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  1. Rory

    Standard Atmospheric Refraction: Empirical Evidence and Derivation

    Here's an interesting home demonstration someone did, where they created a layer of cool air which brought into view something that was hidden by a horizon:
  2. Rory

    A Side View of the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain

    I find this all fascinating, and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one pondering this concept. I guess the possibility of seeing this 'left-to-curve' is something that has always been assumed, on both sides, but just that it was too difficult to see. After all, isn't it the basis for the famous...
  3. Rory

    A Side View of the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain

    That's how I'd always thought of it. How far from the globe would you have to be to see that?
  4. Rory

    A Side View of the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain

    Probably don't need to play with the simulator anymore: I think I was right with my thought experiment earlier. Basically, whether distant objects are lined up side-by-side or stretching into the distance seems immaterial - the curve between the viewer and each object is the same. In that sense...
  5. Rory

    Flat Earth Theory Debunked by Short Flights (QF27 & QF28) From Australia to South America

    In addition to that flight, and the one that broke its record 30 years later, detailed here, there is also Elgen Long, who was the first to fly around the world over both poles, in 1971: Also: Calin Rosetti and Richard Norton in 1987; Dick Smith and Giles Kershaw in 1988/89; Bill Harrelson in...
  6. Rory

    A Side View of the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain

    Yes. Spot on. Look at a ball. It's the curve that goes from left-to-right - or right-to-left, if preferred. Yes, I mentioned perspective, and the effect it has on the apparent heights. Mick's chess piece comparison is a really good practical demonstration of the difference between...
  7. Rory

    A Side View of the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain

    Neither. ;) That would be the curve of the horizon, like this guy's looking at here: Source: The curve of the horizon is the one people were looking at detecting with levels and straight edges in this thread. The head-on curve would be the...
  8. Rory

    A Side View of the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain

    Ok, so I've been playing around with Walter Bislin's app and I think I've got the answer: Soundly's image does show a combination of the head-on curve and the left-to-right curve - as well as perspective - though it's mostly the head-on curve, and not so easy to differentiate between the...
  9. Rory

    Lenin quote check

    Now you can change wikiquote and put it right. :)
  10. Rory

    A Side View of the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain

    Thought experiment: let's say we're 10 feet above a lake looking at a 12.5-mile long line of 50-foot tall towers that run in an arc such that each tower is exactly 4 miles away. Hidden amount is zero, so we can see all the bases. If we take a video of the line and then compress the stills, what...
  11. Rory

    Explained: Roy Moore Two Color Yearbook Signature [Depth of Field Chromatic Aberration]

    In Post #29, the first three pictures are 'the same photo', but the third one is coloured slightly differently - most noticeably in the tone of the skin and the colour of the fingernail. Mick demonstrated this is in Post #23 and in Post #26 with direct comparisons.
  12. Rory

    A Side View of the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain

    Right. Apparent height lower due to distance, and greater "hidden amount" also. Not sure what your camera height was, but at say 5 feet, the towers at 9.5 miles would have 24 feet less of the base showing than those at 4 miles. Also, the bulge height for the line of towers is 40.3 feet - which...
  13. Rory

    Explained: Roy Moore Two Color Yearbook Signature [Depth of Field Chromatic Aberration]

    That's the same as the one I posted above. What I mean is, how do we know which came first: the "grey finger" version, or the more colourful one? Mick said "grey finger" was the original; but without being able to find it on Getty I can't confirm. Is it because we'd expect the original to be...
  14. Rory

    Explained: Roy Moore Two Color Yearbook Signature [Depth of Field Chromatic Aberration]

    I can't tell what the original image is. The one that Mick refers to as "the original" in #22 is this one: Source: Although The Daily Wire has the same image in higher resolution: Source...
  15. Rory

    Roy Moore yearbook signature faked?

    One more Roy Moore handwriting sample and signature: Source: Doesn't really add anything, apart from the lower case "t". As shown above, the lower case "t" was the only letter that was somewhat different in the constitution/biography to the...
  16. Rory

    My eyes deceived me so I had to debunk myself

    Is it possible that blue, yellow, or white could appear as another colour? Also, when you say they "generally" follow the international standard, does that mean there are exceptions?
  17. Rory

    Dublin Moon and sun in same sky disproves Spherical Earth

    Youtube user 'The Bloody Truth' is a flat earther who posts 'proof' and 'globe debunking' videos. In marked contrast to most flat earthers, he invites challenges, sometimes admits when he's wrong, and apologises for using insults - plus goes against well-established flat earthers when the...
  18. Rory

    A Side View of the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain

    Big fan of your work, Soundly, and love what you and the guys are doing on youtube - but I'm it actually the left to right curve? Or is the curve that we're seeing a result of distance, and therefore the 'head on curve'? The nearest pylons are 4 miles away, while the ones on the...