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  1. Rory

    Explained: Roy Moore Two Color Yearbook Signature [Depth of Field Chromatic Aberration]

    Something I've noticed: the difference in colour between the letters either side of the line isn't so much in the ink itself, but rather in the pixels that surround the ink. Zoom in on the letters and the colour of the ink looks the same - but around those which appear somewhat blue, there are...
  2. Rory

    Roy Moore yearbook signature faked?

    Indeed. My speculation is that at some time between 1977 and 1999 he started adding the 'S'. Or possibly he didn't use it back then for 'casual' signatures - though seems to now, given the book autograph.
  3. Rory

    Explained: Roy Moore Two Color Yearbook Signature [Depth of Field Chromatic Aberration]

    I mean the whole picture. The white background. The building. It all has a blue tint compared to the one next to it.
  4. Rory

    Explained: Roy Moore Two Color Yearbook Signature [Depth of Field Chromatic Aberration]

    The whole CNN shot has a blue tint. Wonder why? And if this plays a part?
  5. Rory

    Roy Moore yearbook signature faked?

    I've managed to find some examples of Roy Moore's handwriting, which can be compared to the inscription in the yearbook: Source: Source: Seems very clear to me that all three were either written...
  6. Rory

    Roy Moore yearbook signature faked?

    Moore supporters on Twitter seem to be focusing on the "D.A." The theory goes that Moore signed Nelson's divorce papers (or the signature was stamped by the assistant) and the assistant/clerk put his/her initials - which Nelson then unsuspectingly copied, thinking it stood for 'District...
  7. Rory

    Roy Moore yearbook signature faked?

    Moore's attorney questions the authenticity of the writing in the yearbook in this video: Interestingly, he focuses on the numbers 7s, "Olde Hickory House", and the initials "D.A." He says they're clearly not in Moore's handwriting. But he doesn't say anything about the entire rest of the...
  8. Rory

    Roy Moore yearbook signature faked?

    Another part of Wictor's defense is that the y's are different. But comparing with the signature Deirdre posted above, that falls down also. In the two 'official' signatures, he has signed his middle initial, but not on the one at the diner. Meanwhile, the 'M' from the diner is closer to the one...
  9. Rory

    Roy Moore yearbook signature faked?

    And yet, even zooming in on the two different sections from this image shows that the ink is the same colour: My speculation is that "12-22-77 Olde Hickory House" (and maybe "D.A.") was written by someone different, though with the same pen, and that the rest was written by Roy Moore...
  10. Rory

    Stand Up to Detect the Curve of the Earth

    Though you did link to and post photos of Catalina Island, that's right, it's the one of Santa Barbara Island that we're waiting to see. It's been eight months since you wrote "I'd be happy to show it to you" - but while you've shown several other photographs, we still haven't seen this one...
  11. Rory

    Stand Up to Detect the Curve of the Earth

    The photo we're talking about is the one you said you had of Santa Barbara Island from just above sea level. That looks like a lovely place to play football, by the way. :)
  12. Rory

    Clifford Carnicom weighs in on 'filaments' (likely spider threads)

    That's just the warm-up. Wait till it gets released across the entire planet. :o
  13. Rory

    RT Promoting Flat Earth?

    Nice little film, that. Definitely mocking in tone, but gentle enough not to be offensive. :)
  14. Rory

    “Flat Earth” map

    An AE map is just a projection of a globe, so the distances will be the same - though you can't very easily measure anything other than north to south on an AE map, because the distance between lines of longitude increases the further south you go. Are you asking what the distance between those...
  15. Rory

    Bugs and Suggestions for

    Any way to add the ability to embed facebook videos?
  16. Rory

    What to do about the Flat Earthers? Debunk, or ignore?

    Looks like a religious convention, and the birth of a new religion. I guess that's okay. There's no requirement on this earth to maintain rational thought. No reason why we can't all live in harmony. Peace. :)
  17. Rory

    9/11: Hijackers still alive?

    I guess the fact that we don't proves the BBC are in on it too! :eek:
  18. Rory

    Unidentified Satellite/Star in Southern Sweden 2011?

    As a sidenote: I watched Taurus move across the sky every night for several months earlier this year while lying in a hot springs pool in some foothills in Mexico and realised that it actually looks totally like a fox, and nothing at all like a bull. So I propose that we all start calling it...
  19. Rory

    Tehran Plasco Highrise Fire And Collapse - 9/11 WTC7, WTC1&2 Comparisons

    I'm no expert but I can't clearly see charges going off. I can see puffs of smoke and air, and even some flames, etc - which I suppose could be charges, could be due to the collapse, could be something else. Given that the building's already on fire though, and looks like it's about ready to...
  20. Rory

    NY Times: In Italian Schools, Reading, Writing and Recognizing Fake News

    I think the point is that you're supposed to google, not just guess and see if you got some right. It's not about getting them right, it's about developing the skills so you can figure it out for sure.