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  1. TEEJ

    Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

    A 9K38 Igla is a Russian man-portable air-defence system also known as an SA-18 Grouse. From
  2. TEEJ

    Debunked: Hillary Clinton's "Seizure Doctor" with diazepam auto-pen

    I noticed this on another forum and proves that it is a flashlight. You can see the flashlight beam lighting up the arm of the man in front. Someone has created a GIF.
  3. TEEJ

    Debunked: Hillary Clinton's "Seizure Doctor" with diazepam auto-pen

    I agree. From
  4. TEEJ

    Debunked: Hillary Clinton rally crowd image is photoshopped

    20:05 in the video Still image taken by Spencer Platt From
  5. TEEJ

    Debunked: Hillary Clinton rally crowd image is photoshopped

    Linking up some other Spencer Platt images from the video of the Manhattan rally. From 19:57 in the video Still image by Spencer Platt From
  6. TEEJ

    Debunked: Hillary Clinton rally crowd image is photoshopped

    Snapshot from the video of the rally in Manhattan, 19th April 2016. This is the moment when the photographer, Spencer Platt, took the image. Obviously Spencer Platt and the video camera person were not in the same position. The different perspective means that some people will he hidden behind...
  7. TEEJ

    Debunked: Hillary Clinton rally crowd image is photoshopped

    Claim Well, a great example comes today from "The Hill", an on-line media outlet promoting the speech of candidate Clinton. Notice anything, well, ‘odd’ about the picture: It’s a 100% photoshopped image (link) assembling multiple rally crowd pictures to give the impression of Hillary...
  8. TEEJ

    Debunked: Image of Money Pallet shown in Iranian Documentary, 2016

    Not my debunk as others online have found the original video. During January 2016 the Iranians aired the following video detailing the transfer of money from the US to Iran. Part of the footage showed a pallet of money. From following video from 0:08. The Iranians had to blur out part of...
  9. TEEJ

    Debunked: Claim of Iraq/Syria ISIS Convoy with US Helicopter Escort 2015

    Video footage appeared during late 2015 claiming to be from the Iraqi Syrian border. This was widely spread on websites and social media and claimed to show a large ISIS convoy being escorted by a US AH-64 Apache. The footage was very poor and likely uploaded like this in order to hide the...
  10. TEEJ

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    Non-sense. You know very well that Harry Rhodes has been zapping them with his chembuster! :)
  11. TEEJ

    Claim that Airliners are at risk of collision - Northern Ireland, 9th July 2016

    Video at following Facebook link. From The person filming is claiming that the aircraft are in danger of collision. The shocking part for me is that he was actually wanting the two aircraft to...
  12. TEEJ

    Fuel dump from one wing?

    It is just an over pressure from that tank? Boeing 737 (which is apparently incapable of dumping fuel) venting fuel due to over pressure.
  13. TEEJ

    Two Large Planes Flying Parallel, Chiloquin, OR. Is it Legal? Yes.

    I've re-posted the two links on his You Tube video. Surely if he is seeking answers then he will allow the RVSM videos to remain?
  14. TEEJ

    Two Large Planes Flying Parallel, Chiloquin, OR. Is it Legal? Yes.

    Has Patrick Roddie removed the pages from Facebook? I just get a "Page Not Found" link. No surprise there as he also removes comments from the video on You Tube. I posted some RVSM videos which I thought would have been useful for his followers. I made no link to Metabunk or this thread. Just...
  15. TEEJ

    Explained: UN Vehicles Spotted (Again) in the US [Delivery from US Manufacturer to Overseas]

    WND are claiming that they have contacted both Alpine Armoring and BAE Systems and that they deny that the vehicles have anything to do with them.! As already highlighted in the OP could this be the variant produced by...
  16. TEEJ

    Explained: UN Vehicles Spotted (Again) in the US [Delivery from US Manufacturer to Overseas]

    Alpine Armoring Inc. that produces the vehicles is registered with the United Nations. Registration # 178461
  17. TEEJ

    MH17 Documentary from the BBC

    That image shows an F-111 dump and burn. Fuel is jettisoned and ignited by the afterburners.
  18. TEEJ

    Claim BUK launcher trucked out of Ukraine

    New Google Earth Satellite Update Confirms Presence of Buk in Eastern Ukraine June 22, 2016 By Bellingcat Today, Google Earth updated its historical satellite imagery to include Donetsk and Makiivka at 11:08am (local time) on July 17, 2014, the day of the downing of Flight MH17...