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  1. JFDee

    Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain

    There is annother drive-by in Google's Streetview, this time seen from a boat. Low resolution obviously, insufficient to show the curve, but as far as you can see there is a perfect parallaxe - meaning the row of towers is in a straight line. Ignore the 'corner tower' in the foreground...
  2. JFDee

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    I've referred to the side that is actually dark (not illuminated by the sun), thus the quotation marks.
  3. JFDee

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    No, I'm referring to the challenge of capturing the 'earthshine' of the moon during a total solar eclipse.
  4. JFDee

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    Now I have a name to look for. If you google for images with "solar eclipse earthshine", there are many specific examples. The issue is obviously discussed among photo enthusiasts.
  5. JFDee

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    The creator stated in the comments on Instagram: "[...] it's all real, I took multiple exposures of the sun & mood [sic] (bracketing)" (There doesn't seem to be a way to link to specific comments)
  6. JFDee

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    Watching this image more closely, I suspect it may be a combination of two photos, as the bottom part is much less grainy. Or the upper part was much darker originally and was selectively processed.
  7. JFDee

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    Here someone took a picture during totality with long exposure / high aperture / high ISO, probably with some post-processing. The result appears to show the 'dark side' of the moon illuminated by earth's daylight side. I don't think it is likely that this is faked but I'm no expert in that...
  8. JFDee

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    That's a textbook thunderstorm anvil ... An exhibit for the WMO cloud atlas perhaps.
  9. JFDee

    Explained: Why a Phone Spirit Level Works Around the World [Accelerometers are Scales]

    Many of the Flat-Earther's arguments seem to revolve around gravity (or however they choose to name it) changing direction on a globe, which in their view contradicts 'common sense'. Obviously the spherical earth is imagined like an actual globe, standing on a solid surface which provides a...
  10. JFDee

    Southern vs Northern constellations, any difference in visibility? [No]

    Isn't the horizon itself 'elevated' by refraction? I think it should be higher compared to the one in the unrefracted version.
  11. JFDee

    Does Zooming in Change How Much of Something is Hidden by the Horizon [No]

    Ocean movement has also to be taken into consideration. It's obvious for smaller boats that even on a seemingly calm surface, long swells can hide or 'lift' a boat from one moment to the other. What you saw may have been a momentary effect. Why not try to repeat the test, with documentation...
  12. JFDee

    Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

    AFAIK, most of the more dedicated debunkers around here were attracted to UFOs or conspiracies at some - often teen-centered - point in their life. I sure know that I have devoured all UFO books in our public library when I was around 15. I think it is obvious that age is a factor regarding...
  13. JFDee

    New 2017 Cloud Atlas of the WMO Online

    The newly released (March 22nd) cloud atlas can be accessed here: Some outstanding photos in the image gallery there! Edit: Contrails are now called 'Cirrus homogenitus':
  14. JFDee

    Pre-Failure Oroville Dam Spillway Historical Images

    If the spillway had 'leaked' in some spots previously, there may have been a wash-out below the concrete surface further down. So any previous damage above the failure area would likely have added to the current event. Am I correct?
  15. JFDee

    Bunk Archeology: Barium in Jet Fuel Additive Stadis 450 [There Isn't Any]

    @rezn8d does put some numbers to Barium in jet fuel on his site. He quotes an analysis from 2000: Original source: Shumway 2000 However, this does obviously not in the least support his claim that "chemtrails are full of Barium". Note that the unit here is ppb (parts per billion). Even Aluminum...
  16. JFDee

    Bunk Archeology: Barium in Jet Fuel Additive Stadis 450 [There Isn't Any]

    Why not rely on Dr. Lohmann et al.? While their particle test was not quantitative, they had some Jet A1 analyzed, quite obviously to have some relative numbers to compare with the determined particle fractions. See slide 12. Barium might be included with "others" (seems to cover elements...
  17. JFDee

    Bunk Archeology: Barium in Jet Fuel Additive Stadis 450 [There Isn't Any]

    A likely source of confusion is the 'comma form' in CAS descriptions. From the "Naming and Indexing" abstract: The “comma of inversion” has been mentioned above (¶ 104). Other commas are used between individual locants in index heading parents, substituents, and modifications. Different types...
  18. JFDee

    Please ID this trail

    It's 7 hours for DST and 8 hours otherwise. DST this year: March 13 - November 6.
  19. JFDee

    Aerodynamic cloud created by mountain

    As seen on Sept. 25th - the peak of Grand Teton in stiff winds, creating condensation through pressure changes which are causing cooling. No other clouds around. Edit: While still 'aerodynamic' in a broader sense, the formation process is different from the one seen on aircraft wings as Skephu...
  20. JFDee

    Chem/Con orbs.. no debunking these things

    The challenge with any high magnifaction is to get the focus right. I tried to catch planes with my 60x camera but the closer I zoomed, the faster the target moved ... The 'orbs' will likely be even harder to focus on because once they are not blurred anymore, they won't be visible in the...