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  1. TEEJ

    Nearly Vertical Trail over Garden Grove

    Just an illusion. Florida 2008 News article for the Florida 2008 contrail It's a rocket, it's a missile, no, it's a ... BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff On New Year's Eve, some Florida Keys residents were awed by an unusual sight in the south to southwest skies off...
  2. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    We might as well give up! We are losing and the truth is emerging! :rolleyes::)
  3. TEEJ

    Wigington/West Geoengineering Debate

    You do realize that Dane didn't even know about aerodynamic contrails! He is still under the impression that the KC-10 Extender video shows an aircraft spraying from nozzles. He wasn't even aware that the original video was a spoof made to suck in gullible chemtrail believers. It was quite clear...
  4. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    Max wanting to get closer with his photography. Metabunk and Mick get a mention! Max still puzzled by natural cloud formations!
  5. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    The following is the prototype Airbus A320, registration F-WWAI, back in 1988. A quick crop and shadow lighten brings up the pylon drain tubes. This is...
  6. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    Max off again with the pipes!
  7. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    I agree. The idea has already been seeded to Max on his Facebook page via the postings of Cornell van Loon. In their minds the US Navy P-8s can now be involved in the spraying operations passing themselves off as commercial 737s. USAF Veteran Kristen Meghan has already re-enforced the belief...
  8. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    I reckon that Max will go down the following route in regards to Flight Radar 24 data. No doubt coming to a Max Bliss video sometime soon due to his poor aircraft recognition skills? We know that he has a nice new camera thanks to a donator that has a good zoom capability. Tens of thousands of...
  9. TEEJ

    Debunked: CNNs Fake News Broadcasts - Charles Jaco and the Fake Live Gulf War Reports

    You are not thinking logically. Think about all the other rival news agencies and reporters that were also there at the time? Nearly 700 journalists from all over the world and other rival news agencies. Do you honestly think that not one journalist or rival new agency would rumble CNN if they...
  10. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    No money according to the following on Facebook! His life is on hold until this is exposed. Remember when the time is right he will take on all his debunkers!
  11. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    Max is still continuing with his video uploads. He quite clearly believes that 2014 is the year that chemtrails and geo-engineering will be exposed. Filmed on the 12th February 2014 so the data is still available on Flight Radar 24 Playback. He has the incorrect year in the video description 12...
  12. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    Max finally has proof! He has caught a sprayer at low level and he now has resources to back up his claims that many of the trails in the sky are not contrails. It's all over in the first two minutes or so for those not wanting to sit through the rest of his video. Yet again notice that he is...
  13. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    Max, as usual, is simply clutching at straws. You can see where he got the idea from of WW2 aircraft fuel laced with Aluminum and linking them to Contrails. The quote is from Page 71, PART III SOLID...
  14. TEEJ

    Debunked: Plane leaving trails from under wing [E-6 TACAMO Fuel Dump]

    As stated on the Contrail Science link the image came from the TACAMO website. A quick search on the web reveals the following in relation to the original up loader of this image to the internet. Simply a fuel jettison from an E-6 Mercury Photo caption E-6 dumping fuel...
  15. TEEJ

    Useful Chemtrail Debunking Images and Infographics

    I agree, Mick. It causes no amount of problems and hassle, but they simply won't make it more user friendly!
  16. TEEJ

    Useful Chemtrail Debunking Images and Infographics

    No problem, George. Just a reminder if you intend to post images on PPRuNe then there is a size limit. They are a bit set in their ways over there and the max width is 850 wide.
  17. TEEJ

    Useful Chemtrail Debunking Images and Infographics

    George, Try PPRuNe for your Poll? Professional Pilots Rumour Network. They have a couple of Chemtrail threads. Try running it by the admin over there to find the best forum within PPRuNe?
  18. TEEJ

    Kristen Meghan, former US Air Force whistle-blower?

    Currently on her Facebook.
  19. TEEJ

    Kristen Meghan, former US Air Force whistle-blower?

    From her Twitter account.
  20. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    No problem, Mick. No doubt his spies will be informing him that it is confirmed as a cargo plane? Cargo of 'chemtrail tanks' ;):rolleyes: