Search results

  1. JFDee

    Bill Gates is helping fund geoengineering (chemtrails) ... so why are you denying it?

    A very speculative paper, with a rather boasting title. No evidence of anything ongoing. Speaking of evidence: Do you still claim that Bill Gates is funding ongoing geoengineering? If so, have you found any evidence for that claim?
  2. JFDee

    Debunked: C-130 dropping 'raindrop shaped fibers', lab tests for metals [Spider Silk, Dirt]

    Aluminum is also a component of various sorts of clay. The percentage is not as high as in bauxite, but the common lab test will indicate it clearly.
  3. JFDee

    Debunked: Aerosol Geoengineering Film Footage Reality [Fuel Dumps]

    I was grinning when listening to the original sound. They are not really speaking German, it's the Swiss dialect/language ("Schwizerdütsch") heavily infused with lots of English terms. Imagine "Heidi" from the mountain meadow reading down an A340 checklist ... Nevertheless, an excellent video!
  4. JFDee

    Converting mb (pressure) to altitude, and sites where this is useful

    A little addendum: there is a good reason why 'flight levels' (pressure altitudes) are important in aviation. If you set your altimeter before take-off to match the actual elevation, it will give you the altitude correctly only if you stay in the region surrounding your airfield and the weather...
  5. JFDee

    Clouds formed when they should not?

    Hmm, in the Google Books search result I clicked "Get Print Book" and on the following page "Find in a library". That referred me to "Worldcat" where further down the page there was a section "Find a copy in the library"; I could enter my ZIP code and it lists some universities, sorted according...
  6. JFDee

    Comments not showing up on Geoengineering Watch's UVB Radiation Video?

    My comments from yesterday - which were only visible when I was logged in - are gone today. However, I can still post. The lack of indication that postings may have to be approved or are outright blocked is quite stunning ... A Google search reveals that this seems to be a common problem.
  7. JFDee

    Comments not showing up on Geoengineering Watch's UVB Radiation Video?

    Isn't it 380 to 390? The "gap" is between 390 and 400 instead of 380 and 400, right? That would be consistent with the manuals of the meters.
  8. JFDee

    Comments not showing up on Geoengineering Watch's UVB Radiation Video?

    Hmm, I can't see any skeptical posting (including mine) when I'm not logged in. Doesn't Youtube notify you about being blocked? Edit: what I find weird is that I can continue to post on and on - the postings are just not visible ...
  9. JFDee

    Debunked: Geoengineering Watch's confirmation of "Record Shattering UV Levels"

    Should that have been "B + a large chunk of A" ?
  10. JFDee

    Comments not showing up on Geoengineering Watch's UVB Radiation Video?

    I can't. There are 7 comments now alltogether, mostly share notifications.
  11. JFDee

    Debunked: "Rainwater Samples From Alachua County Florida Test Positive for Aluminum"

    The H (hydrogen) and the O (oxygen) connections are broken up like all the others, so in the hot vapor (plasma) you have free H, O and Al (aluminum) atoms flying around. Now, the point about water is that each of its countless molecules consists of two Hs and one O - which are also broken up and...
  12. JFDee

    Debunked: "Rainwater Samples From Alachua County Florida Test Positive for Aluminum"

    You could measure the H and O parts as well, but since you had a water sample (H2O) to begin with, this is not really useful ...
  13. JFDee

    Debunked: "Rainwater Samples From Alachua County Florida Test Positive for Aluminum"

    I am aware of that. For the sake of simplification, I used the term 'vapor'; I also pondered about 'gas' but decided against it. Associations are relevant here; vapor is something that is commonly known from the kitchen (even if misattributed to steam) and associated with heat. The relevant...
  14. JFDee

    Debunked: "Rainwater Samples From Alachua County Florida Test Positive for Aluminum"

    I'll try, but I need more words: The atoms that are so nicely connected and ordered in the image of the clay structure will be cracked by immense heat for the analysis - all the connections are broken, the sample is literally vaporized. No more clay - what's left are the loose atoms that once...
  15. JFDee

    Debunked: "Rainwater Samples From Alachua County Florida Test Positive for Aluminum"

    I like this visualization of a clay variant that the course paper calls "gibbsite, an aluminum oxide clay common in highly weathered soils". Possibly a three-paned, two-row graphic like this: __Dirt/Clay Ball__ | __Flame (or actual chromatograph)__ | __Aluminum value on report sheet__...
  16. JFDee

    Debunked: "Rainwater Samples From Alachua County Florida Test Positive for Aluminum"

    This is the fundamental misunderstanding with regards to the test results in question. The test method cracks up all compounds in the sample into their elements. So you get metal readings from minerals. That bit of information can't be stressed too often or too much.
  17. JFDee

    Very good question asked by Madison Star Moon

    Is it just me or has MSM really removed that questioning post from her timeline? I can't find it anymore between Oct. 28th and 31th ...
  18. JFDee

    Photos of Clouds and Skies (That you took yourself)

    I assume this is Bakersfield, CA. I happened to spend the evening here, and the cirrus display was indeed impressive !
  19. JFDee

    Photos of Clouds and Skies (That you took yourself)

    I assume this is Bakersfield, CA. I happened to spend the evening here, and the cirrus display was indeed impressive !
  20. JFDee

    Photos of Clouds and Skies (That you took yourself)

    Evaporating rain (virga) and anticrepuscular rays at you-know-where yesterday.