Search results

  1. JFDee

    Max and the WhistleBlower

    None of that - just keeping in mind that this site is intended to be useful, as opposed to just annother hangout which serves mainly as a chat platform. Is it useful to make such assessments? Who is the addressee of this statement? In a nutshell: what is the point of posting how funny this is...
  2. JFDee

    Max and the WhistleBlower

    I think this reaction is not funny in the least. It shows that it will be much harder to get believers to read more than just the topic titles here in the future. To be honest, I dislike those (few) self-gratulatory posts that popped up here after the hoax disclosure. I urge those who tend to...
  3. JFDee

    Max Bliss - Anonymous Chemtrails 'Airline insider' speaks out

    Very, very carefully - and not with passengers on board.
  4. JFDee

    Max Bliss - Anonymous Chemtrails 'Airline insider' speaks out

    Assumably it's Trimethylaluminium - which would make a bomb of every plane carring it.
  5. JFDee

    Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

    It looks like two or three planes are using the same ADS-B code. The FR24 software tries to plot a track assuming this is just one flight. It's no surprise that the result is erratic. Edit: there are so many planes involved in this that it's more likely that there is a problem with the ADS-B...
  6. JFDee

    Cloud Seeding, Geoengineering, Detecting nano-aluminum?

    A compound is created when atoms are tied to other atoms - they react and form a new substance. So we are talking about the same thing. You are right, there are no "pure" metals in natural soil. Most minerals (like Silicon dioxide, also called "sand", or Bauxite which contains a lot of...
  7. JFDee

    Cloud Seeding, Geoengineering, Detecting nano-aluminum?

    A common misunderstanding of this whole rainwater-analysing business is that the elements - like Aluminum - in the test results are 'free-floating' in the water. This is fundamentally wrong; the largest part of these elements arrives at the test as compounds in minerals - dust, in a nutshell...
  8. JFDee

    Cloud Seeding, Geoengineering, Detecting nano-aluminum?

    I think most of us are aware of cloudseeding. There are plenty of results when you search on Google Images. Here is a (German) video about one of the most 'notorious' cloud seeding entities. They are even using cement powder sometimes...
  9. JFDee

    Explained: Chemtrail Plane Interior (Ballast Barrels)

    You have delivered the explanation with your observation. What is a cloud other than water (or ice) that becomes visible because the air can't hold it anymore as vapor? This in turn means that the air around the cloud is high in humidity, and that is the reason for the contrail to become...
  10. JFDee

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    And, almost as expected, a "Chemtrails!" cry in the comments ...
  11. JFDee

    Maybe there are both chemtrails AND contrails?

    This is where you err. Did you read the articles on There are plenty of references to scientific papers. The same with many threads here. Why don't you just bring forward one specific argument or observation and we'll discuss it - while you watch over the quality of the...
  12. JFDee

    Maybe there are both chemtrails AND contrails?

    Again: if you accept science, then there is no ambiguity regarding contrails. Insisting that there may be any means rejecting science.
  13. JFDee

    Maybe there are both chemtrails AND contrails?

    That's exactly the difference to the chemtrail/contrail debate. There is no evidence for chemtrails. What's more, the assumption of large scale deliberate chemical spraying is based on a lack of knowledge. Science explains all sorts of contrails quite well, including those lingering for hours...
  14. JFDee

    Famous Chemtrail

    Regarding the original source of the image, I did a Google image search and got nothing but loads of chemtrail sites obviously copying from one annother. However, I don't think it's accidental that the size of the black bar at the bottom matches exactly the copyright bar from ""...
  15. JFDee

    Famous Chemtrail

    I don't think that's a given, considering the dimension of plane spotter's equipment today. Besides, the image may even have been taken from annother plane. Even if the altitude had in fact been lower than usual, the temperature may have been just right for trailing (due to season or high...
  16. JFDee

    What are these stationary clouds? [Lee clouds]

    Indeed, lenticularis are signs of "waves" (hi, electrojet!) at or close to mountainous areas when the wind is strong and steady. These waves make glider climbing possible even in wintertime when the thermals are weak. Regarding "pyrocumulus": that's a good one! Here is a bigger specimen...
  17. JFDee

    Flight aware glitch?

    Happens on other sites too, like flightradar24. Two flights, same ID, one going South and one going North, creating an exciting phenomenon for Max Bliss:
  18. JFDee

    Debunked: Ancient Egyptian Statue Rotating by Itself in Manchester Museum

    The other pieces on that shelf are obviously very different, especially regarding the center of gravity. So why should they not behave differently? It may also be that their base is more even, thus increasing friction. If you have a more reasonable explanation, I should like to hear it.
  19. JFDee

    Debunked: Ancient Egyptian Statue Rotating by Itself in Manchester Museum

    Once more, the crave for limelight sweeps away all self-restriction imposed by science ... I believe the curators and scientists mean well, trying to increase visitor figures and stoking interest in their subject, competing with today's entertainment culture. The problem is that what sticks in...
  20. JFDee

    New Forum Software

    I must say that there are one or two regressions from my point of view. Several fonts are tiny and/or light grey on white. Some action links (e.g. View last message in overview, Like, Reply) are quite small and inconspicuous. I suppose I'm getting old ... Edit: on the other hand I like the...