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  1. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    Max has gone down the Chemweb route. He knows exactly what he is doing and playing to his adoring fans. More spinning from Max. Note how he doesn't provide the time that the airliner passes over as it contrails? He does provide the date as 21st November. Notice how much emphasis he puts on...
  2. TEEJ

    Max and the WhistleBlower

    Max has a new camcorder! Pointless watching the videos. The first one is clips from his old camera. The second one is a drivel from a London Cab Driver. Friends...please let me THANK some very generous benefactors. I have received some very welcome donations and now I can use a new...
  3. TEEJ

    Reported Fireball in Oregon Sky - 20th November 2013 [Sunset contrail]

    You should see some of the posts on ATS. Now it is secret missile tests! The weatherman is now a 'gooberment agent' assigned to cover it up!:rolleyes:
  4. TEEJ

    Reported Fireball in Oregon Sky - 20th November 2013 [Sunset contrail]

    Excellent Cosmic! Thanks for the video upload. Also thanks to Mick for the input. Some of the replies on the web regarding this event were comical. One believer posted that it was a chemtrail plane exploding in a fireball! Good grief! I just had a glance at the comments on that video posted by...
  5. TEEJ

    Reported Fireball in Oregon Sky - 20th November 2013 [Sunset contrail]

    I think that this is another case of a sunlit contrail being misinterpreted? Video description Flying in KATU's news helicopter this morning, saw what we thought was a jet contrail. But ground photos appear to show something that may have crashed to Earth. This is the trail the object left...
  6. TEEJ

    What plane is this [Tristar K1 Refueling Tanker]

    Not long left for the RAF TriStars. March 2014 is the current planned out of service date when they will be replaced by Airbus A330 Voyagers.
  7. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    This did make me laugh! He has truly lost the plot!
  8. TEEJ

    DEBUNKED: David Lim - Public talks on geoengineering / chemtrails in the UK

    He is apparently still doing the presentations. Perhaps he will be attending the protest tomorrow in London?
  9. TEEJ

    DEBUNKED: David Lim - Public talks on geoengineering / chemtrails in the UK

    His YT Channel is still active.
  10. TEEJ

    DEBUNKED: David Lim - Public talks on geoengineering / chemtrails in the UK

    His profile page at the University of Reading is showing a dead link. David Lim - University of Reading‎
  11. TEEJ

    What plane is this [Tristar K1 Refueling Tanker]

    Nice work, Mick. I love it when they claim that the aircraft is unmarked. The RAF TriStars also carry under wing roundels which are visible in the facebook image along with the nose roundel. They are tactical low visibility without the centre white. Underwing roundels on RAF TriStar. Link to...
  12. TEEJ

    Woody's observations of contrails in MN

    Woody, It is very clear that you are confusing yourself over distances involved in regards to aircraft and contrails. You are not going to silence any audience simply because you are misinterpreting your 'evidence'. Download FlightRadar24 Pro app for your phone? I suggest that you try it out...
  13. TEEJ

    Woody's observations of contrails in MN

    Woody, I've just had a look through the exif on some of your images. So you are using a Samsung SGH-T959V? You do realise that the lens is 3.8mm. You are aware that this is wide angle? So you are informing this forum that a 3.8mm wide angle is not going to record Flight ASA25 from your filming...
  14. TEEJ

    Woody's observations of contrails in MN

    Woody, You are talking absolute gibberish. It is clear that the contrail you have photographed was produced by the Alaskan Airlines Boeing 737. Your post here shows exactly how confused you are over this issue. You are just making excuse after excuse and clearly confused...
  15. TEEJ

    Switching on and off of trails?

    Gary, See following for aerodynamic contrails in close up. This was filmed by the USAF aircrew member that filmed the 'chemtrail spoof' video that you probably have also come across? See the videos on his channel. He is also open to taking questions. Video title. 'The original "KC-10...
  16. TEEJ

    Switching on and off of trails?

    Gary, You will be surprised how many non contrailing aircraft that you miss. Try matching up what you see with Flight Radar 24. There is also an app for your phone. At the moment you are just looking and guessing. The reality...
  17. TEEJ

    Woody's observations of contrails in MN

    Woody, Why don't you set up a group? Set up a website, Facebook page or a You Tube Channel. Post flyers and ask people in your locality to upload media. There is bound to be other believers in your locality that have the equipment or are able to put finance towards it. You can even set up a...
  18. TEEJ

    Woody's observations of contrails in MN

    Woody, After searching through your posts I do believe you are firmly in the same ballpark as those very misguided chemtrail activists that make and comment on the videos that I posted...
  19. TEEJ

    Woody's observations of contrails in MN

    The video is an example of the ignorance that is out there in regards to chemtrail believers and aviation. The 'tank' on the rear fuselage is nothing other than the livery of the airline - Monarch Airlines.
  20. TEEJ

    Woody's observations of contrails in MN

    Perhaps Woody has observed one of these flying over? According to those that believe it is obviously a tank of some sort on the rear fuselage. No assistance or reply from anyone else, please. See if Woody can figure out what on earth is the bright object on the rear fuselage? Some comments...