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  1. TEEJ

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    Thanks, Mick! 1980
  2. TEEJ

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    'Circa 1987/88 and taken with my Nikon F301 SLR - scanned in 2010.' 1988 11/06/1988 Ben Nevis by Grahamtravels, on Flickr
  3. TEEJ

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    1972 'Contrail at dusk. Searchlight, Nevada, May 1972' Contrail at dusk. Searchlight, Nevada, May 1972 by The U.S. National Archives, on Flickr 1974 Contrail September 1974 by materialsguy, on Flickr 1974 'Yes, this is a shadow of a contrail, taken during a month long satellite...
  4. TEEJ

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    From a search on Flickr 1964 'Contrails 1964 - From my Grandpa slides. Grand Rapids, Michigan' Contrails 1964 by creed_400, on Flickr 1965 'Contrail at sunset, Loch Caolisport, Knapdale (1965)'...
  5. TEEJ

    What Type of Plane Is This? [Too small to tell, maybe MD80]

    Looks like a Monarch Airlines aircraft? It certainly isn't a Beechcraft B200/B300 as suggested on that website link. Rod Hilderman has a...
  6. TEEJ

    US 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt'

    It is clear that Britam Defence was hacked but were they victim to the hackers creating those e-mails? They do read like a fantasy story that Sorcha Faal would be proud of. :)
  7. TEEJ

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    The BBC programme briefly touched on contrails last night. I bet more than a few chemtrailers were frothing at the mouth! Episode 2
  8. TEEJ

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    Hi Dave, Many thanks for you very kind words. The Hunter a fine aircraft and one of my favourites. Cheers Tom
  9. TEEJ

    Debunked: Contrail Anomalies. [Engine Gaps and Galley Drain Trails]

    Links to image showing Drain Mast venting on Boeing 777 Link to image of Drain Mast - Boeing 777 Drain Mast - Airbus A320 Drain...
  10. TEEJ

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    A few more that escaped my final trawl. Italian Air Force C-27J Spartan Privately owned Hawker Hunter venting fuel after take-off. Hungarian Air Force Saab Gripen venting fuel that ignites.
  11. TEEJ

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    Final batch from my archives. Swiss F/A-18 Hornet Belgian F-16. Smoke also features as generated from the wing tip 'smoke winders' RAF Typhoon RAF Typhoon RAF Typhoon - Fuel vent from fin. French Air Force Rafale RAF Typhoon RAF Red Arrows RAF Tornado
  12. TEEJ

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    Hi, Apologies for the late reply. I would imagine that it is automatic deployment. The pilot selects the wing sweep and the slats deploy accordingly. Some other images of slat deployment during flights at low level.
  13. TEEJ

    General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years

    Some of those mass graves relating to the Kosovo conflcit were found in Serbia itself. The largest mass grave was found in a Police training ground near Belgrade containing over 700 bodies. Some 74 bodies were...
  14. TEEJ

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    No problem, Dave. Thanks. I only wish that I had the time when I was serving in the RAF to visit the Mach Loop. It was a lot busier in the 1980s and early 90s! Some more links that will be useful on planning your visit.
  15. TEEJ

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    Hi Jay, Not an Airbus A380, but a Boeing 747 (Air France). It just doesn't sit right for an A380. The 747 has that more banana shaped fuselage when viewed at height. The wing chord is also too small for an A380 along with the size of the wing lets. The 747 in combination with the wing lets has...
  16. TEEJ

    Goruda II 2005

    See from 1:37 showing Indian Su-30s fuel dumping. ​
  17. TEEJ

    G. Edward Griffin: Don't Blame the Pilots!

    LOL! It is very big of him! Is he hoping that his 'evidence' will make Ryan Air crews come clean? If anyone has 40 mins or so have a look at his brief at the 'London Chemtrails Awareness Conference'. It is just mindnumbing! How can people be so gullible? ​ 05:05 He show an image and...
  18. TEEJ

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    No problem. The following were taken in Axalp, Switzerland. A bit higher to climb for these up at around 7,000 feet. Swiss F-18 Hornets.
  19. TEEJ

    "More proof" video - guy dumping powder from bag

    Just motion blur as Mick has already pointed out. Looks like sheets or towels. See following video with better resolution and slowed down. ​
  20. TEEJ

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    Thanks, Jan. Just a radio scanner. Sometimes if you are lucky then you will pick up their intentions and request for low level runs on UHF. Most of the low level activity is pre-booked with specific slots, but some is ad-hoc. The region covering Wales is known as North Wales Military Training...