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  1. jarlrmai

    Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

    historical weather reports for that area indicate gusty strong winds earlier in the day blowing from the direction of the jets travel, these later subside to steady northerly around the time the photo was taken, gusty wind blowing balloons loose? The nearest station with historical data I can...
  2. jarlrmai

    Claim: 1990 Calvine UFO

    I can certainly see how an F117 viewed from certain angles would look a but like that shape drawn.
  3. jarlrmai

    Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

    I measured the gap between the 2 points then made a best guess as to where that was in the photo (there's a general sense of that land mass but it's not as clear as the other one (also lol Big Ball Island.) It's 17.6km between the 2, using the same measuring tool as above I got an estimated...
  4. jarlrmai

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    No it just means there was no range and he turned on the range display, ie the RADAR might not have been asked to lock this target even though it was capable of doing so. "there is no range, it's not like a bad range. It's not "you could not get a range", it's "there is no range". He just...
  5. jarlrmai

    Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

    I'm not sure if you missed it but the general location was mentioned in the original article mentions the plane was in zone W72, if you keep the the sun to your left there doesn't seem to be any other candidate land masses.
  6. jarlrmai

    Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

    I saw those balloons in my searches they are pretty big as demonstrated in that second photo, the acorn ones are the most interesting I reckon as we have the 2 photos with time delta and a known camera and a pretty distinctive shape. This bit of land is seen by in the acorn image, given the...
  7. jarlrmai

    Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

    crazy chance, but could this be a ship? Bottom right of the "closer" photo. Also based on the original story this happened in the area around Virginia beach near Portsmouth if that is an island or headland there might not actually be that many options I can only see the heasland of Fort Story...
  8. jarlrmai

    Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

    There are balloons larger than 1m for sale, I just can't find a batman balloon that shape and size, doesn't mean there isn't one or someone made a custom one. Given the number of shots from f/18's we seem to be seeing I thought about getting the F/18 module for DCS but then i'd have to learn to...
  9. jarlrmai

    "Pyramid" UFOs in Night Vision Footage are Bokeh

    I found it interesting that some people's propensity to acknowledge the chance of human error seems to change depending on whom is proposing the human error.
  10. jarlrmai

    Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

    Nothing is preventing you from ignoring this thread if you are uninterested in this stuff.
  11. jarlrmai

    "Pyramid" UFOs in Night Vision Footage are Bokeh

    Well it seems at least that Elizondo might not be as convinced as some that Navy personnel don't make identification errors when submitting footage to the UAPTF.
  12. jarlrmai

    Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

    The object in image 1 is 20 pixels tall The object in image 2 is 33 pixels tall measured in photoshop analysis ruler records as below Rather than using FoV I use an online image / object size calculator which does the math for you with the iPhone 8 specs entered, I presume the longest...
  13. jarlrmai

    Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

    Where is the statement from the US Military that they are still unidentified?
  14. jarlrmai

    "Pyramid" UFOs in Night Vision Footage are Bokeh

    If the date/time ever comes out we'll likely be able to say what aircraft it is, so I'd imagine we never find out that detail. I doubt an FOI request would give it.
  15. jarlrmai

    Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

    I'd like to point out that my calculations as stated do not exclude an 80cm batman balloon and that I think that the size is likely on the lower end of a spectrum between 0.5cm to 3m with 3m being if the jet was travelling at a high, near full speed. Margins of error are big when the object is...
  16. jarlrmai

    Triangle UFO footage from the UK

    Most of them are commercial airliners, like this video.
  17. jarlrmai

    Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

    Why do you think we think the Pentagon is misleading anyone?
  18. jarlrmai

    Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

    Oh there are lots of amazingly accurate models available for a price which is fine as it takes skill and effort to make them. I'm just not going to pay for one for a fun recreation of these photos.
  19. jarlrmai

    "Pyramid" UFOs in Night Vision Footage are Bokeh

    Pretty clear they start of taking a look at Jupiter, brightest object in the sky and always a nice thing to look at, then moves to the plane. Seems odd to be looking at Jupiter if you are taking footage of a alien pyramid fleet surrounding your ship.