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  1. JFDee

    Skyderalert mobile app and "LOOK UP" - New Documentary

    Your post does not seem to make sense in this discussion. To be honest, it looks like a distraction attempt to me. Did you read the information about persistant contrails? Do you still think they are created intentionally and differ substantially from short-lived trails? If so, can you tell us...
  2. JFDee

    Scientific paper stating airborne barium releases 'responsible' for human illness

    Is that the "technique" which you employed when you veered off after your claim of immensely elevated aluminum levels, somehow moving on to radar rings, military weather manipulation, HAARP, Evergreen, questioning the qualification of debunkers, IQ levels and ultimately 9/11 ? Now you seem to...
  3. JFDee

    Scientific paper stating airborne barium releases 'responsible' for human illness

    Ceterum censeo, deejay, you still owe us some evidence for the claim of "5,000 percent rise in soil concentrations of aluminum in non-industrial area". Yet annother question unanswered ...
  4. JFDee

    Skyderalert mobile app and "LOOK UP" - New Documentary

    Just - wow! That story - including the suit against Quackwatch - is leaving me virtually speechless. Yet annother thing to make 'chemtrail metal' believers aware of: "Can you trust your doctor and your lab?" We are trying to point people to science, and in the next sentence we have to...
  5. JFDee

    Debunked: Contrail Anomalies. [Engine Gaps and Galley Drain Trails]

    I think there may be even annother trail in addition to the one from the tail and the engines ... Between 0:47 and 0:49 in the Saive video, there seems to be a thin stream going by the left side of the gear compartment, assumably from some release point ahead. Annother galley? Or can it be...
  6. JFDee

    Debunked: Contrail Anomalies. [Engine Gaps and Galley Drain Trails]

    Note that - like with the exhaust contrails - there can be water contribution from the outside to the ice crystals formed from the drain spray, making the stream of ice fog more voluminous (and probably persist longer) by condensing - or rather accreting - on the crystals from the freezing...
  7. JFDee

    please someone debunk this crap

    There is a good wrap-up of the phenomenon in this article:
  8. JFDee

    Contrails, Gravity Waves, and HAARP

    I can't find evidence for your assumption. The connection between earth and space weather that was discovered in 2006 shows a down-to-up direction - again. Do you have more on that? Hmm - this statement suggests...
  9. JFDee

    Debunked: Geoengineering Terminated Worldwide at Worldwide Geoengineering Conference

    I won't claim that we debunkers around here are free of faults, particularly in discussions that are heating up. And even if that claim of electrojet ("glimmers of it here and there") were entirely false - I think we have shaken off far worse accusations. So - back to the issues: You...
  10. JFDee

    Contrails, Gravity Waves, and HAARP

    Being skeptical should lead to avoiding premature conclusions. If the mesosphere is the "most poorly understood part of the atmosphere" (Wikipedia) and the energy levels of the processes and their contributors are not even halfway determined yet, it's a very, very long shot to suggest that...
  11. JFDee

    Contrails, Gravity Waves, and HAARP

    Linked - as the cause or the effect? Edit: researched the link - it's obviously established. The main contributor to atmospheric gravity waves is the wind interacting with geographic features. What is the size of the share coming from radiation events? What is the size of the share that HAARP...
  12. JFDee

    Explained: Chemtrail Plane Interior (Ballast Barrels)

    Hmm, but in the post you quoted Madison writes: Then I saw the same ad on the other disinfo site that is connected with Mick West and his team of goons.In my opinion, when writing about chemtrail believers or proponents, self restriction will pay off even when the urge to ramble is big...
  13. JFDee

    Theory: Use of "chemtrails" to destroy the human immune system

    I see the same sky, criss-crossing trails, and can feel none of the symptoms you describe. Nor do the other people I meet. What about your neighbors? Are they all affected as well, with no exception? That would be a reason to look more closely. Isolated personal perceptions are not good...
  14. JFDee

    New York Times: Why Rational People Buy Into Conspiracy Theories

    And that's where the research comes in that is described in the article. Some people are more inclined than others to assume conspiracies. Their intuition is influenced by the culture they grew up in, and probably by personal experiences during their lifetime. [Psychologists] have, through...
  15. JFDee

    New York Times: Why Rational People Buy Into Conspiracy Theories

    That may appear so if you give the same weight to every single posting that you can find. However, I think with a bit of common sense it is possible to sort through all the links properly. I would look for references in every information bit. If there are none, it's not worth to be seriously...
  16. JFDee

    New York Times: Why Rational People Buy Into Conspiracy Theories

    I can relate to that, what with the amount of spinning created by so many politicians and interest groups. The question is: what will replace these half-truths? The likes of Alex Jones? Internet gossip? The best bet for me is to rely in science and its mechanism of fact checking. However I...
  17. JFDee

    New York Times: Why Rational People Buy Into Conspiracy Theories

    Author Maggie Koerth-Baker wraps up some research around people who tend to believe in conspiracies. Excerpt: “The best predictor of belief in a conspiracy theory is belief in other conspiracy...
  18. JFDee

    MITRE and chemtrails?

    I guess the name resemblance to James Bond's "SPECTRE", the secret crime organization, plays a role here ...
  19. JFDee

    Editorial in the New York Times discusses Geoengineering

    Joe, can you specify how you received this? Was it an e-mail or newsletter? Do you have a weblink perhaps? Thanks!
  20. JFDee

    Useful Chemtrail Debunking Images and Infographics

    A sequence in this glossy documentary (" ... From Above" type) introduces a 'hail buster'. Good shots of the flare-like silver iodide dispenser. Narration in German. A stupid rule in Germany limits the availability of the online video to seven days (from yesterday). If someone should find it...