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  1. JFDee

    'Strange' Flight Path on FR24

    Debunkers may be a bit demanding occasionally after answering ever similar questions for the umptieth time. The advice given is still sound: many things can be found out by googling and some logical thinking. It continues to amaze me how powerful that combination can be.
  2. JFDee

    Debunking Humor...

    Why are the other birds not trailing while clearly on the same altitude ?? That is not a normal bird trail !!
  3. JFDee

    Here's to the "Debunker"!

    So after all we are unaware members of a small but steadfast group (if not association) that certainly goes back to William of Ockham and likely even further? :cool: I would very much like to believe that debunking makes a real difference. It probably just keeps up a bit of a balance - but...
  4. JFDee

    NYT: GIMBAL Video of U.S. Navy Jet Encounter with Unknown Object

    Right, I've missed that. Anyway, lacking any contextual information there are many possibilities, including the one that this material has been explained DOD-internally already. We just don't know.
  5. JFDee

    NYT: GIMBAL Video of U.S. Navy Jet Encounter with Unknown Object

    Again this is conflation with the Nimitz video. AFAIK, there is really nothing but the video from the "Gimbal event". It's not even clear if this was ever officially designated as an UFO incident. The FLIR system does neither provide speed nor distance of the locked object.
  6. JFDee

    Why "Chemtrail" Tests on the Ground Find Metals That Don't Occur Naturally

    The element/compound visualization is excellent. However, the focus on an EPA standard designation is probably a bit less useful. I know it's referring specifically to the notorious Shasta tests, but AFAIK the designation does not show up on other lab result that are available. In my...
  7. JFDee

    Why "Chemtrail" Tests on the Ground Find Metals That Don't Occur Naturally

    The point here is that chemtrail believer's conclusions are drawn without regarding the actual test principle, which is understandable. In my experience, it's not too hard to explain this in an illustrative way. I usually refer to clay as being made from aluminum and oxygen, and how plasma...
  8. JFDee

    Clifford Carnicom weighs in on 'filaments' (likely spider threads)

    A new article on a 'Carnicom Institute' site tries to make the case that samples sent to CC from all over the world are not threads made by ballooning spiders. However, on first glance the only indication for this is that they look a bit different when compared to self-collected spider webs...
  9. JFDee

    Unidentified Satellite/Star in Southern Sweden 2011?

    Is there any chance that the color changes are not happening in reality but rather are sensor- or processor-induced? I googled a bit and found some things about "hot pixels" which may happen when using long exposures with a tripod- mounted camera; however that obviously doesn't apply to...
  10. JFDee

    Debunking Humor...

    I have a good friend who is an actual arachnologist, employed by the Senckenberg Society. I have no idea how much he is making and I won't ask. However I do know what he once did for several days at his job: he waited for two spiders to make love, then he poured liquid nitrogen on them at...
  11. JFDee

    Curious effect over commercial airplane wing. I suspect reflections from ice

    Airplane windows are usually made of polycarbonates which develop microscopic cracks over time. These can be aligned (like in a crystal) and refract/reflect light depending on the viewing angle. I think this should be added to the list of possible explanations. There are usually at least two...
  12. JFDee

    Unknown flying insect or object

    It's also possible that it is much closer to the lens than the background, so 'fast' is relative. This applies to size estimations as well.
  13. JFDee

    Explained: Unburned trees next to burned down structures as evidence of secret "energy weapons"

    There are several explanations and references in the posts about your's. Did you read them? Do you think they are wrong?
  14. JFDee

    Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain

    I don't think the green color that you see in the GIF are related to atmospheric refraction. They look rather like normal chromatic effects caused by the camera lens. You can clearly see them around bright spots, not just above and not after the sun is gone as explained in your link. So yes...
  15. JFDee

    The 747 SuperTanker is back - fighting Cal. wildfires

    It's indeed worth it. However, the umbrella did look somewhat battered ...
  16. JFDee

    The 747 SuperTanker is back - fighting Cal. wildfires

    It looks like the ex-Evergreen plane finally has its great moment. The state of California has enlisted one of the most powerful firefighting tools on the planet: a modified Boeing 747 aircraft that can drop 19,200 gallons of fire retardant. [...] Built in 1991, the 747-400 first flew for Japan...
  17. JFDee

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    Depends on the definition of "serious". The Hare Krishna guy claims it was actually planet Rahu. On Twitter, I read the claim that NASA has 'faked' the eclipse.
  18. JFDee

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    Here is annother earthshine image, taken without using multiple exposures. According to the creator, the setting "was a single 2 second exposure at f/8, iso 400", through a telescope with motorized mount. No EXIF data, but the lady responds to inquiries. Link to original page with some more...
  19. JFDee

    Flat Earth Theory Debunked by Short Flights (QF27 & QF28) From Australia to South America

    I have ended long discussions by politely but tenaciously asking why I saw lots of different star constellations when I travelled to NZL from Germany, and no Northern Star at all.
  20. JFDee

    Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain

    There is a new video up (from some days ago) on Soundly's channel. This time he captured the curvature of the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway by employing a telescope. Source: