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  1. JFDee

    Contrail Question for Skeptics - What's the Effect of Contrails on Climate?

    Haze can also form without contrail influence, depending on weather conditions. Contrails may just come in later then, as a result rather than as a cause. So you would have to separate these cases from those where contrails are in fact the main cause for the haze formation. Anyway, if you look...
  2. JFDee

    Explained: "Exclusive: Leaked Photos of Chemtrail Dispersal System"

    Plane identification follow-up for the Ex-Qantas planes: 24440,EI-STB-Air-Contractors.php 24433,EI-STD-Air-Contractors.php 24444...
  3. JFDee

    Explained: "Exclusive: Leaked Photos of Chemtrail Dispersal System"

    In that posting, A380 identifies the plane visible in the leaked photos as former SX-BMC, now ZS-JRC. I don't think that assertion is correct. Note how the plane in the photos is already painted in a windowless freighter configuration. ZS-JRC however was converted to a "combi" configuration...
  4. JFDee

    Who is Making Money off the Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory?

    The general attitude of such a person may have an influence there. There has been at least one study about the issue of general proneness to conspiracy theories - even contradicting ones. See this wrap-up in "Scientific American" by Michael Shermer...
  5. JFDee

    Useful Chemtrail Debunking Images and Infographics

    Air gets cooler with altitude, no matter where you are. For details see this article on Wikipedia:
  6. JFDee

    Photo of waves and trails

    Sorry, not a native English speaker. So why do you find that picture remarkable (apart from being beautiful, in my eyes)?
  7. JFDee

    Photo of waves and trails

    Chris, I suppose you find that picture remarkable in some way. Can you point your finger to what you want to transport?
  8. JFDee

    Skyderalert Whistleblower challenge

    You still seem to get it wrong after all these posts. There is no challenge. There is a serious offer for help. Do you accept that offer?
  9. JFDee

    Skyderalert Whistleblower challenge

    Assuming your name is real, you don't seem to be awfully serious about doing proper research. You make it look like this is a game for you. Research costs money. On the other hand, don't you think any 'chemtrail whistleblower' would have found a way to make money without your help? There are...
  10. JFDee

    Contrails in the 1940s "Die Deutsche Wochenschau" Newsreel

    Just for completeness' sake ... The untruncated video is here: The last bits of the comment in German: Die Zeichen, die V-2 in den Himmel schreibt, sind dem Auge noch sichtbar, wenn das Ferngeschoss sein Ziel erreicht hat...
  11. JFDee

    Flying back and forth

    Probably AWACS planes? Google says there are E-3 Sentries at Stavanger ("Sola"), Sweden, and at Ørland, Norway.
  12. JFDee

    Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

    "Code" is probably not correct in a strict way - the issue is the callsign (identification) which is part of the ADB-S OUT data.
  13. JFDee

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    I'm not usually prone to bragging, but can't resist on this occasion:
  14. JFDee

    Debunked: Monsanto's Aluminum Resistant GMOs and Chemtrails

    Is there any reference for the plan you are writing about? A website? What is the target of this testing plan?
  15. JFDee

    Debate Challenge from Madisonstar Moon to Mick West

    I am convinced that the simplification is legitimate here, particularly to visualize "pockets of air". I have not seen a specific rebuttal of that argument yet; it has the potential to convince people about atmospheric humidity variation (as have atmospheric sounding graphs, even with all their...
  16. JFDee

    Debunked: Dane Wigington's Claims That UV is "Off The Charts"

    Or Morgellons, if you have never looked through a microscope before.
  17. JFDee

    Debate Challenge from Madisonstar Moon to Mick West

    I think the cloud analogy is a very effective point when talking about humidity variation. This came over very well. Generally, if chemtrailers are pointing to their own samples and measurements, it should be stressed again and again how important it is follow the basic rules during the...
  18. JFDee

    Max and the WhistleBlower

    The "referee" or someone using the name has posted a comment on the video "The Beginning of the End part2". It will probably not stay there forever, so see the screenshot below.
  19. JFDee

    Max and the WhistleBlower

    Maybe I should have elaborated - it's the implied assessment in the phrase "these people" (or the like) that I am talking about. Imagine for a moment that you are a chemtrail believer and re-read the postings with different eyes. Are there any that you may perceive as a judgement about you as a...
  20. JFDee

    Max and the WhistleBlower

    Comments referring to the hoax on Max' video "CHEMTRAILS: The Beginning of the End (part2)" were just deleted. He is obviously dealing with the affair.