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  1. JFDee

    Vindog's Contrail Questions [Contrails Near Boston]

    Maybe there was indeed no air traffic route over your area in the nineties? Increase in air traffic obviously involves the creation of new connections. Anyway, as has been repeated in many discussions here, the atmosphere - including its higher levels - is changing continuously, and hardly ever...
  2. JFDee

    Vindog's Contrail Questions [Contrails Near Boston]

    Hama Neggs came indeed across as "snarky", as Vindog perceived it. If some "dissenter" starts to post here, it's not unlikely that he/she is a bit anxious or touchy at first. I strongly believe we should take that into account. Am I repeating myself? Probably not often enough.
  3. JFDee

    Useful Chemtrail Debunking Images and Infographics

    For those cases where you need to illustrate that correlation does not necessarily mean causality: Spurious Correlations It even allows you to create new random correlations from a database. Click "Discover a new correlation".
  4. JFDee

    Please tell me these are contrails.

    Gary, you could also try change your perspective and see beauty in these clouds - or at least interesting structures and patterns. Imagine a month or a year with a blue, spotless sky for every single day. Wouldn't that be boring after a while? I personally like the stretches most where the...
  5. JFDee

    Climates of suspicion: 'chemtrail' conspiracy narratives & the int'l politics of geoengineering

    To return back to the OP, I can see that Metabunk has become a sort of bogeyman for the 'conspiracy community', not just for alleged disinformation but also for perceived arrogance or agressivity against CT believers. I think it's clear that the latter aspects are much less of a problem here...
  6. JFDee

    How Doing Research can Lead Both In and Out of the Rabbit Hole

    I think most - if not all - of us have had the experience of being attracted to watching accidents. For example, it takes a conscious effort not to slow down and gawp if there is a car crash on the opposite freeway track. Also, think of the countless accident and catastrophy videos accumulated...
  7. JFDee

    Needs Debunking: More Guns = More Crime

    I have realized that I'm indeed biased (and somewhat emotional) when it comes to discussing gun craziness in the U.S.. Watching from Europe, it just seems so obvious that there is a fundamental problem with this and with the power of the NRA. To me, it's the face of anti-civilization and...
  8. JFDee

    Needs Debunking: More Guns = More Crime

    Rather a question to Josh Heuer if the evidence for #8 is somehow inconvincing ... I find it quite convincing as a rebuttal of the original NRA claim (this goes also for the other points in the list). So which ones are debatable?
  9. JFDee

    Needs Debunking: More Guns = More Crime

    OK then - let's pick one at a time. Number 8? Other suggestions?
  10. JFDee

    Needs Debunking: More Guns = More Crime

    So there are other points in the list that are less debatable? And they don't suffice?
  11. JFDee

    Absence of contrails in old films

    That is an interesting view which deserves its own thread. Create one if you want.
  12. JFDee

    Debunked: Monsanto Patents and Chemtrails (Infowars' GMO-Chemtrail Connection)

    That is true, but if we tell people that clay and precious stones like topaz or aquamarine are made partly of Aluminum, they can check this right away. Not an opinion thing, therefore not easily refuted. Addendum: It's probably not even necessary to mention atoms. When asked, talking about...
  13. JFDee

    Debunked: Monsanto Patents and Chemtrails (Infowars' GMO-Chemtrail Connection)

    Even if they don't understand the actual science (at first), my point is that the association may change. Metal = shiny, 'unnatural', possibly dangerous Mineral = dull, inert, but sometimes advertised on vitamin supplements and therefore healthy
  14. JFDee

    Debunked: Monsanto Patents and Chemtrails (Infowars' GMO-Chemtrail Connection)

    I'm not sure about this strategy; in my opinion this is the central misunderstanding in the "metal" claims. Don't you think it would deflate the dramatization considerably if we would explain that the metals are coming in the form of "minerals"? That term may even evoke positive associations.
  15. JFDee

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    Were those trails on the right actually curved in reality, or is that the result of the stitching/correction process?
  16. JFDee

    Debunked:Tom F Balauras RCAF Chemtrail Whistleblower [Hoax]

    The search link does not work for me, it's probably personalized.
  17. JFDee

    Paranoia Shortfall?

    No numbers, statistics, just everything thrown together - everyday germs with real 'macro' parasites. Pure fear porn. If you don't find any of your itches in the long list of conditions reeled off in that concoction, you're probably dead already. On the other hand, there is ongoing research...
  18. JFDee

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    And annother one from the evening of that day. Avant: Aprés: Direction WNW from Montmartre, estim. distance 30-40 km.
  19. JFDee

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    Contrail sunday in Paris, 2014-05-04 ... Avant: Aprés: Embedded date is UTC.
  20. JFDee

    Claim of Weather manipulation in WaPo article

    Here is a feature from German television about the unit responsible for the "blue sky over Moskau" which is also the title of the film. Dispersing concrete powder is also mentioned in the course of the story. As many other special units...