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  1. JFDee

    Clouds formed when they should not?

    Three points: 1. The radiosonde data shows humidity levels with respect to water. The factor that is relevant for persistent contrail formation is supersaturation with respect to ice - this can occur at water humidity levels below 70 %. 2. Humidity data from radiosondes at low temperatures...
  2. JFDee

    Debunked: Dane Wigington's Undeniable Footage of Jet Aircraft Spraying [Aerodynamic Contrails]

    That "Contrail Evolution" image from cieliazzurri is extremely useful! It also shows how the gap between plane and trail varies with the conditions of the surrounding air.
  3. JFDee

    History and Science of Weather Modification

    Weather modification in the 21st century - a "hail buster" in a German documentary (excerpt): von oben 3 - Cloud Seeding It shows nicely what cloud seeding looks like ... small plane in a cloud with no visible trails. It also illustrates the...
  4. JFDee

    Cloud Seeding (Weather Modification) on the Dick Van Dyke Show, 1965

    Well then, state your claim and provide your evidence, but do so in a new thread.
  5. JFDee

    Can we rely on debunkers?

    I was not referring to the individual researcher. I mean the process of peer review and the condition of repeatability by fellow (or rather competing) specialists. Humans will stay fallible and more or less biased, but the knowledge created - and probably built upon many times - is not bound to...
  6. JFDee

    Can we rely on debunkers?

    That may well be true, however the scientific process itself dictates that if opinion (or expectation, or hypothesis) does not hold in the light of evidence, it must be changed. The research mechanism in natural sciences is designed to overcome bias and subjectivity. Of course, debunkers are in...
  7. JFDee

    "Escaping the Prison of Belief" - Science as a Remedy, by Ex-Scientologist

    Chris Shelton has spent a good part of his life working for Scientology before he left the organization in 2013. Since then he has provided many clear and analytical insights into the inner workings of what he calls a "cult" now. The article at hand advocates scientific thinking on a very...
  8. JFDee

    Bugs and Suggestions for

    I just retried and it is working again, so I guess someone must have been tampering with SSL. However, I confess that I still use Opera 12.17 due to the unmatched configurability ...
  9. JFDee

    Bugs and Suggestions for

    I have a problem that started a day ago (or so). I'm also using Opera, and upon trying to connect to Metabunk, I now receive an error from the browser: "The secure transaction could not be completed". A more detailed text below states: "The identity of the web site could not be confirmed (OCSP...
  10. JFDee

    Vindog's Contrail Questions [Contrails Near Boston]

    I don't think this should be seen as an attack on someone specific. The point is that human memory is generally unreliable, in varying degrees. As stated before, I don't trust my own memory very much, and every proper skeptic should do so in my opinion. Vindog has demanded references - which is...
  11. JFDee

    Debunk this [Planes at different altitude and different contrails over France]

    If you refer to the variability in humidity, and the existence of clouds (and gaps between them) does not convince you, then look at diagrams of sounding measurements taken by weather balloons. This is the current one from Albany, NY...
  12. JFDee

    Vindog's Contrail Questions [Contrails Near Boston]

    Two things worth noting: 1. Once you determine a trail to be persistent, it must obviously have been hanging around quite a while. Consequentially, the plane that had created it may have been gone already. 2. The main source of data for the visualizations of FR24 is the ADS-B signal...
  13. JFDee

    Vindog's Contrail Questions [Contrails Near Boston]

    More efficient burning of fuel and cooler exhaust. But more importantly most efficiency achieved at higher altitude levels = flying in colder environment.
  14. JFDee

    Vindog's Contrail Questions [Contrails Near Boston]

    Even without any concrete reference, it may still be possible that Vindog's memory is correct after all. If I'm not mistaken, Mick is just now checking for air traffic history.
  15. JFDee

    Vindog's Contrail Questions [Contrails Near Boston]

    Yes, with more and higher flights and newer airplane technology. Global increase, with local variations. I don't think anyone here disagrees.
  16. JFDee

    Vindog's Contrail Questions [Contrails Near Boston]

    If Vindog agrees to move on, why shouldn't we? I consider the question of the traffic increase much less interesting than why he thinks the trails today are not normal contrails.
  17. JFDee

    Vindog's Contrail Questions [Contrails Near Boston]

    I never thought about persistent contrails prior to my pilot's exam (around the year 2000). I must have seen them but I did not notice them. They were referred to in the meteorological class as an indicator of an approaching warm front. From then on, I started looking out for them - and saw lots.
  18. JFDee

    Vindog's Contrail Questions [Contrails Near Boston]

    Hmm, as far as I read it, nobody here claimed that there was always the same amount of persistent contrails in the sky then and now. Quite the contrary. Personal memory is unreliable. That's what science is there for. It starts with taking notes.
  19. JFDee

    Vindog's Contrail Questions [Contrails Near Boston]

    Well, the "quality" of your memory is obviously central to your claim, so its correctness is certainly an issue. Again, your memory may be excellent regarding things that really counted in your life, or things that you learned actively. But how involved were you with watching the sky, the...
  20. JFDee

    Vindog's Contrail Questions [Contrails Near Boston]

    Allow me to return that suggestion regarding your original claim "no persistent contrails in the nineties". If you expect references, you should be able to to provide some yourself. I think everyone around here is aware of the shortcomings of personal memory. I wouldn't trust myself with such...