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  1. JFDee

    How do you explain the X's in the sky?

    Sugar, take two regularly-used flight routes that are crossing at one point. Add a bit of wind (which can be quite steady and strong at contrail altitude), and there is no way to prevent a checkerboard pattern. Have a look at this:
  2. JFDee

    Jet Fuel Additives - Composition and Usage

    The ACS paper looks more like a proposal and a study of feasibility (judging from the first page). Furthermore, in this proposal the igniting substance is not "added" to the fuel in the sense of mixing it in fluid state, but rather as a "chemical spark" directly into the combustion chamber. I...
  3. JFDee

    Chemtrails at

    If you broaden the "chemtrail" term in this way, to designate what is known as polluting exhaust - why stop at planes? Cars and trucks can produce chemtrails too! And fireplaces! And power stations! And ... Can you tell me why clouds of smoke should not be called "chemtrails" in your...
  4. JFDee

    Moscow Spiral Contrail / Helix Cloud - Theories

    It's probably worth to note that Moscow has remarkably cold weather at the moment.
  5. JFDee

    Florida Contrails and Flight Tracking

    We see this kind of weather rather often in Western Germany; humid warm fronts coming in from the Atlantic and meeting the edge of high pressure areas generally sitting more to the East, on the continental landmass. Maybe people here are used to it more than elsewhere
  6. JFDee

    Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

    What or who is supposed to be entrapped on or by this site? Can't see any logic there. Would you care to explain?
  7. JFDee

    Jet Pilots Fear "Chemtrail" Attacks

    Again, as the others have suggested, look up aerodynamic contrails. If the air is humid enough, pressure changes along the wings and the fuselage can cause instant condensation. No additional engine needed. It's not uncommon to see this effect at the wing tips during a jet's final approach in...
  8. JFDee

    Swedish Politician Pernilla Hagberg raises "chemtrail" issue in parliament

    Why do you request an inspection if you are already sure that 'crap' is sprayed? How would you know that? Has anyone taken a sample yet?
  9. JFDee

    Swedish Politician Pernilla Hagberg raises "chemtrail" issue in parliament

    Uhm, no. The Google translation may be correct, but the source (Kopp Verlag) is a notorious company which offers hardly anything but bunk: ( (German) The page you linked quotes the Swedish paper "Katrineholms-Kuriren"...
  10. JFDee

    Debunked: Zig Zag Flight Paths on Flightradar24

    This video has popped up on YouTube: ​ So what is the explanation for these zig-zag lines? We know flight number (TAY274B) and approximate time, so the historical flight path (in coarse resolution) can be watched on the flightradar24 site. The erratic jumps are starting around this...
  11. JFDee

    AWACS being refueled with off-on contrails

    Here is a video in which the detachement maneuver was captured from the tanker's perspective (see end): ​
  12. JFDee

    Visualizing Flight Paths Above 30,000 Feet

    Ah, Europe ! The area where you don't see the ground anymore under all those threads, pretty much in the center - this is the place that I call home ... Contrary to the Californians around here, I have all sorts of contrails nearly every day. Now I can see why my chance is so big.
  13. JFDee

    Your Most favoritist Wacky Chemtrail Theories.

    Here is the link to the DNA theory:
  14. JFDee

    Dr. James Fleming

    So this book may be something to warmly recommend to chemtrail believers ... If Michael Murphy has used Dr. Fleming's reputation to bolster his claims, then the book's statements can't be simply dismissed without affecting the credibility of the film, or am I being too optimistic here?
  15. JFDee, Is this new?

    I have been wrong with "not in the main antenna itself". I imagined a field of antennas, but they will actually integrate the HF antennas in the main dish system ...
  16. JFDee, Is this new?

    Well, in the PDF that Jim linked there is in fact a paragraph about a heating facility at the Arecibo site, just obviously not in the main antenna itself: This relatively quiet environment provides excellent conditions for studying the ionosphere as an unbounded plasma physics laboratory...
  17. JFDee

    Debunked: claims silver iodide causes chemtrails/global warming!

    I have got the impression of a semantic misconception starting from Dave's first posts. The English expression is somewhat ambiguous. It should rather be "cloud harvesting". Crop seeding will grow crops, but cloud seeding will not grow clouds.
  18. JFDee

    Will chemtrails or covert geoengineering show up in varves, ice cores, or tree rings?

    Why should we need to test anything if there is no indication, no evidence, of anything sinister going on? What was your starting point again? "Flying in loops seems suspicious" Why not get to the bottom of this first?
  19. JFDee

    Will chemtrails or covert geoengineering show up in varves, ice cores, or tree rings?

    SD, in a reply to Trigger Hippie you said: Personally, I think that is correct with regard to the quantity aspect. It's so very easy today to spread rumours and false accusations, and to build up interest groups around them. This was a lot harder 20 years ago. Actually, that's a very good...
  20. JFDee

    TV Documentary Worth Viewing

    The distribution center shots start at 7:25.