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  1. TEEJ

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    Two RAF Eurofighter Typhoons at 41,000 feet over Low Flying Area 7 in Snowdonia, Wales, UK. Noted on the radio reporting height and discussing descent to run through the low level mountainous area. Due to lack of fuel they cancelled the low level run and continued transit back to base...
  2. TEEJ

    Boston: Navy Seals

    See following link. The writer of the article has linked up some images of personnel serving with the Massachusetts 1st Civilian Support Team.
  3. TEEJ

    Conspiracy or Accident? Piece of 9/11 Airliner found by planned Islamic Center in NY An Engineer on Airliners has looked up the part in the 767 Parts Cat. The chaps over there do a nice tie up with the following graphic...
  4. TEEJ

    Conspiracy or Accident? Piece of 9/11 Airliner found by planned Islamic Center in NY

    Part number appears to be 65B84045 '65B84045-1 CLAMP' Discussed on Airliners forum. Possibly part of flap...
  5. TEEJ

    Peekay's Latest

    Good grief! He has now branched out to 'analysing' the Boston Marathon Bombings. Utter madness at work!
  6. TEEJ

    Debunked: Video Of Tamerlan Tsarnaev NAKED, Handcuffed,Walking Alive!

    It is plainly obvious that 'Naked man' was not Tamerlan Tsarnaev, but it won't stop the CTs taking it all the way. A Freedom of Information Request has been filed with Watertown Police Department by David Miles Harkins Obviously the details of the man detained and released will be redacted...
  7. TEEJ

    Boston: Navy Seals

    Image showing CST vests being worn at the Boston Marathon. ADVON vehicle at following link.
  8. TEEJ

    Boston: Navy Seals

    They are members of the National Guard Civil Support Teams (CST) A NYNG spokesman posted the following. You can see one of the team with a hand-held air sampler at the Boston Marathon. ​...
  9. TEEJ

    Meteorite trail near Chelyabinsk, Russia 'Meteor vapour trail animation, 15th Feb 2013'