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  1. JFDee

    Editorial in the New York Times discusses Geoengineering

    Clive Hamilton points at the social and ethical aspects of geoengineering proposals. Excerpt (from the conclusion): So the battle lines are being drawn over the future of...
  2. JFDee

    peer reviewed research on aluminum content of rainwater required

    Boston, you can save yourself some typing (and the forum community several déja vues) if you read about electrojet's ideas here:
  3. JFDee

    G. Edward Griffin: Don't Blame the Pilots!

    This person - as a chemtrailer - actually tried to promote an effort to take good pictures of trailing planes on M.J. Murphy's FB board. He was irritated that his posts had vanished quite soon ... At the time, he suspected technical glitches in FB. Now I can see that he seems to be on the way...
  4. JFDee vs. vs. Flightaware for US traffic

    Hmm, solrey, that Tim Ball article seems a wee bit limited in perspective. Is his assessment accepted in the scientific community? The polar/moderate difference was part of this research project...
  5. JFDee vs. vs. Flightaware for US traffic

    Woody, about the effect of rising CO2 levels (I don't think this was discussed on contrailscience): Warmer air can hold more water (absolute humidity, not relative). Also, climate scientists are predicting more violent weather due to warming. Violent weather means increased convection...
  6. JFDee

    FB: Airline Pilots Who Believe that Chemtrails are Real

    Also in Australia, there is a guy named Leonard Clampett who is a retired hobby pilot. He had a hard time accepting that any burning of carbon-based fuel is generating water. This seems to have been a gap in his pilot training ... Now he is exploring all the usual chemtrail sites and about to...
  7. JFDee

    What does Greenpeace think about chemtrails?

    I have commented on his videos in a fact-oriented fashion. At least he is not deleting sceptical comments or blocking commenters immediately. His responses point to a somewhat 'evangelistic' approach. He just knows he is dealing with government agents and tries to encourage them to...
  8. JFDee

    Debunked: Belfort Group "Case Orange" conclusions & recommendations

    As a glider pilot, I tend to side with Classified when it comes to the influence of spreading contrails. Any dimming of sunlight has an impact on convection, a.k.a. thermals, that are caused by surface warming. It is in fact possible that jet traffic may create cirrus layers that would not...
  9. JFDee

    Contrails, Gravity Waves, and HAARP

    Is ist just me or does the "sources of (IBGW's)" part look like sloppy editing? In the 'paper', other acronyms in parentheses were each preceded by the full term. My impression is that the author is using "IBGW" as a catch-all for everything that disrupts HAM radio propagation. He may have...
  10. JFDee

    Solar Still and Cloaking Technology

    All interesting links - but can you explain for every single one how it is related to the contrail/chemtrail discussion, or more specifically to the topic of this thread?
  11. JFDee

    Living with a CT believer, sometimes it is really difficult

    Hi blargo, if someone is smart, it could be a first step to ask him/her to follow each claim to the source. Who brought it up first? Who presented the evidence? What is this person's qualification? Is the evidence sound? Also, a 'meta' discussion point may be the high attractivity of...
  12. JFDee

    Earth Day Activity? (Chemtrail/HAARP/Geoengineering protest)

    I hate to correct you, but Lenin is due on the 22nd ... There is annother guy's birthday on the 20th - black hair, rectangular moustache, shouted a lot, started a world war. Rings a bell?
  13. JFDee

    Explained: 1990 USAF Academy Chemtrails Manual [Riff on "Contrails" Handbook]

    Hey, if this gets spread, then from now on we can point people to page 22 for a short primer on scientific methodology ...
  14. JFDee

    Debunked: The Great Culling - Paul Wittenberger and Chris Maple

    1. This incident has no bearing on fluoridation. 2. It does nothing to alter the fact that the central requirement for a proper medical study is to take great care when selecting participants. Their lifestyle and environment must be comparable. If you are suspecting a single factor to make...
  15. JFDee

    Debunked: The Great Culling - Paul Wittenberger and Chris Maple

    Bryan Belshaw said: That is quite a stretch. As others have noted, there are plenty of differences. No, it doesn't. The test groups are too different for this conclusion to be stringent. Not good science.
  16. JFDee

    Debunked: The Great Culling - Paul Wittenberger and Chris Maple

    Bryan Belshaw, the listing of desease statistics of Ireland does not constitute evidence for your claim. You would have to show that there are no other factors responsible for the increased values beside fluoridization. A proper study would involve at least two test groups from the same...
  17. JFDee

    Attaching Digital Camera to Binoculars or Spotting Scopes

    Had a look on the original YT video and the comments. Very interesting. The poster manages to show how simple and inexpensive this setup is, at the same time not falling for the 'flamebait' of chemtrailers or trying to confront them in any way while clearly aware of the issue. Very good effort...
  18. JFDee

    Aluminium content dissent

    O.K. - everyone is standing by for those links. We hope they are somewhat specific.
  19. JFDee

    Kristen Meghan, former US Air Force whistle-blower?

    A hint: Unregistered seems to do cross-posts ...
  20. JFDee

    Explained: 1990 USAF Academy Chemtrails Manual [Riff on "Contrails" Handbook]

    Some more word play can probably illustrate the original intention of the pun. Here are some possible names for other (hypothetical) manuals and handbooks: Physics = "PHYSTRAILS" Meteorology = "MET-TRAILS" Flight Medicine = "MEDITRAILS" Using the idea of a "trail" as a metaphor...