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  1. JFDee

    Check out my chemtrail site

    You are right there. I personally enjoy watching an "exciting" sky, with clouds in different levels, patches of humid air where contrails appear, probably a sundog here and there if a warm front is closing in. This is all much more rewarding than a dull blue sky with nothing in it. I have...
  2. JFDee

    BBC: "Too much weight to fringe views", says review

    Now, the BBC can be said to be high on the scale of honesty and reputation. And yet I am not convinced that it was only "impartiality" which is named here as the issue. Controversy is just way more interesting than consensus, and documentary programs have to include overdramatized mysteries and...
  3. JFDee

    BBC: "Too much weight to fringe views", says review

    This is not directly about debunking, but it allows a glimpse into media behaviour and mechanisms:
  4. JFDee

    NY Times: "A Conspiracy Melts Down Into Washers and Dryers"

    From the New York Times comes a story about a conspiracy theory that got debunked by reality: What I found particularly interesting is the mentioning of Timothy McVeigh who was at the site once to check it out and dismiss the...
  5. JFDee

    The Case for Preemptive Debunking

    Homeopathy - due to its history - is probably the worst example when it comes to pre-emptive debunking. But I think there is a new type of bunk that skips stages One and Two because it is fueled - if not created - by the main stream media (well, a certain fraction of it). We have the...
  6. JFDee

    The Case for Preemptive Debunking

    So, what is the next story to debunk ? Are there any on the rise ? In Germany, the fight about homeopathy just entered the main stage, with well-established newspapers and magazines issuing skeptical articles, but an overwhelming part of the population (and silent support from some...