Search results

  1. JFDee

    How to prove chemtrails are just contrails?

    Actually, I quite like the idea, on a voluntary base of course. In today's entertainment systems, there is often a "flight information" channel or menu. This could be a platform for all kinds of explanatory short films about flying and plane technology, including one or two about clouds and...
  2. JFDee

    How to prove chemtrails are just contrails?

    This matches my own conclusions pretty closely. However, I think that expensive "in situ" contrail sampling tests are probably overkill. There is enough controversy when it comes to the basic understanding of the atmosphere. The "contrails normally don't persist" is still at the core of...
  3. JFDee

    How to prove chemtrails are just contrails?

    I often get the feeling that public discussions add an extra 'gap' between the two opposing sides. A passionate chemtrail proponent may have invested a lot into promoting his belief, which makes even the slightest hint of conceding particularly hard. Publicly questioning one's own conviction...
  4. JFDee

    Photoshopped "chemtrail" images on

    A thought for those defending the photoshops: dramatization is still manipulative, regardless of the montage components being real. Who knows if the trail backgrounds were not actually enlarged to make the trails appear more threatening? Combining a zoomed trail image with a wide-angle...
  5. JFDee

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    Been to Sheffield this weekend - very interesting trails you've got there in the UK ... This was not long before sunset on Saturday evening, around 20:30h, roughly westward. If I'm not mistaken, there are ripples/waves in the direction of two trails (which are probably also associated with...
  6. JFDee

    "Non-Persistent" and "Non-Visible Chemtrails"

    If spraying chemicals was indeed taken further to be invisible - what to do with persistent contrails? They won't go away ... And if they are still deemed to be evil - what's the use of invisible spraying? It can't be secrecy as long as persistent trails are still around. Logical short circuit...
  7. JFDee

    New fuel dump "chemtrail" video [Munich, Thai Airways Flight 925]

    I did post the link to the original video, without even discussing it in any way. It seems to be all gone now though, including Jay's posts.
  8. JFDee

    Debunked: High Bypass Turbofans do not make Contrails [actually they make more]

    Isn't it more like 18 tons of water? Pointing to that 1.3 factor will probably evoke incredulity, but it can be an opening to explain the whole chemical reaction thingy where the mass of stuff going in equals the mass of stuff coming out.
  9. JFDee

    Useful Chemtrail Debunking Images and Infographics

    A recent review in the New York Times, introducing a new book about the history of meteorology, has made me aware of Thomas Forster, an English weather and cloud observer of the early 19th century. In his 1813 work "Researches About Atmospheric Phaenomena", he references and extends the cloud...
  10. JFDee

    New fuel dump "chemtrail" video [Munich, Thai Airways Flight 925]

    Well, I can see why he concentrated on the fact that the trail originated from the wingtips, which is indeed unusual enough. And - as one comment said there - technically, this is a spraying plane ... I don't know what exactly his beliefs are w/ regard to chemtrails, but he did not purge...
  11. JFDee

    New fuel dump "chemtrail" video [Munich, Thai Airways Flight 925]

    The uploader of the original Youtube video has confirmed it was recorded near Salzburg, Austria, around 3:20 pm on July 15th. There is no more doubt that he captured HS-TGB dumping fuel. He has obviously accepted that this is a fuel dump which was also stated in the comments quite often. I...
  12. JFDee

    New fuel dump "chemtrail" video [Munich, Thai Airways Flight 925]

    A new fuel dump video appeared on Youtube, titled "This is a spray plane": The supposed recording date is today, July 15th 2015. A short search brought up an incident from today at Munich: A Thai Airways Boeing 747-400, registration HS-TGB performing flight TG-925 from Munich (Germany) to...
  13. JFDee

    Operation Clarity: The History of Chemtrails

    So this is basically in a nutshell what has initially formed his belief? Dust on an exposed glass surface A fundamental misconception about the lab testing method applied which breaks up dust to its elements The fact that he only picked those 'suspicious' metals for testing Wow.
  14. JFDee

    Do contrails add water to the atmosphere over time?

    Global warming is expected to raise the absolute amount of water in the atmosphere. Not sure if you can compare Venusian sulfuric acid clouds with water clouds, but virgas (evaporating rain) are not uncommon on this planet either.
  15. JFDee

    Child Victim of "Alternative Medicine"

    As reported by Respectful Insolence several days ago: It's a wrap-up of a case in Wyalusing, PA, which has led to a police investigation and ultimately to an indictement of the child's...
  16. JFDee

    [MoreInfoNeeded]Germany NewsTV: Explanation for radar cloud

    From the official answer to the parliamentary question that FreiZeitGeist has linked to: Seit 1998 wurden mit Genehmigung des BMVg vier Kampagnen, zuletzt im Februar 2008, zum Ausbringen von Düppel im Rahmen von Erprobungen bzw. Wirksamkeitsuntersuchungen an Selbstschutzsystemen fliegender...
  17. JFDee

    Patrick Roddie - San Francisco, California, Rainwater sample

    Offering water tests to homeowners for instance should be accompanied by some interpretation support:
  18. JFDee

    Patrick Roddie - San Francisco, California, Rainwater sample

    However, if they accept orders from non-professionals, they could easily provide some concise information about the test method principle, including the disclaimer I mentioned previously. That wouldn't be any kind of interpretation in itself but rather helping with it.
  19. JFDee

    Patrick Roddie - San Francisco, California, Rainwater sample

    Why not add a disclaimer to every result sheet that this test method can not tell apart free and bound elements in the sample?
  20. JFDee

    Debunked: Ian Simpson's Presentation at the 2015 Cambridge SRM Conference

    Ah, yes, fond memories - I have posted quite a bit as OswaldHeger in the comment section.