Search results

  1. JFDee

    New York Times: Talking to family members fallen for conspiracy beliefs

    Some advice by experts, not limited to QAnon. Article by Charlie Warzel. Largely follows the line of EFTRH which is good to notice. Increasingly, friends, colleagues and readers share the same story with me...
  2. JFDee

    Washington Post: Former QAnon believer's tale
  3. JFDee

    Research: Consequences of Travel Shutdown for Contrail Coverage

    The DLR has chimed in with recent research about contrail coverage during the low-air-travel period. Travel restrictions put in place to stem the COVID-19 pandemic have led to a massive decline in global air traffic since mid-March 2020. The European air traffic control authority, EUROCONTROL...
  4. JFDee

    New Podcast from NY Times: Rabbit Hole

    A new series was introduced yesterday "about how the internet is changing, and how it’s changing us." The introducing article states: Last year, after the mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand — a heinous mass murder committed by a white nationalist with ties to far-right internet...
  5. JFDee

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    There are multiple issues hampering the effort to determine the actual, average fatality rate, as a Washington Post article recently stated. Marc Lipsitch is a professor of epidemiology and director of the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health...
  6. JFDee

    NY Times Article about YouTube CT Study

    While the Times found some problems with the study reviewed in the article, it highlights the impact that YouTube had - and still has, despite the introduced measures - on the spread of conspiracy theories. Climate change is a hoax, the Bible predicted President Trump’s election and Elon Musk is...
  7. JFDee

    Useful Chemtrail Debunking Images and Infographics

    Update to post #83 - URL change for the photos. and Collection...
  8. JFDee

    9/11 Conspiracy Idea Slipped into Academic Course Material (France)

    Some turmoil recently arose in France when a study manual for "Sciences Po" (political sciences) was found to contain a 9/11 conspiracy reference. The issue was first published on "Conspiracy Watch" (French)...
  9. JFDee

    Mysterious drone swarms over Colorado and Nebraska - Chasing Venus?

    Surfing the Net a bit more (I'm on sick leave, with some extra time on hand), there are already rather sophisticated things possible to do with drones, thanks to software control. The target market is entertainment, obviously. Source:
  10. JFDee

    Mysterious drone swarms over Colorado and Nebraska - Chasing Venus?

    What I find remarkable is the following bit from the company's reply to a question below the post you linked: We were never contacted by authorities or the FAA regarding this instance, even though we are in NE. Direct link to reply
  11. JFDee

    Mysterious drone swarms over Colorado and Nebraska - Chasing Venus?

    The NY Times has weighed in, indicating no doubt that there are in fact drones about. Since before Christmas, sheriff’s departments in the region have been bombarded with reports of large drones with blinking lights and...
  12. JFDee

    Light Fall Off in Apollo Missions - American Moon Documentary

    But right behind the legs there is nothing "hot". A suit redistribution would certainly illuminate that part. I think the hotspot behind the astronaut is rather a matter of slope, towards the sun and away from it.
  13. JFDee

    Insight into Infowars, Alex Jones

    Longer piece in the NY Times Magazine by a former video editor for Infowars, including some graphic details further in. But it wasn’t the politics that initially drew me in. Jones had a way of imbuing the world with mystery, adding a layer of cinematic verisimilitude that caught my attention...
  14. JFDee

    New permalink format (actually permanent)

    Please ignore my "error report". Was not being aware that I tried to link to a Meta post ...
  15. JFDee

    New permalink format (actually permanent)

    I recently tried to link to a specific post, by using the permalink (in Twitter). Unfortunately, when I paste the link in a browser where I'm not logged in to Metabunk, I get thrown on the login page - and so is everyone else trying the link. There is an error message above the log-in...
  16. JFDee

    Bucka's Earth Rotation Experiment

    That's the time for a full day rotation (noon to noon) which is slightly more than 360° - because of earth's orbit. The shorter value (23 hours, 56 min and 4 sec) is the duration of one 360° rotation.
  17. JFDee

    High barium levels in blood? ( Mohave, AZ?)

    The first step would be trying to confirm or falsify these claims. Demand actual test results. Don't rely on hearsay. Test methods and results for metals are often misinterpreted. Keep in mind that there are various isotopes of Strontium some of which are stable and occurring naturally. So even...
  18. JFDee

    Debunked: Trees being cut down "because they block 5G" (tree replacement in Belgium)

    It should be sufficient to follow the "No Click" guideline. Get an excerpt - the relevant part - from the target page and put it below the link, enclosed in the "external content" tag. See [´x´] button in the edit toolbar.
  19. JFDee

    Demonstrating How Refraction Helps You See Over The Horizon

    He obviously thinks that the standard atmosphere applies always and everywhere which is of course not true. There are local deviations all the time, like with inversions where the gradient actually reverses direction (warm air above cold air). Also, the decreasing temperature with altitude in...
  20. JFDee

    Demonstrating How Refraction Helps You See Over The Horizon

    There is a video response from "Dr John D.". As I understand, his critique mainly revolves around the claim that air above the sea is normally less dense so that the density gradient is reversed. Comments are disabled for the video.