Search results

  1. TEEJ

    MH17 Malaysian 777 Carrying 295 People Shot Down Over Ukraine

    Claims of a Buk being transported in convoy from Russia. The militia truck in the above image appears to be one of the "Mad Max" conversions used by the rebels. There is a possibility that this truck conversion is unique and a one off? Claimed to be the same truck seen at the head of this...
  2. TEEJ

    MH17 Malaysian 777 Carrying 295 People Shot Down Over Ukraine

    Claimed to be rebel Buk being transported out of Ukraine.
  3. TEEJ

    MH17 Malaysian 777 Carrying 295 People Shot Down Over Ukraine

    Yes. The rebels have been boasting for weeks now that they have captured Ukrainian SA-11 Buks. The SA-11 can be guided without radar using an optical tracker and laser ranging. Combine that with poor aircraft recognition and poor coverage of what is actually flying over their region then it is...
  4. TEEJ

    Video of abruptly starting contrails in Dover, UK

    Hi Skephu, I have received no response.
  5. TEEJ

    Debunked: Tail Sprayers & Fake Infrared [Contrail Gaps and Photoshop]

    Ian Simpson wrote No Ian. That is what you call clutching at straws. Remember that you claimed that these 'pylon nozzles' were retrofitted onto these aircraft. If you had done any decent research you would have found that the drain tubes on the pylons were fitted on the the A320 prototype and...
  6. TEEJ

    Flight MH370 Speculation

    Alan Schuster-Bruce from Inmarsat did consider that theory. See from 02:40. From
  7. TEEJ

    Debunked: Aerosol Geoengineering Film Footage Reality [Fuel Dumps]

    I agree it will be taken down very quickly. Also notice how Dane has disabled comments on his YT Channel for his upload of the video.
  8. TEEJ

    MH370 "Clone" being held by Israel?

    Images of Boeing 777 N105GT leaving France for storage in Israel on 4th November 2013. See links.
  9. TEEJ

    BBC - Longer flights to curb vapour trails

    I know. His interpretation of Flight Radar 24 is comical. He actually believes that if a track stops or appears then it has taken off or landed at that point. This results in the following.
  10. TEEJ

    BBC - Longer flights to curb vapour trails

    I don't think that you will actually get through to him. You can catch up with some of Len's postings on Jacob Wycoff's FB page. I would give it a go WW. You'll certainly be amazed and amused by his replies! :D
  11. TEEJ

    Debunked:'s"Smokers" video

    Ian Simpson still standing by his 'Smokers' video.
  12. TEEJ

    BBC - Longer flights to curb vapour trails

    It is quite staggering how members of the Chemtrail Community pick up on these things and actually believe that they had an influence! The mind boggles as to what correspondence the Met Office actually receives from chemtrail believers? Len has the...
  13. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails
  14. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    No doubt Max will be claiming it is more evidence of "frequency pulses and scalar waves"
  15. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    Max is off again on one of his rants! :)
  16. TEEJ

    Racetrack Contrails and "Bizzare" Planes off the Yorkshire Coast

    No problem, ĕrēmīta. Fighter Controls sister forum for civil aviation is Another UK forum is UK Air Show Review. They have a "Heads up and OTT" (Over The Top - Aircraft noted flying overhead) section...
  17. TEEJ

    Racetrack Contrails and "Bizzare" Planes off the Yorkshire Coast

    Welcome to the forum. The activity that you are noting is likely to be the USAF F-15s operating out of RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk. They are noted for their early morning and late night flying at this time of year. On the 14th May some 14 F-15E Strike Eagles were out and about after taking off...
  18. TEEJ

    Mystery Aircraft over Texas 10th March 2014 - Steve Douglass

    Joe, That is the worst fake. It really is surprising how much this hoaxer 'Section 51' is getting with his ridiculous video. The following is where he/she obtained the original footage from. The original video is from Iraq and shows an airstrike called in to destroy a car bomb factory. The...
  19. TEEJ

    National Geographic - Inside the hunt for the Boston Bombers

    It aired on UK TV last night. Now available on Channel 4 website for the next 29 days.
  20. TEEJ

    Debunked: Military Chemtrails On/Off [SU-30 Smoke Skywriting]

    So you are claiming that Indian Su-30s don't dump fuel to create their "party trick"?. Did you watch the videos on this thread?