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  1. jarlrmai

    USS Omaha UFO / UAP Radar Video

    We don't know the exact capabilities of the radar, could be it went too fast/high/low for the RADAR to pick up.
  2. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    @Mick West I've seen on your twitter a few times people going on about how you haven't talked to a pilot, like you can just call them up out of some directory and get them to discuss how possibly somewhat classified systems work. However you could just put up a tweet "Any pilots/WSO's who want...
  3. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    We know nothing about the provenance of Go Fast, there is no anecdote or report we do know it is from the same plane, crew and flight as Gimbal because the mission specific PRF code is the same. It could be they are flying along and get a track on a weather balloon's radar reflector from the...
  4. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    Not really, the laser has two functions mostly you point it at a point in the ground and a bomb follows it to that point, it can also range this seems to be a range to the point on the ground directly ahead of the ATFLIR, the laser is never talked about in the A/A modes. The laser is on the...
  5. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    Yeah there's a master switch that sets the all of the systems on the plane to air to ground or air to air (bombing versus dog fighting in really basic terms) When you switch this mode it sets loads of the systems to display different data based on what is most valuable to know for each...
  6. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    This is the LTD/R indicator (LASER TARGET DESIGNATOR / RANGER) on the ATLFIR Laser Status Indication - The laser status display provides 6 labels as follows: LTD/R (flashing) - Laser is firing with ranging available. LTD (flashing) - Laser is firing with no ranging available. LTD (steady) -...
  7. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    There's an interesting section in the Star SAFIRE manual that seems to relate to image processing done for white/black hot modes, in the examples given the objects have corresponding inverted halos, however it's unclear if this is related to the processing or not. Edge sharpening as an option...
  8. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    Yeah it's getting a bit silly now I assume there will be no response to Mick's request to chat, despite having called him out for not speaking to a fighter pilot. So far all this guy has managed to do is make fighter pilots seen like they are bad at interpreting footage from fighter jets.
  9. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    I only have 560mm on APS-C, what we really need is a 2010's era F/18 with ATFLIR.
  10. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    The main issue for his theory is In optics and photography, hyperfocal distance is a distance beyond which all objects can be brought into an "acceptable" focus. As the hyperfocal distance is the focus distance giving the maximum depth of field...
  11. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    I don't think in A/A mode there is any other system that can provide a range other than the RADAR. He acknowledges the LTD/R doesn't fire. Link 16 seems to be the shared track network, ie a track from another RADAR (ship/plane etc) being broadcast to the jet. The range must come from somewhere...
  12. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    Yeah his main real new "claim" that needs looking at is that the RNG figure in Go Fast is wrong. No-one with a big profile as a Navy source (Fravor/Graves/Underwood/Dietrich) has ever claimed this as far as I know. it's simplest attack on the debunk essentially claim a key figure is wrong. The...
  13. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    Yeah I figured it would get traction, because of the source. For Go Fast his main "real" claim is the the range is wrong for some reason.
  14. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    Not that are documented in the sim docs we are working from, the laser ranger is only used for ranging the ground in A/G mode.
  15. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    Yes he is unaware of hyperfocal distance. He also uses the V/C measure to make a point about how the speed of the object, but surely that figure is based on the rate of change of the RNG data he claims is wrong... I have being trying a lot recently to work out where that RNG figure comes from...
  16. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    Source: Easiest way to debunk the debunk video is, it's just focal length ... so the camera, the target pod, if anyone's used, you know, is obvious to anyone who's ever flown these things, is you can't focus at something 10 miles away, and then focus...