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  1. TEEJ

    Debunked: KC-10 Video with Aerodynamic Contrails and Flap Track Fairings as Proof of "Spraying"

    Swinney has lost the plot! 'Aren’t Chemtrails Chemical Weapons?'
  2. TEEJ

    Debunked: KC-10 Video with Aerodynamic Contrails and Flap Track Fairings as Proof of "Spraying"

    I sent a reply to Clare in regards to her assessment of the KC-10 video. It was pending moderation earlier. Somehow I don't that she will allow it to appear?
  3. TEEJ

    Debate Challenge from Madisonstar Moon to Mick West

    It is powerful stuff! Max was skeptical at first but amazingly the chemical clouds are breaking up! You couldn't make it up! He could try bottle spraying but it doesn't do the lawn any good! The kids comment at 02:42 is a classic :) According to the Mother it only takes ten minutes to make...
  4. TEEJ

    Debate Challenge from Madisonstar Moon to Mick West

    It is impossible! Max also believes that the 'Black Unmarked Helicopters' are after him due to his chembusters! Not only in France but also when he is out on protests! From the video description.
  5. TEEJ

    Debate Challenge from Madisonstar Moon to Mick West

    The other issue that comes to light is the constant misinterpretation of altitude. Here is Max Bliss ranting about aircraft he is filming being at low altitude. One he declares is at less than a thousand feet! How on earth can they get it so wrong? Ignorance certainly is Bliss!
  6. TEEJ

    Debate Challenge from Madisonstar Moon to Mick West

    Thanks for the reply, Mumbles. The comments on that link are just mind-numbing. There is a also a growing trend within the chemtrail community of 'fake/invisible spraying planes'. You Tube is full of these types of videos!
  7. TEEJ

    Debate Challenge from Madisonstar Moon to Mick West

    I agree. If you try and correct them they simply block and remove comments. Rosario Marcianò (Tanker Enemy) is another one that likes to spin stories. Here he is claiming that the aircraft is a C-17 Globemaster when it is in fact an Antonov 124 Condor. They just make it up as they go along!
  8. TEEJ

    Debunked: KC-10 Video with Aerodynamic Contrails and Flap Track Fairings as Proof of "Spraying"

    The KC-10 crew member is still active on YT. He has met up on a guided tour of his base with at least one chemtrail believer. See comments on video. Perhaps someone can put Dane in contact?
  9. TEEJ

    Debunked: CNNs Fake News Broadcasts - Charles Jaco and the Fake Live Gulf War Reports

    Hi Dave, It does tie in with the 22nd January. Debris impacted on the airbase next to the hotel. Journalist Brian Barron also reported on the early morning Scud attack from 02:16 The original Charles Jaco report where he states the time of the attack as 0720 Saudi Time.
  10. TEEJ

    Debate Challenge from Madisonstar Moon to Mick West

    Reference the A400M. Max Bliss and his poor aircraft recognition skills probably leads Madison along? The following link contains a video from Max filming a 'spraying A-400M'. The aircraft is an Illuyshin IL-76 Candid that are renowned for their smokey trails. I was blocked on Max's YT Channel...
  11. TEEJ

    Debate Challenge from Madisonstar Moon to Mick West

    You did well, Mick. I'm not surprised that he was not familiar with the explanations surrounding the KC-10 video. Is he even aware that the KC-10 aircrew member that created the spoof has a YT Channel and will answer questions? Perhaps you can direct him to the channel...
  12. TEEJ

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    Go to Type in EHAM and it will centre you on your region. EHAM is the ICAO code for Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Make sure it is set on 'World Hi'(Top right hand corner). This will show the Upper Air Routes...
  13. TEEJ

    Mystery White Plane Over Whitehouse

    No problem. Thanks for the reply. No problem. It is a good research tool.
  14. TEEJ

    Mystery White Plane Over Whitehouse

    I'm referring to your post that contained eye-witness reports with the header 'OTHER WHITE JET WITNESS REPORTS:' These are listed as the following Brian Kennedy, Meseidy Rodriguez, Kelly Knowles, Keith Wheelhouse, Vin Narayanan, Joel Sucherman and unnamed worker at Arlington national...
  15. TEEJ

    Mystery White Plane Over Whitehouse

    Oxymoron, The C-130 witnessed above the Pentagon was call sign "Gopher 06" flown by Lt Col Steve O'Brien. Gopher 06 was tasked by ATC to look out for traffic in the vinicity and to identify it. Comms between...
  16. TEEJ

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    1980 Green Mountain trail, winter 1980 by Distraction Limited, on Flickr Colorado River from top of Hoover Dam, c. 1990 Hoover Dam Before the Damn Bridge by faraway3000, on Flickr Intake Towers at Hoover Dam, c. 1990 Hoover Dam and Intake Towers Before... by faraway3000, on Flickr
  17. TEEJ

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    1989 manhattanBeach, CA march 1989 by mtnbikrrrr, on Flickr 1990? 'Taken from West Central Street looking towards the city and St Pauls around 1990' London sunset by popepenelope, on Flickr 1990 'KU Campanile at Sunset: c. 1990' Ad astra per aspera by faraway3000, on Flickr
  18. TEEJ

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    1988 'This is probably the most artistic picture that I've ever taken. These are contrails from nuclear armed F111 bombers cris crossing power lines. This was taken in Plattsburgh NY in the winter of 1988.' Contrails and Power Lines by evanrapp, on Flickr 1988 'Vapor trail over St. Vitus...
  19. TEEJ

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    Mid-1970s An old early 1930's FORD V8 Roadster Convertible is seen at Albert Whitted Airport in Saint Petersburg, Florida, mid 1970's by alcomike43, on Flickr 1988 Sunset February 1988 by brugge62, on Flickr