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  1. JFDee

    Debunked: Ian Simpson's Presentation at the 2015 Cambridge SRM Conference

    A little TV piece about conspiracy theorists at Cambridge will be broadcast today. German French There are excerpts from the program on...
  2. JFDee

    Germanwings Airbus Crash: Possible Motivations

    New revelations point to a not-so-spontaneous decision by Mr. Lubitz. The tablet computer from his home was analyzed and revealed past search queries about both methods for suicide and technical details about cockpit doors ("in the week before the crash", as the district attourney from...
  3. JFDee

    Germanwings Airbus Crash: Factual Analysis

    It is visible in the transponder transmission. See post #69.
  4. JFDee

    Germanwings Airbus Crash: Factual Analysis

    But in this case, according to the cockpit recording, he made that offer twice, instead of just waiting for that 'call'. I think other captains may remember similar exchanges if they took place.
  5. JFDee

    Germanwings Airbus Crash: Possible Motivations

    Your whole post is an excellent assessment about what we know about Mr Lubitz up to now. I find it plausible from beginning to end. I think people who have not lived through depression have a hard time to imagine what it can be like. A good friend of mine was affected and afterwards told me...
  6. JFDee

    Germanwings Airbus Crash: Possible Motivations

    Adding to the more irrational aspects of this affair: The flying club where Mr. Lubitz was accepted as a 14-year-old for glider training has received "e-mail death threads" for having started his flying career ...
  7. JFDee

    Germanwings Airbus Crash: Possible Motivations

    Yesterday, there was confirmation of something I suspected for a while: Andreas Lubitz knew the area where he crashed the plane from earlier visits. As I have remarked earlier, the area is busy with glider flying tourism. Mr. Lubitz is said to have stayed at Sisteron, annother famous...
  8. JFDee

    Germanwings Airbus Crash: Factual Analysis

    Barcelonette and its vicinity is a famous and busy glider flying destination, though not this time of year.
  9. JFDee

    Germanwings Airbus Crash: Possible Motivations

    Andreas Lubitz started glider flying as a teenager in a club not far away from where I live. This is a very common career start for German pilots. At least five friends from my club that did their training alongside myself are now professional pilots. Most flying clubs in Germany are building...
  10. JFDee

    Germanwings Airbus Crash: Factual Analysis

    Yes, it's sad. There has been going so much thinking into security and fail-proving the technology, as well as into training and vetting the human beings at the controls. And still there is a weak link in the chain now and then.
  11. JFDee

    Germanwings Airbus Crash: Factual Analysis

    This is consistant with the emergency access procedure described in the video I linked above, at 3:56.
  12. JFDee

    Germanwings Airbus Crash: Factual Analysis

    TWCobra has stated in a previous post that to his knowledge there is no way the descent was controlled by autopilot. I think we have to take the word of an experienced flight captain here ...
  13. JFDee

    Germanwings Airbus Crash: Factual Analysis

    There is a recent public video about one flavour of reinforced cockpit doors which is said to be associated with Airbus:
  14. JFDee

    Germanwings Airbus Crash: Factual Analysis

    So I take it that the descent was initiated manually, the speed obviously not increased which could point to a possible structure damage if there was really a decompression. The deep sound that was described by witnesses might have been caused by a hole in the fuselage, with the airstream being...
  15. JFDee

    Germanwings Airbus Crash Conspiracy Theories

    "The plane issued a distress call ..." This was corrected later. There was no distress call during the descent. One of many such reports:
  16. JFDee

    Germanwings Airbus Crash: Factual Analysis

    Question to pilots: Is there something like an automated response to an air pressure drop in the cabin/cockpit? Or is pilot action required to initiate a descent like the one that we are seeing? Anyway, my first guess here would be (sudden) loss of conciousness.
  17. JFDee

    Debunked: Ian Simpson's Presentation at the 2015 Cambridge SRM Conference

    One possibility is that the geo-engineering researchers - or at least the conference organizers - are well aware of the chemtrail 'movement' and decided to go for transparency, to avoid the impression of a closed discussion. It started at the last conference in Berlin IIRC. It may also be that...
  18. JFDee

    Debunked: Ian Simpson's Presentation at the 2015 Cambridge SRM Conference

    I think it is noteworthy what was not in the presentation. That includes the "secret island" at the coordinates 0° W 0° N of whose existence Ian was so convinced about for a while. Either the choir of people calling that nonsense became too large (probably even including fellow believers), or...
  19. JFDee

    Which Plane is Higher? Optical Illusions in Assessing Relative Altitude

    Ah, I thought that the image was somehow familiar ... but Google's image search did not bring it up, even when combined with "".
  20. JFDee

    Which Plane is Higher? Optical Illusions in Assessing Relative Altitude

    This is annother exhibit that I came across on FB. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the original source yet. My take is that the plane at 'the front' is a Boeing 737-300 or something in that class, and the one 'behind' is a Boeing 767-400 or similar - which is much larger in comparison and...