Search results

  1. JFDee

    Utah Drone video of UFO [Probably an Insect Zip-By]

    Providing an alternative explanation that is possible means that assuming a more exotic explanation is not exclusive. In the context we have here, providing a plausible hypothesis is sufficient. The original explanation is hypothetical as well. Now it's a matter of probability to decide which...
  2. JFDee

    Stand Up to Detect the Curve of the Earth

    In addition, the tilt always makes it lean away from you, the observer. So even if you were able to notice such a weak tilt between two buildings when looking "from the side" (perpendicular to the tilt direction), this is virtually impossible when looking in the direction of the tilt. Look at...
  3. JFDee

    What does the Flat Earth Look Like From Space, with Perspective?

    I have begun to make a point in discussions with FE believers who bring up the multiple distortions and 'bendings' that they need to explain celestial occurrences (including the different star constellations visible in the Southern hemisphere). The point I bring up is this: If all these things...
  4. JFDee

    Why some people fall down the rabbit hole

    That is indeed the ugly side. It sounds like he had struggled before, and now seems to be dependent on providing click bait. However, even articles from notorious satire sites are repeatedly quoted as serious evidence. E.g...
  5. JFDee

    Why some people fall down the rabbit hole

    In the Washington Post today: 'Nothing on this page is real' This is an insightful article which describes two sides of the current political (or rather ideological) polarization in the U.S.. It includes the story of a retired lady which is probably exemplary in pointing out the attraction of...
  6. JFDee

    Blowing out Candles with a Single Punch

    It should be possible with some practise to create vortices by blowing. That's how smoke rings are made, after all. I remember trying to influence a candle flame from some distance doing just that. I'm not entirely sure, but I think I made it flicker. No candle at hand right now, as I'm in a...
  7. JFDee

    Fontus - self-filling water bottle (indiegogo scam campaign?)

    This page listing bankruptcy notifications is in German: It seems the fraudulent claims were perpetuated in the company's insolvency petition. It is quoted indirectly: Die Entwicklung der Trinkflasche soll die...
  8. JFDee

    QAnon goes mainstream

    A QAnon promoter has visited the White House. The Washington Post writes: President Trump posed for a photo in the Oval Office this week with one of the most prominent promoters of the “QAnon” conspiracy group, who later posted a video commemorating the visit. Michael Lebron, a New York-based...
  9. JFDee

    QAnon goes mainstream

    A follow-up opinion piece by the WaPo today. I'm beginning to worry a bit. It’s obvious that this is scary, but it’s less obvious exactly why. To start, the sheer scope of the supposed conspiracy should...
  10. JFDee

    QAnon goes mainstream

    Didn't find a better place for this ... Washington Post article today: ‘We are Q’: A deranged conspiracy cult leaps from the Internet to the crowd at Trump’s ‘MAGA’ tour [...] Believers in “QAnon,” as the conspiracy theory is known, were front and center at the Florida State Fairgrounds Expo...
  11. JFDee

    Debunked: Wernher von Braun confirmed that rockets can't leave earth

    As announced, I have bought the actual book "Conquest of the Moon", in the 1953 edition. Not strictly on topic but for your pleasure I provide the cover page illustrations from a scan with decent resolution. Innocent times ...
  12. JFDee

    What is this "weird orb"? [Likely Chinese Lantern]

    Looking more closely at the actual camera the video creator used, the "Ring Video Doorbell Pro", it has some interesting features. Apart from actual recording only working with a subscription (by streaming the video over your own WiFi to the manufacturer's servers - not my ideal vision of...
  13. JFDee

    What is this "weird orb"? [Likely Chinese Lantern]

    I suspect a hoax, possibly by the owner of the camera. I'm sure it is either feasible to move very slowly to not trigger the camera or to edit the video after the recording. All you'd have to do is to place the lantern on that spot shortly after lighting the heat source. It will rise on its own...
  14. JFDee

    "Mars will be as big as the Moon" no, it won't.

    This photo seems to have been taken with an astronomical telescope. The actual view with bare eyes or binoculars was rotated by 180 degrees. Fairly spectacular though, those two red apparitions so close together. Mars being low over the horizon (SW Germany) and the long dry spell causing a...
  15. JFDee

    "Mars will be as big as the Moon" no, it won't.

    It is correct that Mars' brightness peaks at the moment. That may have been behind the idea of the article. From So Mars’ brightness waxes and wanes in our sky about every two years. But 2018 is a very...
  16. JFDee

    Debunked: Wernher von Braun confirmed that rockets can't leave earth

    In both moon landing hoax and flat earth context, a quote from Wernher von Braun (leader of the Apollo program) is used by believers. The claim is that he allegedly confirmed that it is impossible for a rocket to leave the earth at all. Source...
  17. JFDee

    Claim: Passenger luggage limited to make room for chemical tanks

    It's also worth to note that cargo space on passenger planes is filled up with regular cargo if there is room. So if you don't bring any check-in baggage, there will be more space for other cargo. A quick search brought up this...
  18. JFDee

    Sergei Skripal 'Nerve Agent' Attack

    It may as well suggest open disregard for collateral damage. Cynicism, brazeness, bragging. High visibility.
  19. JFDee

    Rome, Italy 4-12-15

    My immediate thought was: a heart, with the tip pointing away from the observer.
  20. JFDee

    Sergei Skripal 'Nerve Agent' Attack

    Of course it's not impossible that a loner did it - just unlikely and implausible.