 in the...
  3. TEEJ

    MH17: Russia Claims Ukranian military plane flying nearby before incident

    Yes they do have experts but as has already been pointed out was the Russian MH17 brief a spin? You seriously have to question these 'experts' if they can't even find the location of the Buk video with missing missiles. This is Russian Military intelligence we are talking about here so why did...
  4. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    I've not seen this one posted. Apologies if I have missed it? Video footage of a Buk movement claimed to be on 17/7/14 at 11:40. Filmed in Zuhres travelling on H21 towards Torez. Zuhres is between Donetsk and Snizhne. 48.016970 38.301823 Map Link Video upload...
  5. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    The new twist is that Putin won't be happy with his military intelligence! There are going to be some red-faced Generals on Putin's carpet with hats on after this! What they didn't do is double check the claim that was on social media of it being in Krasnoarmeisk. Obviously the ground mapping...
  6. TEEJ

    MH17: Evidence a Missile was Used. Shrapnel, etc.

    European monitors say pieces of the Malaysia Airlines plane that was allegedly shot down in eastern Ukraine have been moved and "hacked into", adding to fears that pro-Russian rebels have been tampering evidence. Officials from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe at the...
  7. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    Thanks for posting the larger images of the Buk in Torez. You can clearly see it loaded on the back of the trailer. Previous to that I had thought it was sitting on its own. Is that the same stencil/graphics strip on the truck of the trailer? I've marked them with arrows.
  8. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    I actually don't think that they have checked it. I think that the Russian military have simply taken the claim on social media as fact. The bill board apparently shows advertising for a car dealership with showrooms across Ukraine. Surely if it is in Krasnoarmeysk then it should be fairly easy...
  9. TEEJ

    MH17: Russia Claims Ukranian military plane flying nearby before incident Unfortunately it looks likely that the NATO E-3 wasn't able to record MH17 over Eastern Ukraine due to range?
  10. TEEJ

    MH17: Russia Claims Ukranian military plane flying nearby before incident

    Carlos @spainbuca would be a star witness then for the international investigation and should be easy to track down. He appeared in the following Russia Today interview and although partially obscured someone should be able to recognize him from what is shown? He obviously has history with the...
  11. TEEJ

    MH17: Evidence a Missile was Used. Shrapnel, etc.

    The first apparent hard evidence that Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was brought down by a surface-to-air missile is emerging from the crash site in eastern Ukraine, after experts confirmed on Monday there were signs of shrapnel damage to the aircraft. The photograph above, first published by the...
  12. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    Thanks Mick. The video is highlighted in the following Russian military brief on MH17. No additional evidence is given other than repeating the claim that was on social media of the car dealership in Ukrainian controlled territory. See from 25:00
  13. TEEJ

    MH17 Evidence Video Time Stamped Before Crash

    Time stamps are not evidence. See following where journalist contacted one of the separatists in the conversation. Look at the part "So I decided to pull out a Colombo, and called “Grek” again." Link on time stamps...
  14. TEEJ

    Flight MH17 News

    In relation to previous recordings a journalist has claimed to have contacted 'Grek'
  15. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    A new claim has appeared in relation to the following video. User claims, (s)he was able to unequivocally determine the place. Address: Krasnoarmeysk, Gorkovo 49 road, Donetsk Oblast. So far just the...
  16. TEEJ

    MH17 Malaysian 777 Carrying 295 People Shot Down Over Ukraine

    The SA-11 can also be optically guided. The Transport Erector Launcher (TELAR) has in addition to its fire control radar TV optics and laser ranging. It could have been a purely passive engagement and US/Western intelligence might not have been able to detect associated radars? Target visible in...
  17. TEEJ

    MH17 Malaysian 777 Carrying 295 People Shot Down Over Ukraine

    Looks like part of the stabilizer. Possible missile warhead fragmentation damage?
  18. TEEJ

    MH17 Malaysian 777 Carrying 295 People Shot Down Over Ukraine

    An example of how conspiracy theorists can completely misinterpret what they see. When I first saw the streaming debris footage I knew that it wouldn't be long before the 'chaff' theory would appear.
  19. TEEJ

    MH17 Malaysian 777 Carrying 295 People Shot Down Over Ukraine

    Ever considered that the twitter reports from the claimed Spanish Air Traffic Controller were a fake in the first place? 'Carlos' has history with Russia Today and a gripe with the Ukrainians. Apparently he left Ukraine after death threats in May so why was he so keen to go back and work with...
  20. TEEJ

    MH17 Malaysian 777 Carrying 295 People Shot Down Over Ukraine

    The timestamp error is apparently due to the YouTube encoding servers being behind by 1 day? See analysis at The Military Photos poster also...