Search results

  1. Rory

    Las Vegas Massacre - Surveillance Footage?

    That might have been the case if they were actually on the lookout for such things. But you can't 'miss' someone when you're not looking for anyone.
  2. Rory

    Is this a star or ufo?

    He's in South Carolina, pictures taken in September. Therefore UTC -4. How is the app calculating your direction? Do you remember the direction you were facing? Also some approximate GPS coordinates.
  3. Rory

    Las Vegas Shooting Creates Huge Spike in Searches for "False Flag"

    Er, isn't that what you were just given? Plus, if there's something fishy about this addition to the timeline of the shooting of the security guard, why would The Powers That Be put that in the mix? The only thing that doesn't make sense here is that someone would think this is further evidence...
  4. Rory

    Las Vegas Shooting Creates Huge Spike in Searches for "False Flag"

    Maybe he just wanted to go out with a bang. Maybe he'd been thinking about something like this his whole life. I remember a kid at my school used to fantasise scenarios like this. God only knows why. Probably just wanted attention or something. Where does it say that?
  5. Rory

    How to Show the Horizon is Below Eye Level, Using Actual Eyes

    The way I thought I could do it was: draw a vertical line on a brick on the near corner at eye level on the same course, find the point where the brick height is half the apparent size using your brick dimensions figure out how far that point is from the near corner that is therefore how far...
  6. Rory

    Las Vegas Shooting Creates Huge Spike in Searches for "False Flag"

    A conspiracy theorist I know has big problems with the Las Vegas shooting precisely because she can't see a motive. It's a strange world she lives in, where the government can be so horrible, yet she can't get it in her head that people would do terrible things for little reason. Perhaps most...
  7. Rory

    How to Show the Horizon is Below Eye Level, Using Actual Eyes

    Got it. So the distance along the wall where the bricks are half the height of the near bricks is also the distance to the camera? What was the distance to the wall?
  8. Rory

    How to Show the Horizon is Below Eye Level, Using Actual Eyes

    I'm finding that a little difficult to follow. Not sure what 'brick height/horizontal pitch' means in this context. I think if I knew the distance to the wall, though, I could work out the dip to the horizon. Can you explain how to 'use similar triangles'? (Though bearing in mind this may never...
  9. Rory

    Debunking Humor...

    Look Around You is amazing. In fact, most of Peter Serafinowicz's stuff is, but not so well known. Your question was a red herring: there is zero bunk in that second video.
  10. Rory

    How to Show the Horizon is Below Eye Level, Using Actual Eyes

    I don't believe it! The horizon is below eye level! ;) What's your equation for working out the dip to the horizon?
  11. Rory

    Debunking Humor...

    That's the most enjoyable John Oliver I've seen. Say what you will about Alex Jones: he's manna from heaven for any comedian.
  12. Rory

    Explained: Mexico City Earthquake Lights [Power Line Arcing and Transformer Explosions]

    A 2010 paper on earthquake lights before, during, and after a 2009 quake in central Italy begins with the premise that: A review of observations has highlighted the well established existence of luminous phenomena [related to seismic activity]...
  13. Rory

    Changes to [EX] Tags

    One of the things about the ex tags, as well as quotes, is that they generate their own line breaks, meaning you have to kind of 'manually manage' the appearance. Though I notice with this recent change the ex tags seem to be doing better (ie, only one line break instead of two). Another issue...
  14. Rory

    What British Muslims think about 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

    In a paper titled 'Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures', the author states that: Conspiracy theories relating to terrorism, especially theories that arise from and post-date the 9/11 attacks, exist within the United States and, even more virulently, in foreign countries, especially Muslim...
  15. Rory

    What British Muslims think about 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

    You did indeed. I guess I thought you'd found the original questionnaire. I'm wondering if we can confirm whether it really was multiple-choice or not. Seems to have been, judging by the style and the rest of the survey - but then, it's kind of an odd one if it was, offering up "Jews" like that...
  16. Rory

    What British Muslims think about 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

    Sure. Just subtract each of those numbers from, say, 80 - leaving 20% for "don't knows" - and there's the approximate percentage that have "attitudes that are generally held to be true." :) Could you post the link to the document please? That's good info right there.
  17. Rory

    Debunking Humor...

    From a youtube comment on a supposed 'false flag' video:
  18. Rory

    Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

    I've seen your videos and comments - you're a pretty tireless warrior. Welcome to the forum. :)
  19. Rory

    What British Muslims think about 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

    That's a commendable attitude: I think "don't know" is often the most honest - and therefore 'correct' - answer to a lot of questions, and it's enlightening how seldom it's used. As for the British public, a quick search on what they have been reported to believe by surveys: 52% believe in...
  20. Rory

    What British Muslims think about 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

    You're reading for the Non-Muslim control group. See below. Fair enough. Also in that survey is the data taken from 2,047 non-Muslims - the 'control group' - whose results were as follows: That's quite a different set of responses. And I suppose if you wanted to you could add the two...